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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. Swedish man found dead in his room

    He was lying on his back hanging over the bed

    Around 2pm on March 1, Police Lieutenant Colonel Awsin Sukkanka, inquiry inspector at Pattaya Police Station, received word of a farang found dead in his room. Along with other officers and the Sawang Borriboon, the police lieutenant went to Soi Pattaya 13 and saw the naked body of Renee Fowler a 49 year old man from Sweden.

    He was lying on his back hanging over the bed. It was estimated that he had been dead around six hours – there were no signs of foul play. It's believed he had a weak leg from an accident he received a while back, but this was not connected to cause of death. He was taken away for a post mortem. It's believed at this moment in time he suffered a massive heart attack.

    -Pattaya People

    Another death...another Scandinavian in the headlines...seems people are dropping like flies at the moment....

  2. Nevertheless, it was decided at the meeting to ban this practice outright and to set up a watchdog group to prevent animals from entering the city. A telephone number has been released to report any sighting of such beasts in the city, other than performing ones invited as part of a stage show.

    -Pattaya People

    I think that I`ve heard this before that elephants were not allowed to perform within the city limits....but we keep seeing the poor creatures being paraded around.

    Only a week or two ago one went after a load of bananas because it was starving.

    Whats the betting that we`ll still see the elephants, the poor monkeys and even the bears still being abused...

  3. If you use the benchmark of the national minimum wage (not exact science... just for example..) in the Smoke it works out at @ £5-30 a hour for basic skivvy work (a ba hair short of 400 bt /hour) and if you compare it to Bangkoks (NMW) at @ bt 20 /hour. ????

    So yer man who mops up in the public kludges over here gets 40 times what his equal would earn in Sunny LOS....so.....

    If YOu are the dunny sweeper on as above and your friendly  counterpart in say  "City of Loads of dosh" was on 40 times what you got ...eg...£212 /hour...what would you think..? :D  :o

    I assume that you meant £212 per week not per hour.

    Yes but this is only one side of the argument. As Brit says the majority of Thais have not been educated to the fact that in the Uk the price of petrol for example is almost four times the price that it is in LOS and the cost of basic human necessities such as water and heating for the home are very high...then there are house rates and all the other costs associated with staying alive.

    So to compare a person earning near to the minimum wage in the Uk without cosidering the cost of living is only one half of the story.

    Anybody in the Uk earning this amount £5.30 per hour if he/she has the normal everyday bills to pay will themselves feel as poor as a church mouse...

  4. One of my friends always ask me to lend her some money nearly every month. Of course she returns the money back on time. But just now the number she asked for is huge for me. I am hesitated. Now she even has no money to buy an air ticket to go home. I didnt charge any interest. So if I lend her, should I deserve the interest this time?

    ....A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed...

    ....But When YOU Need....your Friend has Fleed.. :o

  5. Would be interesting to hear IA's comeback to that one. That's the thing with falang debates in Thailand. One never knows when someone else has had one more college credit or mail in course than you. You did major AND graduate, right, Alex?

    My 'comeback's above Heng.

    We were typing at the same time.

    And I've never considered it a case of I've got a bigger cock than anyone else on this one. I very clearly stated that the man shouldn' ge srunbg up without all of the facts being looked ar first.

    I also very clearly stated that since I have a Crim degree (Yes, 4 years and accepted to Indiana State for their Master's) that I'm probably going to be less wrong than someone who didn't major in Crim, or...

    It also means that I should be more wrong than someone with a law degree. BUT, someone talking straight theory versus my talking reality isn't worth much.

    Their opinion is even less directly polar to mine if they went to law school outside of Canada. This is the law I *generally speaking* am familiar with.

    And I know ###### well what it takes to get off manslaughter charges, or have murder charges pled down to manslaughter charges,...in the real world.

    Screw the theory when it's just you, a pocket-full of cash and a sharp lawyer.

    And this clown said he went to law school; I'd like to say that 'law school' has churned out many crap lawyers; and if not crappy, at least ill-mannered, ....he is, IMHO, for jumping into a thread taking a high and haughty position against someone (myself) who has, as a main point only advocated that some guy doesn't get strung up without due consideration.


