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Posts posted by Pattaya_Fox

  1. When I had my last root canal treatment and crown done at the Dental Hospital in Bangkok last year, I was warned that some of the fillings on the other side of my mouth were very old and might give me problems soon.

    They weren't wrong. A few weeks ago a large chunk of one of my bottom teeth broke away, exposing the nerve. Within a week I was in agony.

    I went back to the Bangkok Dentsist Hopital, and they recommended extensive root canal, pins and crown treatment, which would cost not far short of 30,000 Baht. As the tooth was the second from the rear at the bottom (molar?) and could not be seen, even with my mouth wide open, I asked how much to have it removed. I was quoted 1,000 Baht. Well 6 or 7 visits and 30K, vs 1 visit and 1K was no contest. They kept trying to persuade me to change my mind, even the extraction dentist tried, but I held my ground.

    Now, over 2 weeks on, I am starting to regret my decision.

    It took nearly 2 hours to remove my tooth - shard by shard - leaving a gaping wound (which cost me over 3K) and I have been in pain ever since. Last week I spent 5 days in BKk (this wqas already 1 week post extraction ) and had the wound cleaned and dressed every day. It is not infected, it is just a bad wound, and it keeps getting food stuck inside it.

    I am now back in Pattaya, and I have to clean the wound myself with a injection spray and try to keep food out of it. I am still in pain - but not as bad as before, and still have to take pain killers.

    Hopefully it is on the mend.

    I don't know what to make of all this. Never heard of anyone having so much problem with extractions. Even the dentist told me not to have any more teeth extracted.

    So who knows - was it a bad dentist? Or would I have had the same problem anywhere I went?

    Tax Exile? :D

    I have had a number of extractions over the years with little problem other than the usual soreness and aching for a week or so.

    Just a week before this last Xmas I had the usual painful symptoms which I have experienced before this time with an upper rear tooth next to the back one.

    After Xray the dentist said that there were 2 options either a root canal or an extraction and as the opposing bottom tooth had already been removed I decided to have the extraction.

    During the extraction the dentist said "Oh"! to the dental nurse.

    It transpired that the next tooth which was the back tooth had come so loose during the extraction that it would have to be removed as well.

    I did not know whether it was the fault of the dentist or the way the tooth was that caused it to become loose although it was very firm before.

    I rinsed with hot salt water three times a day but the jelly like filling did not occur and the gap just wouldn`t heal.

    My remedy of swilling the mouth with brandy several times during the evening did however begin to provide a certain amount of numbness :o

    Anyway the pain which I had was very severe and at the end of January I went back for a check up and it had still not healed. It is just about healed now but at times I was in agony and even the painkillers were not working.

    So It doesn`t always follow that every extraction is the same and I wish that I had opted for the root canal rather than the extraction. :D

  2. In my humble opinion anyone with an ounce of common sense who arrives in a foreign country and who is concerned about getting from an airport to their hotel or final destination would have certainly made some sort of enquiry before setting off on their journey as to the cost.

    If they have not bothered to make an enquiry or pre arrange their mode of ongoing transport then when they arrive at the said airport then surely they have a tongue in their head and can agree a fare with the driver.

    If they do not do any of the above then they either don`t care what it costs or have to pay the price which is given to them at the end of their journey.

    Consider your journey as a purchase.........after all when purchasing goods in the high street you first of all obtain a price and secondly negotiate a final price that both you and the seller are happy with, but you may also see the same goods at differing prices elsewhere in the street that is called competition and the guys at the airport are competing for your business just like the high street.

  3. The poor guy, so young - at the prime of life.

    He must have been in a terrible state - a long way from home with no one to turn to.

    If only there had been someone..... or even just a phone number...

    ...who knows?

    My heart goes out to his family.

    Rest in Peace, dear Marco.

    I agree mobi........such a sad loss. Bad enough being in a wheelchair but losing the one he loved was probably the final straw.

    Luckily in the Uk the Samaritans are only a phone call away......but as large and lively that Pattaya is unless you have friends in such circumstances then it can be a very lonely place and there does not seem to be anyone to call for help or at the very least to talk to.

  4. SOURCE: Pattaya City News: February 19th 2007

    English Tourist robbed of nearly 500,000 Baht in cash.

    Mr. James Short aged 35 from England along with his partner, Khun Supat aged 25 made their way to Pattaya Police Station on Friday Night to report a theft from their apartment.

    The pair resides at an Apartment complex in Soi 17, South Pattaya and returned back to their room on this night to find the place had been ransacked and items of value had been stolen. 196,000 Baht in cash, a mobile phone and 3,200 Pounds Sterling had been taken.

    They explained that their room can only be accessed by a Key Card and the Thai money had only been withdrawn a few hours before the theft. Finger prints have been taken from the scene but for now, with no witnesses, Police have few clues as to the identity of the thief of thieves.

    We can only repeat our advice given a few days ago, to ensure that all valuable items must be kept in a safe and secure location otherwise this could very well be you sitting at the Police Station in the future.

    I suppose that he had his own reasons for having such a large amount of cash in the apartment.............but would have been better to keep it in the bank.

