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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. <font color='#000080'>In a few other posts a lot has been said about the current regimes announced 'war on sleaze'. In one of these I, and several others, mentioned that the image was such that tourists were actually put off coming. The question was then posed is the loss off sex-tourists offset by the gain of family orientated tourism.

    Well this excerpt comes from todays Daily Mail (Monday 18/08/2003 Page 26) - for non-Uk'ers the Daily Mail is a middle class and slightly right of centre national non-broadsheet.

    RUSSIAN tennis star Anna Kournikova is to promote the seedy Thai resort of Pattaya. Anna, 22, famous for skimpy outfits, is getting £250,000 for starring in a video guide and playing an exhibition match there. But the video won't show the darker side of the resort - now a multi-billion-dollar hub for Thailand's sex industry

    That is word-for-word from the paper (even the strange grammar - "won't" and starting a sentance with "But" etc).

    That is the image that is being sent to the middle class readers that Taksin's government is trying to attract. Is it no wonder he is trying to be seen as doing all he can to 'clean-up' the streets?</font>

    ...Well my dictionary definition of Seedy is: (a)...full of seed....(:D shabby, and ©...unwell...

    I would say that for:-

    For (:D...yes there are some shabby areas.

    For ©.... yes a few unwell people after too much libation.

    ...and for (a)...you should draw your own conclusions.. :o

  2. Does Thailand have a bad reputation?

    Well, when i tell colleagues i'm going on holiday to Thailand, the common reaction is 'Oh right' while looking down sheepishly.

    So there's your answer.

    But the majority (if not all) of these people have never been there and most importantly I couldn't give a flying &lt;deleted&gt; what they think!! :o

    ..... and i`ll bet that most of your male colleagues wish they were going too :D

  3. It seems that the universe Gym has gone, i hear it was relocated to a new location and is opening anytime now....BUT does anyone know where it has relocated to....any info will be very much appreciated.

    There is a Universe Gym at 5/128 Sukhumvit Road Moo 9 ( in the 2 storey building) behind the Pattaya Traders office Tel (038) 416001.

  4. Thanks guys. Must say I really like this forum - good responses all around and a nice atmosphere. The only response I didn't like was criticized by others.

    I left out some details since I was not sure if I want them in the open in a forum I didn't know. I was not aware of that loan and it's about the third time in almost four years that she "tricked" small amounts out of me. It's my experience that you can sink 10 grand a month into the family and after 2 years there's absolutelt nothing to show for it. When I met her, I took care of her immediate probs which cost me something like 60K. It's not my first time in Thailand and I am wawre of the fact that the girls wouldn't be working in a bar if they jadn't some serious financial problems. But after the initial fix-up (hospital bills for the birth of the baby the "husband" didn't pay aso) I sent her mother 2000 Baht amonth, told her that's it. They live far away and we have no contact. Then she hocked my motorcycle without my knowledge, had to bail it out. Then 16K for the sister. No big amounts. She says: "When I ask you, you say no" and that seems to be enough reason to steal - that's what it is. But I know the family pressures her, and she doesn't go out and gamble or drink or buy telefones or goldchains. She has to help the family. She is otherwise a very honest and hard working woman, and I love her and the daughter, now 5. So I forgive her as long as it doesn't escalate, and it didn't. Of course she promises she'll never do it again. Maybe I shouldn't be so stingy with her, but I'm trying to get by as an english teacher. We live a comfortable life but I can't support the family.

    Basically I was looking for a way out, but guess I'll have to pay. So no new Honda Wave, but a donation to the poor of the Isaan. I can live with that.

    Oh my friend you have fallen into the trap....your heart is ruling your head and because you are head over heals in love with this lady you are unable to make rational judgments as you would do if you were back in your own country.

    She has deceived you by the sound of it on more than one ocassion and you continue to bail her out.

    Your first mistake was the initial payment of the 60,000 baht....from there on you were the soft touch for the family.....you can almost hear the family chants " Satang...Farang"

    What you have to realise (but you won`t because of your emotional involvement) is that there are many honest ladies out there, and that you do not need a relationship which causes you grief on a continual basis.

    Why not take a deep breath and use a little helecopter vision on this and look down on your situation and weigh up the pros and cons.....maybe even cool the relationship a little and give yourself some space to think about your future.

    I am not posting this information lightly.....I have had a very similar experience to yours in the past and I went through a nightmare with a lady for a number of years until I saw the light.....and do you know within 4 months she had married another farang.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do...but remember you only have one life and you are intelligent, you work hard and you deserve the new Honda :o

  5. You take a taxi to Don Muang and the fare is 200baht. You have exactly 800baht left after your stay in Thailand. 500 of which is for airport tax.

    So do you give the taxi driver the hundred or do you keep it for coffee.

    Toasted cheese sandwich = 100 baht

    Large whisky = 200 baht

    Total = 300 baht

    Chok-dee khrap!

