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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. Pregnant woman injured as she and her foreign boyfriend fall from 2nd floor balcony.

    An unusual story now from the MG Lodge Apartments in Soi Bongkot, South Pattaya. Police Lieutenant Tirasak from Pattaya Police Station was called in to investigate after a young woman was injured after a fall from the second floor balcony of a room occupied by Mr. Alan Evans aged 31 from England who had sustained a minor facial injury. According to separate accounts from Mr. Evans and the female victim, Khun Benjarat aged 34 who is 3 months pregnant, the pair would often fool around on the balcony. On this occasion, the pair fell off the balcony. Both appeared not to be injured and they made their way back to their room. Moments later, Khun Benjarat collapsed in agony and there was some concern over her welfare and the welfare of her unborn child. We can report that the baby was unharmed and despite minor back and stomach injuries, Khun Benjarat is expected to fully recover. Police are investigating the case further but have recorded the case as an accident at this time.

    Pattaya City News

    Monday 7th January 2008



  2. Swedish Tourist hurt because of unfinished construction work on the Thappraya Road in Jomtien.

    For many months we have been reporting on the poor state of the Thappraya Road which leads to Jomtien Beach. The City Administration undertook road widening work which has yet to be completed. Some sections of the road are clearly dangerous, with large exposed holes which are not covered in any way. Many people who choose to walk along the road have fallen foul to the dangers relating to the unfinished construction work and this is one such example which occurred on Friday Night. Mr. and Mrs. Svenson from Sweden were walking along the road opposite Bruno’s Restaurant when Mrs. Ingrid Svenson aged 60 fell into a deep hole, injuring her right leg. A rescue unit was called to transport the woman to Hospital where she was treated for cuts and bruises. We have today sent a copy of this report along with pictures to the Mayors office at Pattaya City Hall for his consideration.

    Pattaya City News

    Saturday 5th January 2008




  3. 10 Russian Tourists rescued by the Navy after their Yacht takes on water off the coast of Sattahip.

    A “mayday” alert was received by Royal Thai navy Coastguards in the early hours of Friday Morning from a Yacht containing 10 Russian Tourists who were taking part in a fishing trip around Lin Island off the coast of Sattahip. The boat was apparently taking on water fast. A Navy Rescue Boat was scrambled to the location and quickly located the vessel. Despite the group waiting nearly 2 hours to be rescued, all of the Russian Tourists were unharmed and taken to Sattahip Police Station to make a Police Report concerning the incident. At this time it is thought the boat hit a rock located just under the water. A full investigation is now underway by the Royal Thai Navy in conjunction with Sattahip Police.



    Pattaya City News

    Friday 4th January 2008


  4. Dengue Fever control measures implemented by local administration.

    At this time every year, the risks of contracting Dengue Fever begin to increase as Thailand moves into the Hot Season. The local authorities recognize these risks and employ counter measures to prevent the disease which can be fatal in some cases. This infectious disease is manifested by a sudden onset of fever, with severe headache, muscle and joint pains and rashes. Some cases develop much milder symptoms which can, when no rash is present, be misdiagnosed as influenza or other viral infections.Dengue Fever is transmitted to Humans by Mosquitoes and on Friday Morning, we joined Khun Mai, the Mayor of Nongprue as he oversaw a mosquito eradication program which is ongoing through the area located in the East of Pattaya.



    Pattaya City News

    Friday 4th January 2008.


  5. Naked and Crazy, a typical night on the streets of Pattaya.

    We made our way down to the North end of Pattaya Beach just before Dawn on Thursday after reports or a naked woman causing a disturbance was received. The Police were called in to deal with the crazed woman who refused to give her name. She was indeed completely naked and at one point, picked up a tray of food and threw it in the path of oncoming traffic. Eventually the woman was restrained and ordered to put some cloths on. She was taken to Pattaya Police Station and incarcerated for causing a public disturbance Pattaya City News



  6. Body found in Sattahip believed to be missing Japanese

    A 53-year-old Japanese was arrested for allgedly stealing items from missing friend.

    Bangkok - A 53-year-old Japanese man was arrested in the Thai resort town of Pattaya on Monday on suspicion of stealing cash and other items from a missing compatriot who is feared dead, police said Sunday

    A body was found Wednesday that Thai police believe is that of Hiroshi Nakazono, 67

    Toshihiko Sasaki was arrested Dec 18 and indicted Friday by the Chonburi Provincial Court on charges of stealing 3 million Yens in cash and belongings, including a portable computer, from Nakazono, the police said

    Police said the two men were acquaintances. Nakazono ran a real estate business in Tokyo.