    ......he`ll get due consideration he`s going to be tried....

  6. And all the bloodthirsty avengers here make me sick. 

    ... Khun Manutoo wrote.

    The playfull suggestions stated earlier are really tasteless... "I´ve got a rope and a wobbly stool..." (or whatever)... point made; this occupation with mindless, gory wish for revenge suggests that you could have been him.

    ... Khun Med added.

    Thanks Khun Manutoo, thanks Khun Med.

    I had a time I also reacted on these horrible remarks.  This is the level of low ranked american army personnel I suppose.

    And this is indeed the type of people you will find in similar situations.

    It is unbelievable that somebody wants somebody else his death even without knowing facts or anything. I am allways surprised that people of this level know how to use a computer.

    Thanks again!

    Well Limbo.....maybe you should keep up with the news...He admitted he did it...he has shown the police how & where he did it and how he dragged the poor ladies body and where he left it to rot....He is to be or has been charged with First degree Murder.....Get it????

  7. 1.50am!!! you want to live out in the sticks.When the villages have a concert,Film show or whatever they have the giant sound systems on from 8pm until 6am !! Try and sleep through that even 2 kms away its difficult for me,but not for Thais they can sleep through the end of the world no problem.

    NOISE...don`t the Thais just love it... :o

  8. As a working expat in the Pattaya area, I'd like to hear from any of you TV members out there about where you go for entertainment after working hours.

    My working day sees me getting out of bed at 5:30am... drive to work to start at 07:00am... knock off about 5:30 - 6:00pm... drive home... crack a coldie... have a shower then usually eat a delicious dinner prepared by my loving teeruk.  :D

    But some days I'd like to do something different... go out for dinner (no probs there... heaps of restaurants to choose from), see a band or some form of live entertainment (sorry - I'm not talking go-go bars here  :D ), but there doesn't seem to be much on offer...  :D

    For example the blues factory doesn't open until 8:30pm, and doesn't really get going until 10:00pm by which time I should be heading home to bed.  :D

    Where to go and what to do?

    For an working expat in pattaya 2 ask such a question I really hope you are a troll, pls tell me you are not real :o

    It is a serious question William.

    The bars and go-go scene are not my cup of tea... been there... done that... sent the postcards... :D

    I'd welcome any suggestions you'd like to make.

    Why don`t you have a wander down to the Dusit Hotel...live music most evenings in the piano lounge. starts about 7p.m. They usually have a duo and a band playing. The lady singer who I think may still work there is called Luk...she has a fabulous voice and sings a great range of songs.... A few drinks and lovely music you are sure to relax.... :D

  9. How many are there not that argue that it´s not that bad to cheat on their tax declaration, since so many ministers do such things? Or drive too fast?

    there is a world of difference between crime that does not involve violence and crime that does.

    when you cross the barrier and use violence on another person then i believe you should lose the protection that being a member of society confers on you.

    violent crimes should be punished with violent punishment.

    once punished , the violent criminal will think twice before repeating his crime , society should be protected as much as possible from people who seek to gain advantage over others by the use of force.

    I agree and it also sends out a warning message to other would be violent criminals..

  10. Were any of my nearest to be murdered, I´d probably use excessive force of violence on the perpetrator if I could.

    But then again, I´m not a representative of any legal system, only a common man.

    In my opinion governments must serve as a role model of right and wrong, as parents do for their children (sort of, not exactly with that same relation... and I´ve lost faith in people understanding my points here). If my parents beat me as a punishment for beating my brother, then beating is in my understanding ok during certain circumstances.

    How many are there not that argue that it´s not that bad to cheat on their tax declaration, since so many ministers do such things? Or drive too fast?


    Don´t bother answering.

    ?????????????? Anybody understand this???

  11. ....I am told that the pension cannot be paid into a bank account, but a cheque in £`s Sterling can be posted to your Thailand address....

    I think you mean that they cannot pay it into a Thai bank. They must be able to pay it into a UK bank. :o

    Yes they will not pay it into a Thai bank account.....

  12. When I was 15, I wanted to get two lovely ducks.

    Why not give her a pet?

