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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. Sore throat silences PM

    BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will not be speaking to the media for a week. He is suffering from a sore throat.

    Mr Thaksin avoided the podium at Government House on his arrival yesterday, telling reporters gathered outside Santi Maitree Building that he had a sore throat and intended to keep quiet in front of the cameras for one week.

    Mr Thaksin, who has been facing heavy criticism over the government's zoning plan for the South, told reporters it was a holy Buddhist day.

    He suggested calm solemnity would be the right attitude to maintain.

    He was a little ahead of himself.

    The biggest holy day of the month is today, Makha Bucha Day.

    --Bangkok Post 2004-02-23


  2. It's all going on in Pattaya at the moment, it seems.

    This story, though, sent a shiver down my spine!

    Poor girl!

    What a gruesome incident!

    String the assailant up by his balls!

    I was going to pop into Pattaya on my next visit.

    I think i'll swerve it.

    Exploited teenagers.

    Prostitute murders.

    On my thread asking about bad experiences in Thailand, most of the bad images came from there!

    I've been told it has lost all of it's Thainess. I wanted to see, briefly, what such a place could be like!

    Nah, no place for me.

    Still feel it for the girl though!


    Don't be so narrow minded be because of something you read here, yes its true but what the heck. :o

    Pattaya is'nt the only place where murders take place. :D

    Pattaya is alot safer than most of the uk towns.

    Absolutely agree with dave..we would never go anywhere if we worried about the odd murder or two

  3. He's going to turn the land into a park, certainly much better use of the land than bars. 


    :o Can someone please pop down to soi 10 and take a photo? I'd love to see how this promised "public park plus orphan daycare center plus public library" turns out.

    The only indivcation that the lot is a park is the signage on the perimiter wall "Chuwit Park".

    Nothing has been done in months - no doubt too busy with elections.

    My sense is that 'going public" with the corruption issue surrouding his massage parlours has made him very very unpopular in certain circles and he will have to keep himself in the public spotlight

    He has to cleanse the parkland of evil alchol spirits that 'may' have soaked into the earth before he can create his Chuwit Park. Bit similar I would imagine when industrial wasteland in the west gets turned into housing but first they have to remove the green goo below the top soil :D

    By the time this happens, he will be hoping everyone will have forgotten about the park and up goes another 5* hotel, The Chuwit Plaza Resort and Spa. :D

    Well it seems as though even the ad hoarding has also now disappeared - all there is at the location is a row of concrete barriers hiding a pile of crap - nice parkland that. I look forward to walking through the swaying leafy palm trees, with fountains shimmering in the........oh well, perhaps not!!

    This guy changes his mind like the weather...First he`s going to build a 5 star hotel on the site then it`s going to be a 4 star hotel and now he`s supposed to be a charitable entrepreneur who is so overwhelmed by the number of votes he got from people he is giving the use of his land to them.

    The reality is that he is a businessman who can see a massive opportunity here that by being in politics he can make even more satang sitting with the other corrupt political cronies.

  4. no really - there have always been wingnuts here in masse, but its really out of control now. its a vertiable freak show.

    ive a friend, been here abouttenn years - he's named about 20-30 of them. really funny!


    the rat

    the toothbrush

    dave the hat

    oh - too mutt

    the question is where is different? even lao is chock-a-block with annoying isreali and nearly equally annoying american backpackers.

    ...Wherever you go in the world you will find people who are down on their luck, eccentrics and the mentally handicapped...you may call them freaks but there but for the grace of god go you HN51...ooops sorry h5n1. :o

  5. I am afraid Pattaya attracts a very dodgy crowd of farangs, Thais alike for that matter. Add alcohol, drug consumption, finacial pressures, relationship stress

    Add to that the fact that these guys have fallen head over heel with a prostitute and take all the lying and bullshit, convinced they have found someone of their dreams.

    Then it goes pear shaped :-(

    If you read the original news clipping, you will see that this girl said that she told the guy to go back home to sort out his life - she would be able to raise the child by herself as she had a steady job.

    This does not sound like a bargirl / go-go girl, but a normal girl, meeting a guy, setting up house with him, so on, so on - it happens all over the world.

    Don't judge all girls by the company you keep.

    ....agree...it`s amazing how a bunch of people can convict a person from a piece of local news.....How narrow minded is that?

