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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. First he's a Finn. Then he's a Swede. First the boy is 15. Now he's 14.

    Definitely he's a pedo. But the Thai guy who has some bogus buddhist ceremony and then knocks up a 14 year old Thai girl is a...'husband'; same goes for some guy in Kentucky with his 14 year old child-bride.

    Because they're on the right side of the law..they're somhow not pedos.

    But this guys a western  fag on top of it, which people hate even more.

    Some of the thicker members of the forum think that him getting raped by big 'scary' black people is just.

    All the while nothing happens to the Thais and Chinese who f.uck young girls and boys, etc, etc.

    And it's not as if the police don't know all of this goes on; they control most of the major rackets, in any case.

    How confusing.  :o


    ps. Definitely he is a pedo since he was diddling an 11 year old; personally I'd give him a pass on the 15 year old, myself....

    As long as he agrees to pay the family or marry him  :D ; perfectly acceptable in most cases, according to Thai 'culture'...

    Don`t forget Alex that this Peodaphile was paying these children to perform sexual acts.....This is not acceptable within Thai Culture....

  2. yep... he's a real "victim" 

    Well. Let's not take it too literally. I would say that a person who is pushed and stabbed with something and then overreacts and kills someone is a

    'victim' to a certain extent.

    With many, they can simply be a victim of their own stupidity. Really, if you want to mess around with ho's and do drugs and live a certain lifestyle, especially in Thailand...there's only a few ways you end up.

    And remember that many of my comments only reflect my opinion at any given point in time; and I can't work with information I haven't got; such as the fact that he ran her down and stabbed her with a knife.

    My initial theory might have been that she attacked him with a knife and got it turned on her; fair enough.

    Then I read she pushed him and he pushed back. She went through a glass door and then attacked him and stabbed him with broken glass; my thinking was that then and there he smashed her head in, in a flurry and in anger.

    I thought at that point that any cuts to her body were as a result of her going through the glass door....

    In any case, whether I'm right or wrong I can't imagine I'm anymore wrong than the people whi immediately squeeled that he should be strung up, etc, etc.

    Plenty of time for that.

    Now he (yes even him, at least if one expects the same consideration should they one day be accused of something),... and the Thai lady's family deserve for the whole thing to be hashed out and weighed.

    And I heard a great story that can serve as a great caution for those that want to summarily string people up.

    My buddy just told me a story about how people are routinely beaten down and often killed by mobs in Cambodia for stealing motorcycles; do whatever else you want, but don't....f.uck..with..their...motorcycles. :D

    Anyways, he relayed the story of how one man was riding away from a house on a motorcycle and a lady came out screaming that he was a motorcycle theif.

    So a mob chased him down and killed him. Imagine that.

    Now the facts;

    The man wasn't a motorcycle theif; he was the husband of the lady that ran out screaming. She'd caught him getting a bj from some other lady.


    And another story from an older teacher that I knew that taught all over the world, including in parts of Africa where they cut off hands for stealing.

    He told me about a racket where very well-dressed criminals would walk up to a person and extort money; on the spot.

    Their threat; pay up or we'll say that you stole from us.

    There are lessons here, hehe...


    Thank you for your stories.....but the only lesson here is that the Swede killed the woman and the people in your stories are about mob rule.....

  3. I assume that what the questioner Seatramp is asking is why do farangs pay more for goods and services in Thailand than Thais?

    The answer can only be that some do and some don`t.

    Most farangs come from countries where it is accepted that they pay the price which is asked in the stores i.e. If you went into Marks & Spencer you pay the asking price, because if you asked for a discount you would be refused and made to feel inferior, and therefore some people feel uncomfortable with haggling.

    Personaly I haggle on everything wherever possible and it`s surprising how much discount that you can get.

    In Thailand it is expected that you haggle on almost all goods and services which you want. The mark up is already included in the cost for this.

    What I find is dumb is that the Thais must lose out on sales because when you ask them the price of something they always quote you the inflated top price. On many ocassions I see people walking away from these inflated prices.... If the Thai vendor had quoted a more reasonable price then deals would be done.. I suppose on the other hand if some farang pays the top price the Thai will think he is a dumb Farang.....When you know the game invariably you settle for between a third and a half of the price wherever possible.