    The police said they found the body suspected to be Nakazono on Wednesday in Chonburi Province's Sattahip District

    Forensic experts were in the process of identifying the body using Nakazono's dental records and DNA analysis. As the body showed signs of an unnatural death, the police suspect Nakazono was murdered at a different location before his body was dumped at the site it was found.

    The police said Sasaki will be questioned on suspicion of murder if the body is identified as that of Nakazono.

    Sasaki has denied involvement in Nakazono's death, telling police the money was his own and that Nakazono gave him the computer.

    He told the police he has been living on personal savings in Pattaya with a Thai girlfriend for about two years

    Nakazono, who had regularly visited Pattaya over the years, entered the country on Dec 14 with 3.5 million yen that he planned to deposit in a bank to be eligible for a long-stay visa, the police said, citing information from his two sons.

    His family lost contact with him after he went to Pattaya, according to the police.

    The Japanese Embassy in Thailand has yet to confirm the identity of the body.

    The Nation

  7. Body found in Thailand may be missing Japanese

    The Yomiuri Shimbun

    BANGKOK--The body of a man found in a mountainous area on the border of Chonburi and Rayong provinces in central Thailand, is believed to be that of a missing Japanese real estate manager, local police said.

    The missing man, Hiroshi Nakazono, 67, of Tokyo, was last seen at the tourist city of Pattaya in mid-December.

    As the body showed signs of an unnatural death, the police suspect Nakazono was murdered at a different location before his body was dumped at the site it was found.

    The Japanese Embassy in Thailand has yet to confirm the identity of the body.

    (Dec. 31, 2007)

    Daily Yomiuri online.

  8. Norwegian beaten into coma in Pattaya

    Pattaya, Chon Buri - A Norwegian tourist was beaten by four Thai men outside a bar here early Sunday morning.

    Geir Andre Sirevag, 26, remained unconscious at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

    Rescuers found his unconscious body in a bush behind the bar, police said.

    A witness told police that the tourist was beaten up by four Thai men at 2:30 am and they carried his body into the bush and fled on motorcycles.

    The Nation

  9. Just discovered that the Climax Bar has closed. Having seen hundreds of bands, I thought, Piet, the guitarist was outstanding and the band itself very good. Does anyone know yet where the band members are now playing?

    Previously mentioned that the band play at Easyriders most nights and HardRock on Thursdays.

    Are'nt you getting confused with Pops Band PF?

    As for climax band I haven't seen them, heard they might be doing a spell in Koh Chang but if true or not I don't know. :o

    Your right dave I probably am :D

  10. Just discovered that the Climax Bar has closed. Having seen hundreds of bands, I thought, Piet, the guitarist was outstanding and the band itself very good. Does anyone know yet where the band members are now playing?

    Previously mentioned that the band play at Easyriders most nights and HardRock on Thursdays.

  11. Extract from Pattaya People

    Indian and Thai Killed in Fire

    Pattaya Police were informed in the morning of 29th December that a fire had broken out at a building in Soi Post Office off Second Road.

    Officers rushed to the scene with the Sawang Rescue Team and the Fire Brigade to find the 2nd and 3rd floors of the 4 storey building ablaze. It took the team 2 hours to get the fire under control. After dousing the blaze they discovered the bodies of 2 people on the 2nd and 3rd floors. In the toilet, on the 2nd floor they found 23 year old Mr. Ravi Gupta from India. The body of Mrs. Jampa Jaitrong aged 33 was found in the corridor of the 3rd floor. Both died from smoke inhalation.

    A witness stated that the fire began in the small sauna room on the 2nd floor. Police will now investigate further to find the true cause of the incident.


  12. 17 year old man caught with two explosive devices in South Pattaya.

    Just after 9.30pm on Christmas Eve, Police Sergeant Major Somsee who was working at a checkpoint set up near the South Pattaya intersection with Pattaya Third Road, spotted one man on a motorbike who appeared nervous as he approached. He was ordered to pull over and was found to be carrying two circular items wrapped in black tape which appeared to be some form of explosive device. The 17 year old man was immediately placed under arrest and taken to Pattaya Police Station where he explained that he was carrying the items to protect himself, he also mentioned that he was on his way to discard the items in fear of the Police. Police do not entirely believe the young man and think that he may have been planning some form of attack at a concert which was being held on Monday Night at the Concert Ground at the North end of Pattaya Third Road. He is now behind bars pending further investigations.