  6. bus station to beach road: 20

    up soi2 to north road: 05

    down beach road: 05

    dolphin roundabout to tesco: 05

    dolphin roundabout to bus sta: 10 (rip)

    over hill (jomtien): 10

    soi bukhao: 05

    central road from 2 to sukhumvhit (either way): 05

    give the money EXACT CHG and walk away. if there are two of you, each give exact money.

    khon thai hai ha baht, falang hai same same! < if harrassed.

    dont get into empty songtaew

    walk when possible

    you might want to note the ## when you get into the bus, if hassled -rattle the ## back to them in thai (you remember) and say tourist police. methinks it all ends there.

    ....and I thought that Pattaya was all about relaxing and enjoyment...... :o

  7. The following is information which I have taken from a publication issued by the Public Carriage Office transport for London press release dated 27th January 2005.

    "There are no plans to encourage Londoners to haggle with taxi drivers over fares.

    Following last year`s Office of Fair trading nationwide report on Taxi and private hire regulations it was recommended that all UK local authorities should set fare tarrifs which represent the Maximum that can be charged, and not fixed on Minimum fares. In London this was infact already the case".

    £2.00 minimum fare at all times. Distance shown in miles 1 2 &3.

                              6a.m.               8p.m.             10.p.m.


                              8p.m.               10p.m.            6.a.m.


      1                       £3.60               £4.00             £4.60

      2                       £5.40               £6.20              £7.40

      3                       £9.00               £10.80            £13.00.

    The meter also automatically adds a charge based on time for any part of the journey when speed goes below 10.4 m.p.h.

    So here we are winging about 5 baht or 10 baht at any time day or night.....maybe we don`t realize how lucky we are..

    Another one 'pay what they ask'...

    Have you any idea of what a london black cab driver has to do to get his license?

    First is to learn all the obscure places of london and the best.memorise every road which includes where the same road changes names about 3 times in a mile or so.

    He then has to sit opposite an inquisitor and from memory say how to get from ,say. lords cricket ground to an obscure block of flats in Streatham-exact entry points-...app. 10 questions each visit...

    his cab costs a fortune and must be kept spotless or he will lose his license..

    He nowadays has the east european asylum seekers to contend with who hang around outside clubs offering cheaper taxi services...Plus the weirdo passengers he is likely to encounter.

    Come on p414 don`t get ` carried away`. I pay 10 baht for local rides in Pattaya and if going anywhere not on the normal routes I of course negotiate the price first.

    But it seems that even you have to pay the asking price sometimes i.e. 200baht which you previously mentioned.

    And yep the London Cabbies must have a real hard life compared to the baht bus drivers :o

  8. Hmong told to comply with Thai family laws

    CHIANG MAI: --  Officials in the northern province of Chiang Mai have been engaged in intense negotiations with the Hmong minority group after it emerged that girls as young as 13 years old were being married off in traditional wedding ceremonies.

    The tradition came to light recently when a teenage Hmong girl submitted a complaint to the local Women’s Protection Centre, saying that she had been married off against her will.

    Today Mr. Kwanchai Wongnitikorn, deputy provincial governor, admitted that the issue was a delicate one, as the Hmong community did not perceive anything wrong with the tradition.

    In order to solve the problem, the provincial authority has now signed agreements with Hmong leaders in three districts to ensure that the traditional weddings do not involve girls under the age of 18. The agreements also note that it would be better for teenage girls to receive education than to marry them off.

    Mr. Kwanchai expressed confidence that the Hmong community would comply with the agreements, saying: “They’ve been doing this for generations, but when told that they were Thai now and had to comply with Thai law, they understood”.

    --TNA 2005-02-20

    I wonder if the agreements will only be binding within the provincial authority district. The Hmong are strict animists and will only normaly make important decisions like this when their Shamans have been directed to do so by the Spirits.

  9. Can anyone offer advice on putting together a Connect Four Tournament in Pattaya? It's not quite chess, maybe not even checkers, but I think it might be fun to find out who the best players are. I did a web search but other than a few computer science pages I don't find much. I'm guessing it could held in a single day. Some general questions:

    What might be a good time of the year?  I think maybe low-season would be good as workers are maybe not so busy. And what might be a good day of the week? Some competitors might have weekend jobs.

    I suspect some prize money would need to be on offer to attract the top competitors but how much? 2K? 5K? 10K? 40K? Would even a modest entrance fee keep Thais from entering? And will anyone show up... even if it was free!?

    Are there any good venues for such an event? Location? Atmosphere? Does Pattaya have any kind of community center? (One time I saw a street sign on 2nd road indicating the existence of a "Public Library" but good luck finding it.) Might a hotel/restaurant/bar donate some space?

    Finally, are such tournaments legal in Thailand? (Megabreak has its pool tournaments, etc.)

    Thanks for any advice!

    Gambling except for the official lottery is illegal in the kingdom :o

  10. He will have guaranteed his invite to the next "royal wedding"at Windsor Zoo with the rest of the diss-functional "elite".

