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Posts posted by Johnsen

  1. Relax 26vinny, we all know who the guilty party is. Justice ain't gonna be served here. Just sit back and mourn the death of 2 more innocent victims in the name of the mighty dollar.... At best all your gonna get is a sideshow of how stupid the Thai powers that be think we really are. Even paid lawyers can't get alibis right. I mean what moron holds up a photo of an apartment building claiming it to be a university. You just have to look at the funny side...

  2. I'm going to put my faith in the good retired general now PM. I believe he is waiting for the police to completely hang themselves so he can come in and make sweeping changes. All those involved in the investigation will be removed from their positions or jailed, some influential islanders will be jailed the Burmese boys will be released and the good general will be a hero to the Thai people and citizens all around the world...

  3. Yes but the time stamped video says the 15th and its at his apartment. The lawyer says he was in class 13th-15th and attended exams and has paperwork to prove it. Where's this paperwork. Where is a link to him being cleared by police. Cleared by his lawyer holding up a photo shopped photo is not the same as being cleared by the police. Links please to where police have cleared him by his alibi. A lawyer clearing you is not the same as the police clearing you.

  4. Amazing I actually asked the question to JDINASIA but that's all good. You are 100% both people.

    How has he been cleared by the police. What part of his lawyers alibi checks out. Why did his lawyer need to come out with an alibi if he was already cleared. That right there is nonsensical. My client has been cleared but here is his alibi. Who does or says that. Links to where it says police have cleared this kid due to his alibi.

    JDINASIA you can jump in here also whenever you want or do you fully concur with JTJ.

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