    Coffee....free on the plane. :D

    i now can see why you failed in maths :o

    Maths are perfect the spare 100 baht buys the cheese sandwich but you never get the whisky free.. :D

  6. I'm hoping someone may be able to help me, probably by Thai contacts in Nakua and/or Sa Kaeo.

    This was bound to happen. A few minutes after posting I actually got a reply on her mobile!! Sod's law or what? But I'm a happy bunny now, as she's going to the local internet cafe tomorrow. I hope it's not full of schoolkids playing latest games, as when I was there and could not check my emails.

    her English is not good, so I did not get an answer as to whether her mom and child are well. It's now an unusually long time she's been at home, and there must be a reason for that.

    ....maybe she`s been away with her boyfriend :o

  7. You take a taxi to Don Muang and the fare is 200baht. You have exactly 800baht left after your stay in Thailand. 500 of which is for airport tax.

    So do you give the taxi driver the hundred or do you keep it for coffee.

    Toasted cheese sandwich = 100 baht

    Large whisky = 200 baht

    Total = 300 baht

    Chok-dee khrap!

    Coffee....free on the plane. :o

  8. Hi, I'm new to the forum and have a question I can't find any answers for through the search engine. My girlfriend of almost four years borrowed 23.000 Baht from a chinese loan shark 16 months ago which blossomed into a debt of 42.000 Baht by now. Is there any advice out there, any other possibility than paying it back to get rid of that problem, or do I have to bite the bullett?

    Pay it off before it escalates further...

    Speak to your girlfriend....and make sure that she does not borrow again.

  9. its pretty foolish and selfish to go un-insured healthwise in a foriegn country.

    should you be unfortunate enough to fall prey to one of the thousands of ailments or accidents that can't be put right with a band aid or a couple of nights and a straightforward operation then the responsibility for arranging the care and footing the bill falls on those who are nearest and dearest to you , especially if you are rendered unable to speak for yourself.

    6 months in a coma , 6 months of chemotherapy , a stroke that leaves one paralysed and in need of repatriation etc.etc.etc.

    it's situations like that that can be very traumatic for those back home as they may have to struggle to raise the funds to pay the bills. the last thing that anyone or any family member needs when a close one is gravely ill is to have to deal with hospitals , especially the accounts dept and especially in a foriegn country.

    i have had to arrange hospital treatment , nursing cover ,  payment of inflated and padded bills  and flights back to the uk for a stroke victim , believe me when i say that i would not want to do it again , ever.

    a good insurance company should take care of all this , and leave  friends and family free to give moral support to the patient and each other.

    getting medical insurance is not a sign of weakness but a sign of responsibility , both towards yourself and towards those friends and family who may have to step in , clear up the mess and pay some unbelievably high bills.

    its more than a safety net , its a life saver , and the fact that you can look after yourself in a camping environment has , unfortunately , no relevance whatsoever to your predisposition to serious illness which can strike anyone at any time in their lives.

    health insurance has , unfortunately , been the best purchase i have ever made.

    you have absolutely no idea what can hit the fan tomorrow.

    as any boy scout who can build a fire and a shelter will tell you....... be prepared.

    Well said taxexile....I never realised how smart I was to have health insurance cover, until I fell ill a few years ago with a strain of typhoid whilst in Pattaya.

    My thanks to Bangkok Pattaya hospital for their speedy diagnoses of the problem and their subsequent excellent care (10 days in hospital).

    I also had the misfortune to break my leg about two years ago whilst in Pattaya, and again due to private Insurance I received the best of treatment.

    You might get away with being accident or illness free if you are lucky, but you only realise how worthwhile the insurance cover is when you need it. :o

  10. They won't receive the death penalty, be assured of that.

    On what do you make that assertion? I thought the government had a zero tolerance "shoot to kill" no exceptions policy ever since the crackdown began over a year ago.

    Not that I'm arguing, I just wonder how you know this.

    because the death penalty is adminstered for larger amounts.eg 2 oz of herion,even then the death penalty would only be used if the defendant denied the accusation to the bitter end...

    Take the case of uk plonker micheal colins-he got 99 years after admitting trying to smuggle 4500 E's through don muang..

    He would have recieved the death penalty had he denied the allegations..

    99 years.... I think many would rather have the death penalty

  11. A drunk phoned police to report that thieves had been in his car.

    "They`ve stolen the dashboard, the steering wheel, the brake pedal, the radio. even the accelerator," he cried out.

    However, before the police investigation could start, the phone rang a second time and the same voice came over the line, "Never mind," he said with a hiccup, "I got into the backseat by mistake."

  12. WHich better for a family with young daughter of 11 years old who prefers a hotel with good swimming pool and kids club & activities?

    THanks in advance :D

    Of the two then definitely the Hard Rock Hotel, a four star hotel which came into being about two years ago when the Hard Rock Group took over a previous hotel on the site and totally refurbished it and gave it it`s new identity. It is centrally situated between Beach Road and Second Road thereby giving you easy access to both the Northern and Southern ends of Pattaya. For an eleven year old I would think this place would be great with superb swimming pools and all the excitement of the Pop World.

