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Posts posted by Johnsen

  1. Wow wow wow..... And YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYY

    This is gonna be interesting now....

    Great work to those on Koh Tao who e mailed in. Don't stop now though. Keep e mailing every newspaper around the world. I called u all gutless bastards and it looks like I am going to have to retract that statement. My apologies.

    Please don't stop writing

  2. Koh Tao revival planned....... Not if we THE PEOPLE have any say in it. Its time to really put the squeeze on these bastards.... We need to start suggestions on how to do it. Things like....

    Avoid booking ANY holiday anywhere through agencies or websites that don't post warnings about the island. I could go further and say don't book through anyone promoting anything on the islands.

    E- mails to any agency promoting the islands with threats to boycott them...

    That's just off the top of my head. Please more suggestions people. Its not enough to get on TV and simply complain anymore. Its up to us the people to take action. Find new destinations, warn everyone. We all need to do our bit. If the Thai government won't punish them we can by hitting them where it hurts most. Their future is in our hands, they must not be allowed to get away with it.

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  3. That link is simply mind blowing stuff. Is this really what Thais and Thailand think of the rest of the world. People passing away suspiciously and immediately trying to protect their $$$$$. Actually trying to protect the dollars of the villains that run the island. Remarkable... Clearly that money must go through soooo many organisations before it gets to the top. Hospitals, coroners, newspapers travel agencies simply everyone.... Like someone else has already asked, how many more deaths and rapes have occurred that we don't know about. Disgusting.... Whispers have it that all the locals know everything..... To scared to speak out they say.. Absolute BS. What are u scared of locals.... Scared to lose put on your $$$$$ and that's it. Whilst you local people might not be pulling the trigger your just as guilty in my opinion. Shame on you all.... People r being killed here you gutless bastards.... All you care about is your own pocket. Guess that's the world we live in today. You have such a wonderful place down there but you r clueless how to make the most of it. Over charging for crashed bikes, break n enter during moon parties, the list goes on and on..... You hide behind the villains but really your in it with them. And now your governments only concern is how to spin everything so people will come back so u can do it all again. The world as a whole needs to boycott your islands.

  4. I'll say it again about the condom. It was never used. It was unrolled and rubbed inside her to make it look like David and Hanna were having sex, hence sperm on the outside. This is probably one of the reasons the bodies were not discarded, the attackers went down that road for their cover up. Its also the reason bar owners were on the beach so early, to simply oversee the cover up.

    People u must understand these people on the island never ever ever get challenged. Ever. Its their utopia. I have no doubt they are all absolutely go smacked as the worlds response. This never happens.

    From here on in its pretty simple. Just keep demanding Mon and co be DNA tested and pray the British authorities have done their own testing. Step forward Mon and co, come, be tested you guilty bastards. Your so innocent yet you want take a test. What a joke. What was there excuse again.

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  5. I think this post of Johnson above on page 8 is probably 100% accurate:

    *There was an argument in the bar. Mon and co were rejected ( I believe one is police and one influential islander). Later that night whilst on the beach in a group Sean, having been asked by Mon and co for his h.elp, has lured Hanna away behind the rocks so Mon and co could have their way. David on the beach hears her struggle, probably screams and has gone to help and been assaulted with knuckle knife and dragged to the water and drowned.

    IMO: correct! Sean worked in AC bar, with a no problem work-permit & visa, is whispered to be involved organizing gangbangs sometimes using KO drops etc. He knows Mon well. Sean is also a convicted weirdo related to child porn.

    "Sean who was OK with the girl being raped tried to stop Mon and co beating and killing his friend and has been struck and run for his life also. Mon and co have finished the rape buy because she has seen David murdered needs to be killed herself so she can't id Davids killers. Mon runs the other 2 stay on the island again I believe as police and influential islander to contamenate the scene, remove all evidence of their involvement and help the investigation lead somewhere else, plant new evidence to find a patsy ie cigarette butt of the accused, phones etc etc."

    IMO: correct! It explains the DNA on the hoe didn't match David's. It explains the cuts on Sean that obviously came from fishhook knuckle knifes.

    "No patsy is easily found so they go after Sean, hence the comment u have blood on your hands when they catch up with him in 7/11 and or the minimart. Fearing for his life and now with witness to being chased and being able to post on FB who was chasing him he calls police. Police come to help and knowing now that he has posted on FB and created a scene have to protect him."

    IMO: correct! Sean is now scared sh*tless and knows he will be killed. He became an unwanted witness of David's killing.