    Pattaya City News

    Tuesday 25th December 2007

  13. Initial Tourist figures for Pattaya released by the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

    On Wednesday Morning, we spoke with Khun Akarawit, the Deputy Director of the local Tourism Authority of Thailand Office located half-way up the Pratamnuk Hill to discuss the state of the tourism industry here in Pattaya. He began by telling us that the official figures indicate an increase in Tourism so far this year of 11.5% compared to last year. This includes data from January to 15th December 2007. He also mentioned that he is encouraged by the tourist numbers over the festive season and expects numbers to be slightly higher than last year. He is slightly disappointed and expected higher tourist numbers over this festive season and believes that the General Election and continuing violence in the South and the potential for a spread of the violence to other parts of Thailand may be the cause.

    Pattaya City News.

    Wednesday 26th December 2007

  14. Weho what a lot of Bull S**t you post!

    Anyway thank you everyone else; I found the skates I wanted at Toys-R-us in Pattaya as per bkk-mike's and others suggested, a lovely back pack type bag which has everything in it for 1299 THB I am really pleased with them and I am sure my daughter will be delighted with them tomorrow morning when she opens her Christmas presents.

    Glad you found the skates EmCross....don`t worry about Weho he`s gone away for a while.

  15. Christmas eve tidings of great joy and good will toward men seems to ring a bell to me. However not in this topic apparently....so after previous warnings to cool it doesn`t seem to have stopped the flaming then it looks like I am going to have to take further action.

    One member has gone on holiday....so please continue with your restaurant recommendations as this thread is providing some very useful information.


  16. Amongst all the fervour for the mass introduction of taxi meters and the dismissal of a number of baht buses which is said will make way for the thousand(s) of taxi meters let us not forget that the majority of Thai people and the majority of tourists and dare I say it probably the majority of residents who live within a reasonable distance of the Pattaya Centre are more than happy with the trusted songthaew which provides an excellent and affordable service.

    Of course it would be nice for the ones who require it to be able to flag down a taxi meter and travel at meter rates for both convenience, preference and longer distance.

    Taxi meters in volume in Pattaya will unfortunately not provide the necessary flow of income in order to make them viable and a going concern and the local people will ignore them simply because many can`t afford to use them.

    The idea of Bangkok style taxi meters i.e. taxis which adhere to the meter charging policy sounds wonderful in theory but in reality to operate a volume service as has been suggested and compared to Bangkok is I am afraid pretty much pie in the sky. Two different cities with massive population differences and city areas, a vast difference with the numbers of travellers and commuters added together with the local population`s travel needs means that it is incomparable.

    I just think you totally lack a vision of the future here as a more developed INTERNATIONAL city is developing very quickly. Explain to me how people living and staying and wanting to visit the various spots on Pratumnak Hill are served now. They aren't. Or 3rd Road. They aren't. Just two examples. I think you are wrong, just another Gloomy Gus with no imagination.


  17. Amongst all the fervour for the mass introduction of taxi meters and the dismissal of a number of baht buses which is said will make way for the thousand(s) of taxi meters let us not forget that the majority of Thai people and the majority of tourists and dare I say it probably the majority of residents who live within a reasonable distance of the Pattaya Centre are more than happy with the trusted songthaew which provides an excellent and affordable service.

    Of course it would be nice for the ones who require it to be able to flag down a taxi meter and travel at meter rates for both convenience, preference and longer distance.

    Taxi meters in volume in Pattaya will unfortunately not provide the necessary flow of income in order to make them viable and a going concern and the local people will ignore them simply because many can`t afford to use them.

    The idea of Bangkok style taxi meters i.e. taxis which adhere to the meter charging policy sounds wonderful in theory but in reality to operate a volume service as has been suggested and compared to Bangkok is I am afraid pretty much pie in the sky. Two different cities with massive population differences and city areas, a vast difference with the numbers of travellers and commuters added together with the local population`s travel needs means that it is incomparable.

  18. A sinking fund is a sum of money set up to build up an amount to pay for major work, usually to a block of apartments such as replacing a roof or door-entry system. This means that when major work is carried out, the bill will not be as large because of the money collected over a period of time from different leaseholders. Your lease will say if you have to pay towards this fund. If you do, the amount you have to pay may be shown in your yearly service charge statement or could be charged separately.

    You should ask your solicitor to check your lease as you may be required to pay this annually.

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