    The Siam Bayshore which is really a three star hotel on the other hand is situated way down at the bottom of Walking Street (the busy entertainment area of Pattaya) which you will have to pass through when going to the hotel.

    I stayed at this hotel about 8 years ago and found it to be adequate although nothing special. One thing which they didn`t mention to me before booking is that there is a backwater which runs through the hotel grounds just alongside the swimming pool and on some days the stench from this was pretty bad.

    So of the two The Hard Rock gets my vote. :o

  13. Dinosaur bones and Dinosaur Eggs are sold frequently on ebay. The small bones can be bought for a few dollars and the eggs for a few hundred dollars.

    The prices quoted in this news item seem inflated somewhat.

    The news wouldn't be as interesting at the real prices, maybe. Plus, cops tend to attach the highest-possible value possible for the kudos- and values are what these kinds of things are measured against in law enforcement circles, it seems.

    “An investigation revealed that since 1999 they had trafficked 200,000 dollars worth of fossils over the Internet,” the police statement said."

    Trade worth less than a million baht per year over 5 years, according to Thai cops. Not nearly the huge business implied in the article...

    Another example of incorrect facts? Who knows? Better to question everything, and everyone, in my book :D

    Goodness....at this rate there won`t be any dinosaurs left :o

  14. Cosmetics companies cautioned over breast display

    BANGKOK: --  A cosmetics company executive and three female models could be fined for displaying their breasts as part of an advertisement for a 'miracle' breast-enhancing cream, police indicated today.

    Miss Prissana Phraisaeng, whose company claims that its cream can enhance the shape of breasts in just 15 minutes, is now likely to have to pay a Bt500 fine for asking the models to engage in an act of public nudity.

    The models themselves could also be fined once investigators have collected sufficient evidence.

    The company could also be prosecuted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) if found to have made misleading claims about its product.

    --TNA 2005-02-25

    I wonder how many investigators will be seen with....arms outstreched and hands open wide groping for the evidence.. :o

  15. I have almost given up using baht buses and walk instead. If I do get one to Big C or Naklua I always give 20, particularly after dark.

    I have a few bad experiences with crazy baht bus drivers;

    Driving off with my hand trapped

    Not stopping when I ring the bell

    Driving off without giving change

    Reversing back into me

    Money thrown back

    Wilson Steer

    I always grab the vertical rail firmly these days before stepping on and off, after having a few nasty experiences of them setting off at the cruicial time of boarding or alighting.

    I also soon get off quick if I get a crazy one driving like a maniac...you know the ones.. full revs and driving as if they had a kangaroo in the tank.

  16. takes forever to get answers by email....and its ###### to search on the net sometimes...see if any one of you can just point me to the very right place, serviceapartment/condo:

    will stay for 3-6months (you never know)

    need ADSL

    need a gym (atleast nearby)

    need 40sqm or so (need space for work)

    need blues factory not to far away

    wouldn´t mind a swimmingpool that you actually can swim in!

    need aircondition

    need it to be with furnitures and cable (some farang chanels)

    15000B a month or so

    well, there seems to be many available......anyone that can help do it the easy way?


    PS: was in Si Racha today....well, that place is the Japaneses place....service apartments below 30 000B is very hard to find (atleast if you want adsl)

    Try this ..Pattaya Realty Co Ltd. tel 038 412 301-2

    email [email protected]


  17. Court detains Nigerian footballer on charges of banknote forgery

    BANGKOK: -- Police in Bangkok's Don Muang district today obtained a court order for the detention of a Nigerian footballer suspected of counterfeiting US dollars.

    The 23 year-old Bangkok-based Nigerian, who plays as a rightback for the TOT Corporation Club in the Thai League, was arrested alongside a Cameroonian and a Ghanaian national, and will be detained for 12 days, while the police will interview more witnesses.

    Bail was refused for the three men, all of whom are said to be illegal immigrants.

    Tourist police officers made the arrest on 23 February, when an informant said that three foreign nationals had contacted him offering him cut-price US dollars.

    Posing as a customer, the informant met the three men at Bangkok's Don Muang Airport, where police were waiting to arrest them.

    Police said that the men had been in possession of 100 counterfeit USD100 banknotes, and that they had confessed to counterfeiting the money.

    --TNA 2005-02-25

    I wonder if the counterfeiting had been `top notch` whether we would have heard anything more about it......they must have been of a poor standard otherwise they would not have needed to arrange for buyers, as they could I assume have changed them themselves..

  18. Why ????

    If you are on holiday, you are there to relax and forget about home for a while

    If you are living in LOS....you have left your old life behind

    Now I am going to cop flak here.... :D

    We have Poms that have lived here for 20 odd years that still buy their Pommie papers......cant they cut the apron strings....(ducking for cover)

    :o  :D  :D

    How on earth can you make a statement like that??

    Fish and chips always taste better when wrapped in newspaper ( the Sun not included) :D

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