    "Sean gets off the island with help of journalists but is interrogated on BKK by police. Not because they think he did it but to make sure he Nevers opens his mouth RR the truth. Agreeing to this he is allowed to leave Thailand as are David and Hannah's friends. They have all been told and or threatened to keep their mouths shut."

    IMO: correct! Why else let such an important witness leave Thailand with blood sprayed all over his guitar? He had to leave ASAP!

    "SteveFong and u people who were there how close am I. I reckon that's it.

    What's happened since with BK air and the Uni is just all apart of the cover up money chain etc. Mon was on the first flight out. He was never in school and all of this just goes to show u how evil this whole thing is. Thai authorities are prepared to maybe executed 2 innocent people so 3 weak pric#s could get there rocks off and save some face.

    You know the saying AMAZING THAILAND."

    IMO; correct! Mon, who was seen on CCTV twice and was out with a speedboat that night. All the rest, the tampering with CCTV on his condo, the Uni conflicting story, the refusal to give DNA is ALL part of the cover up! I also think Mon did it with one or two buddies and I believe the above post, although fictional will turn out to be a 100% correct![/background

    But if Mon was seen out with a speedboat why on earth didn't he and his buddies not pick up the bodies and dump them at sea? I'm sure daddy would have preferred that to waking up with 2 horribly murdered corpses in front of his club.
  6. Its very close. I am reminded that they, David and Hanna left the AC bar together. Perhaps the only change I would make is they were lured to the spot together and he was killed before they even began to rape her but she certainly saw him die.

    When I wrote that I was unaware of Seans supposed past of date rape and helping Mon with this before. SteveFong has suggested maybe between 3-5 people raped Hanna. I believe that's how many probably set to David first. We all know how Thais like to fight 5 to 1 and never 1 on 1.

    I doubt Sean will ever speak up. Not now that his date rape activities have been exposed. Perhaps he has been paid off or just happy to be put with his life.Not sure now if Sean is guilty of rape or not. He probably did but they couldn't just finger him as he would have named the others and what then. All DNA tested and all guilty. Better to ether kill him or have him run out of town shit scared never to talk again. If all he did was help lure then I think he would talk but his silence tells me he probably raped her but didn't kill her.

    I think u can put a line thru the Thai DNA testing. Was it ever even done. I doubt it. Its said Mon had scratches on him so his DNA would likely be under Hanna's finger nails. Let's face it, the bottom line is if you had nothing to hide and wanted to clear your name u would be screaming the house down to be checked. Sadly Mon and co refused which clearly makes them as guilty as sin. There is no other reason to not b tested.

    I believe the condom was probably unrolled and pushed/ rubbed inside Hanna just to make the story more confusing hence no DNA inside.

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  7. It has been suggested elsewhere that Sean led Hanna to the beach so Mon and co could have their way. Did David see this or hear her screams and try to protect her only to lose his life in the process. R u saying that Sean was willingly going to watch her get raped and killed only to have David intervene. If any of that is true who r these people who let Sean go. Did they pay him to stay quiet. Sounds like its time to turn the heat right up on Sean.

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  8. SteveFong what are you suggesting. No need to b so criptic. Set what up.. The rape which turned to murder. R u suggesting that David was going to join in but changed his mind. Sounds like you know plenty and that u think all will soon b revealed. Are u suggesting Sean was let go if he promised not to speak about Mon and co... Reckon we are starting to get a much clearer picture. Did Sean rape this girl also thinking the island would b able to cover it up. No doubt he is guilty of something but what exactly.

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  9. The heat on this kid Mon Sot is really starting to fire up. His last admission of guilt will be leaving the country just like the red bull kid did. Run Mon Sot Run. Prove to the world you are as guilty as sin by your own actions... Just don't run to a wrong corner of the world where somebody wants to take out their own version of rough justice. Anybody wanting make some good coin should grab a camera and stake out the international airport. That's where he will be seen next. That photo will b priceless. If I knew him I'd be on a stale out watching his every move.

  10. Wow a very very interesting report. Nobody saw the kid at uni till the 16th and he had scratches on his arm and neck..... If that's true I don't have words to describe the people from the bottom to the top trying to cover this up. Its just unfathomable... Let's get a journalist to the uni to start investigating these claims to c if anyone can back up this story... Come on you uni students.. Did u see this kid with scratches on his neck and arms. Speak up, its your chance to get rid of the rotten core of this country or at least the start. DNA would be left under Hanna's finger nails. . This needs some very serious looking into....

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