    I love ducks too I do them with bramble forcemeat stuffing and red onion marmalade...you got any left anna?

    Do your ducks love what you feed them?

    I fed my ducks earthworms that I digged out near litter bins and took them go swimming once a week. But at last, my mom gave them to her friend. And I heard they were eaten. I still miss them tho'.

    I meant thats how I cooked them :o

    Toastwars...I always thought that you were a genltle person with a heart....poor ducks....poor anna...yum yum!! prefer cranberry sauce myself :D

  13. Cheapest place to buy silk items is Chatochack and pillow cases are 28 baht based on buying 100 units.

    yeah but...where do they buy them from? :D

    Just a note of caution for you budding silk entrepreneurs.

    Most of the items including many of the ties which are labelled Thai Silk are 50%silk and 50% cotton.

    Many items being sold as silk including the exotic dressing gowns are infact made from Rayon.

    A lot of the other items labelled 100% silk are imported from China.

    What the underpants are made of I would not like to hazzard a guess, but it must be a strong robust material in order to withstand the stormy and sometimes windy conditions which they encounter :o

  14. Hows it hangin Fury/ pattayafox  :o  What about Shaunysheep..Did you meet up with him at xmas ?

    Shame about Nightwalker, used to be a laugh  :D

    The brush has lost most of it`s fur mate (old age creeping up on me I guess) haven`t seen Shauny. Is Lloydie still having his parties?? :D

  15. How much is the max you wanna spend?

    Maybe the chain is too much costwise? 100 quid for a gift to a 15 yr old your not related to?  Besides, get her something pricey this time, what about next time, something more will be expected? 

    sorry for the double posting.

    The good thing about the gold is that if she needs cash in the future she can cash it in and virtually get the lot back.... :o

  16. Ok, with your encouragement I've got another one, soapy stuff, you know what I mean, the baskets of lavender soap, special creams, and aroma stuff things and all that, again, from the UK, get it from the Body Shop, cant go wrong, 20 quid for a big basket.  Must have them in Robinsons as well.

    Note of warning, watch out for the ones that have all the bits that you can only use in a bath, coz maybe only got a shower at her home?

    Is this getting complicated or what......just buy her the chain..... :o

  17. Hello all. A question to Britt Expats. I have been in Thailand now for 5 yrs, still a young lad of 60. I am English.

    Still 5 yrs away from Pension time. The question to you is, are U K pensions upgraded here in Thailand  every year?? There is a case now up before the Lords Law court in the U K for people who have not had a pension increase as they live in either, Oz, Canada, south Africa and other countries?

    European counties, and USA the pensions are increased each year. Cannot find out anywhere the situation in Thailand  Thanks and have a good day

    "You know when you are  geting old, every morning you wake up and look in the mirror,

    if it steams up,  shave|" :D

    Take a look at this link:


    (pensions for overseas residents are handled by Inland Revenue, not the Pensions Agency). You may be able to e-mail your query; failing that, there's a postal address to write to.

    Oh - and please let the rest of us know what you find out. I'm 6 years behind you but also looking into the future :D

    As this thread is also of particular interest to me I have made further enquiries with the Pension Service.

    The Inland Revenue website as listed above is NOT of use to you if you are enquiring about receiving your State pension when living in Thailand,

    It is of use to you if you have queeries about Nationa Insurance Contributions or any matters where payment of tax is involved.

    I have spoken to the International pensions centre in Newcastle who have given me the following information.

    Because Thailand is a country outside the EEA (European Economic Area) and it does not have a Social Security Agreement with the UK then the following is the current ruling.

    If you live in Thailand permanently then your State pension will be paid at the rate that it is when you go to live there. The pension will remain at the same rate throughout your residency in Thailand and will not increase as it does to Uk and EEA residents.

    I am told that the pension cannot be paid into a bank account, but a cheque in £`s Sterling can be posted to your Thailand address.

    You should apply for your pension at least 6 months before you reach the age of 65 years. at www.thepensionservice.gov.uk

    A pack containing application forms will be sent to you 4 months before your 65th birthday.

    I trust that this will answer the question. :o

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