    He could probabally dress up in a red jacket,bring his horse and dogs (bit of a foxy one here)shave his head,tattoo between eyes with a ring through his bit and not forgetting the armband with the unusual cross on it..................I say Carruthers......dropped in the old do-das again...haw-haw-haw (upper class...555)

    One of TIT lads :o  :D

    You`re not supporting Fox Hunting are you.....I`d better watch my brush :D

  11. How can any government be at fault when this was act of mother nature??

    Sorry, irrelevant in Court.

    No, wasn't it an act of God?


    It's absolutely amazing how much "hind-sight" some people have. If the earthquake and ensuing tsunami could have been predicted by someone, then we needed those same people around when the volcano erupted in the Phillipines, killing hundreds, and when Mt Vesuvius erupted in Italy, burying the city of Pompei, and when the fire broke out in the hotel in Jomtein, killing hundreds. Wow.....you guys are great.....you should be prognosticators yourselves then you could put the blame where it belongs..... even BEFORE it happens.

    Hind sight.....If I recall most of the people who died in the fire in the Jomtiem hotel died because the management ordered the fire doors to be locked so that people would not leave the hotel without paying their bill.......an act of man ...not god.

  12. The confirmed body count is moot: we all know the disease is present and thriving. Khun Toxin would sooner drink his own urine than admit to anything that would hamper the inflow of tourist money.

    Money is the priority. Deaths, well, everybody dies.

    Don`t panic guys Dengue fever has been around in various forms in Asia since 1780. There are millions of cases a year made up from differing strains of the disease.

    The headline news I am sure is `Sensational` and is based on known cases over a period of time.

    When you consider that an estimated 10,000 people die of flu related illnesses in the UK alone every year then these figures don`t look so huge.

    Thailand has been working on a vaccine for Dengue fever for some time although human testing has yet to be started it is estimated that a vaccine will be available in 5 to 10 years time.

    We should I think be more concerned over the mutation of the Avian flu virus which will be a major problem if it mutates within humans.

  13. The following is information which I have taken from a publication issued by the Public Carriage Office transport for London press release dated 27th January 2005.

    "There are no plans to encourage Londoners to haggle with taxi drivers over fares.

    Following last year`s Office of Fair trading nationwide report on Taxi and private hire regulations it was recommended that all UK local authorities should set fare tarrifs which represent the Maximum that can be charged, and not fixed on Minimum fares. In London this was infact already the case".

    £2.00 minimum fare at all times. Distance shown in miles 1 2 &3.

    6a.m. 8p.m. 10.p.m.

    8p.m. 10p.m. 6.a.m.

    1 £3.60 £4.00 £4.60

    2 £5.40 £6.20 £7.40

    3 £9.00 £10.80 £13.00.

    The meter also automatically adds a charge based on time for any part of the journey when speed goes below 10.4 m.p.h.

    So here we are winging about 5 baht or 10 baht at any time day or night.....maybe we don`t realize how lucky we are..

  14. I always thought a continuous tram system around the circuit (beach Rd. second Rd.) would be a good idea.

    However i have no problems whatsoever with the baht buses. More the merrier in my opinion. I have never had to wait for one to pick me up for more than seconds.

    I pay 5 baht to central Rd. And 10 baht to Big C. Same down beach Rd. 5 baht to as far as Soi 10. And 10 baht the full lenghth of beach Rd.

    Always give coins for fare. Giving notes of 20/50/100 or more, you can expect to be at the mercy of whatever the driver wants to charge you.

    Getting rid of 80% of the baht busses in Pattaya would fix several probles:

    Maybe... but then you will be on here complaining of stood at the roadside 15 minutes, sweating your nads off waiting in a queue for one. And having only 20% of these baht buses, where do you think they would be! i'll tell you. Doing the beach Rd. / second Rd.circuit. Don't expect to flag one down with the ease you do at the moment anywhere else in Pattaya. And when one does pull up and sees how elated you are, yet dripping in sweat. How much more do you think you will pay?

    Exactly SEAtramp...... I am more than happy to see numerous baht busses plying their trade and offerring what I have found to be the quickest, easiest and cheapest transport system in any country that I have visited.... If the numbers are reduced you will be standing a lot longer as many full baht busses speed past...Yes the driver will be smiling....but you won`t be..

  15. .......No one will ever know the real truth, only the poor chap who is no longer with us.......None of us are perfect....we all have emotions, and at times these emotions can get confused....and as they say if you have never loved then you have never lived.....Most people who I know have gone through emotional times if they have spent any length of time in Pattaya....some people are stronger than others and can handle it better.....my feelings go out to this guy`s family and I think that we should not allow this thread to become disrespectful..