  4. Tourist boat capsizes in Phuket 

    PHUKET, Mar 5 (TNA) - A tourist boat, carrying more than 70 passengers, capsized in the high sea off Thailand's southern resort province of Phuket this afternoon.

    The medium-sized tourist boat, named "Rung Roj", capsized while heading from Koh Yao to Laem Yoo in the province's Thalang District.

    The boat was facing a strong storm during the journey, according to local journalists.

    The fates of all the passengers, some of whom are believed to be foreign tourists, have yet been known.

    And yet another boat sinks.

    One sank on the 25th January heading for Koh Samui with loss of life.

    We can only hope that the passengers and crew are safe this time.

  5. If I stood around outside you house yelling at the top of my voice all night and fighting with every stranger who appeard, attacked children and shat all over. you would be screaming "take this man away, he is a menace to society" and quite rightly too, why do I have to put up with it from packs of soi dogs?

    Toastwars...I am sure that the dogs would NEVER go near your house......they wouldn`t stand a chance......that is of course unless you were still pi*ssed from drinking the 100 Pipers...and then they would join in the Ball :o

  6. hi its me the animal person again:


    Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

    There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

    It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

    Avoid them like the plague that they are.

    Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.

    Just to clarify.... they certainly do NOT have to be rabid to bite.

    I agree their wretched existence is not their fault, but in my opinion, the most compassionate thing to do is to end their obvious suffering. Feeding them chicken one day only prolongs their woeful suffering.

    So then if you were starving, suffering and near death`s door and begging for food should we decline to feed you because it might make you live a little longer???......

  7. hi its me the animal person again:


    Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

    There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

    It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

    Avoid them like the plague that they are.

    Well I`m on the side of the dog here...It`s not their fault that they are trying to survive and begging food and running across roads.

    It always amazes me that people can be so callous when it comes to the poor dogs.

    They`re loved when they are cuddly puppies and when they grow older a lot of them are then cast out to fend for themselves, having to duck from the stones which are hurled at them and having to cower away from the bas*tards who beat them with sticks.

    It must come as a relief to a lot of them to be put out of their misery by death.

    I remember once in Pattaya a few years ago I was sat at a bar and a food vender came along selling cooked chickens. I bought a piece and soon there was a dog there.....I gave him a piece and then I was feeding about 5 of them. So what they were hungry.

    The chicken vendor said to his mate that I was mad "Farang ba-klang" when I told him to make sure that the chicken was well cooked for the dogs....There were 5 happy dogs in Pattaya that day.

    Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.( and that`s coming from a Fox) :o

    What a ridiculous post. would you say rats have a right to take care of themselves? they are vermin too, but can be quite cuddly to those who like them.

    Stray dogs are a menace and in packs can be dangerous. Why don't they cull them

    every now and then, or send them to Nongkai, where they eat them :D

    Ridiculous to you .....maybe......but your post seems ridiculous to me to compare rats with dogs.....and now you are advocating that more are eaten.......disgusting.

    For your information in Pattaya strays are rounded up and some are killed and some are injected to prevent disease and some females are spayed to prevent breeding....

  8. The Court of Thai Visa is dishing out this sentence for tourists wot have had a Hummer.

    What about the murderous paedophiles who then kill the kids? I mean, killing them is much much much worse. (Yet we haven't got any more severe punishments to hand out for that).

    This is how Jeffrey Dahmer ensured there were no kids to testify against him (he put them in the Freezer)

    In the Finnish case, photos show the boys at the Police Station pointing an accusatory finger at the Perp.

    If you're going to get the death sentence for your 'Tommy Tank' - then you may as well chuck the kid off the balcony ("Yes Constable, He jumped off")


    Obviously I am NOT advocating throwing children out of windows (so don't jump to that conclusion). That is a very cruel act to do to a child.

    In replying to this post I would first of all like to say that I am not advocating the death penalty to anyone I am sure that the law of the land will give the appropriate sentence to a convicted peodaphile.