  5. This drug has recently been used to save the life of a baby who had breathing difficulties and the drug was able to open up the blood vessels in the lungs and thus provide the oxygen that the baby needed.

    It is recommended that people who may be suffering from hypertension or heart problems seek their doctor`s advice before taking the drug due it`s adverse side effects.

  6. It is OK to tell me I can’t write. I join the company of all of the great writers of the world who were all told they could not write by people who never published anything.

    I also join the company of most of the great artists who never sold much until they died.

    Artists always have to be ahead of the current way of thinking.

    KerryK you're not a great writer, if you don't want to except that it just shows how deluded you are.

    You are never going to join the company of great writers living or dead and 99% of authors were recognised well before they died, usually by their first publication.

    I used to have a girlfriend who was a very talented artist and she said that many people use the title artist in order to get away with being obnoxious and shallow, whilst claiming superiority and wisdom. It's very true and in your case very fitting.

    Of course there is the other type of artist who studies at the bottom of a bottle.

    If you're going to publish your 'memoirs' don't start crying when people critisize you.

    I don’t think I will publish my memoirs.

    Thank goodness for that.........that`s the most sensible thing that you have said since you started this stupid thread!

  7. Hi mulphy........I like Soi LK Metro for a number of reasons, one being that it`s a short cut through to internet places which I have used in the past.

    The thing is I am usually delayed in getting on line by having a few bevvy`s at either San Miguel bar or LLoydies old place LLoydies bar.

    I often have a refreshing mug of coffee at the corner bar (name escapes me).

    Will pop in and have a bevvy with you as I am back in Patters next week. :D

    I use the name Dana when I go there, so you pick another one.

    To sum it up, if you are really kinky Soi LK Metro is the place for you.

    Fox is right on in his admiration of the street.

    Kerryk you certainly have a different agenda to mine :o

    I go there to drink a beer or three and see people who I have known for many years and have a chat etc. (you know kerryk normal lads banter).

    I do not go there for the sordid reasons which you do.

    Some of us have our brains in our head and not in our pants...........and I certainly don`t need to change my name.

    Dana............isn`t that a ladies name? :D

  8. What does Denmark have to do with anything? Was that the best you could come up with?

    When you used to post under the name `madsere` you certainly had a better sense of humour but alas under your current user name that seems to have disappeared..........never mind if we meet in Soi LK Metro I`ll try and cheer you up :o

  9. Well me and Jasreeve settled our differences, Jasreeve and Mr G are talking again, all it needs now is for you and KerryK to bury the hatchett and we can all live happily ever after as one big disfunctional pattaya family, KerryK may not get somebody to pay for his booze, but he might get some new material or even a life. :o

    I read the..... first page, and the second (40 posts per page)...... then my attention went elsewhere ... revisit, read the second page again, part of the third.

    To save me the horror of reading the whole thing from start to finish.... this was a wind up wasn't it... or a hack doing some research?

    Yes Thaddeus he is a wannabe story writer who just doesn`t seem to be able to differentiate between fact and fiction............sad really.

  10. Some say a serious curse can be purchased in the neighborhood of 5,000 baht.

    Well you can buy as many from me as you like at only 2000 baht each and after 10 years if the curse hasn`t worked I`ll give you a 100% refund :o

    I'll do it for a mere 1000 baht. Satisfaction guaranteed! If after 50 years the curse hasn't worked just go to my gravesite for a full refund.

    Curse these market forces at work again.

    With such competition I will have to drop out of the running.....I could hardly cover my expenses at this price :D

  11. Well me and Jasreeve settled our differences, Jasreeve and Mr G are talking again, all it needs now is for you and KerryK to bury the hatchett and we can all live happily ever after as one big disfunctional pattaya family, KerryK may not get somebody to pay for his booze, but he might get some new material or even a life. :D

    It must be a great weight off your mind Rob :o

    I think kerryk has to bury the cleaver first and if he offers me 5000baht then I`ll consider going easy on him :D

  12. SOURCE: Pattaya People: February 17th 2007

    Englishman Bitten By Local Dog

    On the 17th of February at 3.20am Dongtan Police were informed that a foreigner was bitten by a dog and his arm was bleeding and the victim was at Pattaya Home Decor Office on Thepprasit Road.

    Police arrived to find Mr. James SPEAR, aged 52 from England sitting in front of the office. He had been bitten on the arm rupturing a blood vessel. He was quickly sent to Banglamung Hospital.

    Police questioned the owner of the dog and he said his dog was normally good as gold and that his dog had never bitten anybody before. He also stated he keeps his dog chained next to his office where he and his wife live.

    Before the incident occurred he was asleep. However he was awakened by the sounds of his barking dog coupled with the crying of a man shouting out in pain and requesting help.

    MR> SPEAR told Police that he had been enjoying himself in Pattaya. He had simply tried to say hello to the dog and the dog not understanding English had gone for him.

    Mr. SPEAR accepted that it was probably his own fault and agreed to pay for all medical treatment and jokingly offered English lessons for the dog.

    With a name like SPEAR you can`t blame the dog for not taking any chances!! :o

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