  16. Copy of e-mail received by B&Q customer services:

    Dear Sir/Madam

    My congratulations to you on getting a yacht to leave the UK on 28th November 2004, sail 27,354 miles around the world and arrive back 72 days later.

    Could you please let me know when the kitchen I ordered 96 days ago will be arriving from your warehouse 13 miles away?

    Yours Sincerley

    John Roberts.

  17. ....Shipwrecked on a desert island, there are:-

    2 Italian men and 1 Italian woman

    2 French men and 1 French woman

    2 German men and 1 German woman

    2 Greek men and 1 Greek woman

    2 English men and 1 English woman

    2 Bulgarian men and 1 Bulgarian woman

    2 Japanese men and 1 Japanese woman

    2 Chinese men and 1 Chinese woman

    2 American men and 1 American woman

    2 Irish men and 1 Irish woman

    .....One month later on this same absolutely stunning desert island in the middle of nowhere, the following things had occurred:-

    a.... One Italian man had killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman.

    b.... The two French men and the French woman are living happily together in a menage-a-trois.

    c.... The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of alternating visits with the German woman.

    d.... The two Greek men are sleeping with each other and the Greek woman is cleaning and cooking for them.

    e.... The two English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the English woman.

    f.... The two Bulgarian men took one long look at the endless ocean, and another long look at the Bulgarian woman, and started swimming.

    g.... The two Japanese men have faxed Tokyo and are awaiting instructions.

    h.... The two Chinese men have set up a pharmacy, a liquor store, a restaurant and a laundry, and have got the Chinese woman pregnant in order to supply employees for their businesses.

    i.... The two American men are contemplating the virtues of suicide because the American woman keeps endlessly complaining about her body; the true nature of feminism; how she can do everything that they can do; the necessity of fulfilment; the equal division of household chores; how sand and palm trees make her look fat; how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and teated her nicer than they do; how her relationship with her mother is improving and how at least there are no taxes to pay and it is not raining.

    j.... The two Irishmen have divided the island into North and South and set up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture because it gets sort of foggy after the first few litres of coconut moonshine...But they are satisfied! because at least the English aren`t having any fun.

  18. A man met a beautiful girl and she agreed to spend the night with him for $400.00. So they spent the night together.

    In the morning, before he left, he told the girl that he did not have any cash with him, but that he would get his secretary to write a cheque and mail it to her, calling the payment "Rent for Apartment."

    On the way to the office he regretted what he had done, realizing that the whole event was not worth the price. So he sent a cheque for $200.00, and enclosed a note.

    Dear Madam,

    Enclosed find a cheque in the amount of $200.00 for rent of your apartment. I am not sending the amount agreed upon because when I rented the apartment, I was under the impression that:

    *It had never been occupied.

    *There was plenty of heat.

    *Last night, however I found out that:-

    *It had been previously occupied.

    *That there wasn`t any heat, and it was entirely too large.

    Upon receipt of the note, the girl immediately sent back the following reply:

    Dear Sir,

    First of all I cannot understand how you expect such a beautiful apartment to remain unoccupied indefinitely.

    As for the heat, there is plenty of it if you know how to turn it on.

    Regarding the space, the apartment is indeed of regular size, but if you don`t have enough furniture to fill it, please don`t blame the landlord.

    I will expect full payment due immediately or I will be forced to send someone to remove your furniture.

  19. The 98 year old Mother Superior from Ireland was dying.

    The nuns gathered around her bed trying to make her last journey comfortable..

    They gave her some warm milk to drink but she refused.

    Then one of the nuns took the glass back to the kitchen... Remembering a bottle of Irish Whiskey received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.

    Back at Mother Superior`s bed, she held the glass to her lips. Mother drank a little, then a little more....and before they knew it. she had drunk the whole glass down to the last drop.

    "Mother", the nuns asked with earnest, "please give us some wisdom before you die."

    She raised herself up in bed with a pious look on her face and said,

    "Don`t sell that cow."

  20. just goes to show that thais are willing to kill farangs for a couple of thousand baht, will you be next???

    For anyone who is not that familiar with the muggings and killings which have escalated in Pattaya over the last few years please do not go out wearing gold chains especially at night and do not walk in isolated areas even during the daytime. Always be aware of motor cycles as it seems that most of the perpetrators commit these crimes with the use of motor cycles.

    Many of these criminals are youths...so don`t be fooled by their angelic faces.

    Do not carry more cash than you need and never carry your wallet in your back pocket.....all common sense. :o

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