    I am sure that there are, have been and will be peodaphiles who kill their child victims thinking that this will allow them to escape on the molestation charges....but this also happens in other cases of murder where the murderer thinks by killing people it will allow him to escape from justice for other crimes.

    I would think that if the peodaphile was of this disposition i.e. would kill to cover up his crime then whether he was going to get a 30 year jail sentence or the death penalty he would still commit the murder.

  9. A few years ago I went for a seafood meal with a friend of mine. We ate the meal and really enjoyed it.

    After about 20 minutes she said that she felt strange and lumps began to appear on her head. When I say lumps they were swelling to about an inch in diameter. her throat and face began to swell, and she had difficulty breathing.

    Luckily we were quite near a hospital. She was immediately given antehystermine injections and some other drugs and the swelling went down as fast as it came up.

    This was an allergic reaction to the seafood and the doctors said she had a Giant Urticaria attack, something which she had never had before.

    Lucky we were not out in the sticks........

  10. hi its me the animal person again:


    Coincidentally, there was a report this evening on the television news that there were 400,000 (FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND) people bitten by animals (vast majority being dogs) in Thailand last year.

    There was also 35 cases of rabies from dog bites resulting in death.

    It's mind-boggling to me, given those stats, that soi dogs are tolerated at all...

    Avoid them like the plague that they are.

    Well I`m on the side of the dog here...It`s not their fault that they are trying to survive and begging food and running across roads.

    It always amazes me that people can be so callous when it comes to the poor dogs.

    They`re loved when they are cuddly puppies and when they grow older a lot of them are then cast out to fend for themselves, having to duck from the stones which are hurled at them and having to cower away from the bas*tards who beat them with sticks.

    It must come as a relief to a lot of them to be put out of their misery by death.

    I remember once in Pattaya a few years ago I was sat at a bar and a food vender came along selling cooked chickens. I bought a piece and soon there was a dog there.....I gave him a piece and then I was feeding about 5 of them. So what they were hungry.

    The chicken vendor said to his mate that I was mad "Farang ba-klang" when I told him to make sure that the chicken was well cooked for the dogs....There were 5 happy dogs in Pattaya that day.

    Yes they can be a nuisance and yes they can bite if rabid so be careful...but use a little compassion at times....it`s not really their fault.( and that`s coming from a Fox) :o

  11. "Sometimes you don`t realize how good your staff are until they have gone.

    Always best if possible to compromise."

    Actually, she was complete crap. I'd wanted to fire her for weeks, since I figured she was stealing some small stuff like cutlery and her idea of cleaning included rearrangign toothbrushes and not cleaning the toilet. She was recommended by the owner, though :o

    The condo staff do - and will - clean the apt, I just prefer an outsider really. Less gossip for the staff and security guards... "oooo those farang... i tell you... "


    ...So you wanted to fire her for borrowing the odd knife and fork and playing with the toothbrushes.....maybe you should have shown her how to bleach the toilet.......all sounds a bit petty to me.....she was probably glad to get away... :D

  12. Tighter traffic enforcement comes into effect as of March 1

    PATTAYA: -- In the interest of creating safety on the city’s roads, Pattaya police will begin the next step in enforcing traffic rules. Motorcyclists and pillion passengers must wear helmets at all times and motorists must wear safety belts.

    The laws are not new and have been in place throughout the country for some time, and according to Pol. Lt. Col. Nattasit Boonuam, Pattaya police station deputy superintendent, the time has come to enforce the rules here in Pattaya.

    “We have focused on this campaign for some time and as a result the number of accidents and road deaths has decreased. As of the March 1 we will begin enforcing the laws more than ever. Despite the recent campaigns, many motorcyclists still do not wear helmets. But starting March 1, enforcement of the helmet law will also flow over onto pillion passengers. A series of checkpoints will be set up at various locations with officers initially handing out warnings. Once the word is out, according to the law fines of 500 baht will be issued thereafter.”

    The deputy superintendent urged all road users to comply with the laws in the interests of road safety.

    --Pattaya Mail 2005-03-04

    How often have we heard this one...we all know what happens, everybody wears helmets for a while mainly without the strap fastened and then the Thais stop wearing them and the passenger carries them...I`ll give it a couple of months....

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