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Posts posted by Johnsen

  1. I still say that photo is a dead ringer but please keep your rebuttles coming. No doubt you are being paid or instructed to rebuttle everything by some Thai child brain fool. If you actually had any smarts you would shut the f up and hope that the case dies down and blows over. Every time you all respond you keep the OP news story at the top of the first page and drag another ten posters in.. Its absolute gold how you keep going on... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KEEP THE REBUTTLES COMING. You are doing the public a massive favour. By the way have you heard nearly 92,000 signatures. Just 8,000 more to go. GOLD GOLD GOLD and did I mention THAT PHOTO IS A DEAD RINGER FOR NOMSOD 55555

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  2. Interesting pattern starting to occur here. Headman's son possible suspect yet cleared. Football players possible suspects yet cleared. They were the early reports. If the police are protecting these people makes sense to mention them early and dismiss and make the bs case move toward scapegoats.

    Probably paid a fortune to have the case disappear. Guess the whole world isn't going to let that happen to easily. As for Sean, strangely allowed to disappear also.

    I'm even more convinced now especially with photos showing sting ray weapons being worn on both hands by the football player they are the culprits. They should all be DNA tested again. This football player needs to b questioned again.

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  3. Its amazing the lengths they are going too to protect that murderous little boy, Worat or Nomsod i think his name is, and his family on the island.

    I wonder what has been said to him in private behind closed doors. You would like to think he at least saw the end of a belt buckle but they r probably sitting around laughing about it. Let's face it he did send 5555 to the CSI LA Facebook page.

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  4. That story re The Sanctuary of Truth is beyond belief. I am gob smacked. Of course he needs to come back and sue them or the dirty rotten police win again. The story needs to be spread far and wide so when he does come back its front page news around the world. Then we can c the Thai justice system put on trial. Everyone involved needs to do time like that poor chap did. Simply inhumane in this day and age.

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  5. Who says she was raped.... Thai people on the island. Maybe just maybe she was just murdered for rejecting them. No rape. A condom left there to confuse things so no findings can be had... No DNA so no rapist / murderer to be found. Let's face it they didn't take fingerprints from the hoe or DNA samples. Correct me if I'm wrong. Perhaps they r a lot smarter than we think...

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  6. I simply have to write more. Them being recorded saying you have blood on your hands. These guys are killers and you think the shop and camera in there stopped them coming inside... What a joke. Look how perfect his photo is of those 2. Couldn't b better. That's taken in panic. Look at the one taken of him. Not hiding just cruising down the aisle. We must get into main stream media that this is all a staged set up. His whole story needs to be hosed down and given no credibility before it is even printed. Where r u. Who is paying for you to eat. Who is paying the hotel bill. Its all lies people and staged and the world needs to know this. WE NEED TO GET THE HEADING OUT THERE KOH TOA STAGES STORY TO DIVERT THE TRUTH. Somebody get the CSI LA Facebook page to run with that. Your guilty mate... Guilty guilty guilty.

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  7. Here's food for thought. I think most of us would agree Seans comments don't add up. He certainly has to me what appears to b a knife wound on his arm... Maybe just maybe he is part of tactic to lead the investigation away from true justice. Confuse the story more so to speak. The islanders are saying Worat did it. He sort of suggests the owner of AC bar did it... They r going to kill me. I don't buy that anymore... If they wanted him dead he's dead already and the CCTV footage would b cleared again. Who simply peers in through a window for the perfect photo op if you really want to kill someone. Who thinks to post perfect statements on FB if you are running for your life. There is even perfect photos of the AC bar owner recording him on Facebook in the shop taken by someone else. That is staged right there. Then he called the police. No way that was a policemen chasing him. Y would you call one of his mates. Bullshit. Then being escorted of the island by British journalists. Absolute plan. He will now tell them BS because we think he saw something and maybe because of all this we will start to believe his lies. No f'ing way. We need to go over this again. R there not pictures of him partying the next night.. What worker helped wipe blood off him. Y would u not clean your guitar. Why would he be stopped again in BKK. That's just to .make the story more believable. This is an attempt to divert the course of justice. Now suddenly he is somewhere that has limited internet access yet he can upload songs no problem but can't talk about what happened. No way. I am convinced now Sean you were there and saw everything. You full of shit little bastard. This is the islands cover up story. Not a bad one either. Is it the BBC he ran to. Surely they aren't in this up to their eyeballs as well. You need to take a lie detector test. I have said this before and I will say it again. You and Worat and one of his mates did this. Now you running for your life is nonsense. Now you don't know anything. We all need to start focusing on this guy, not to listen to him but to uncover what he was up to. I want to c footage of you running for your life. Did it begin with a smile and a handshake. There hasto be footage of you and worat together. We need footage from days before the murder... Lie detector you little prick. The island is now covering for you also. There is no doubt in my mind now...

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  8. Its not that simple. People u r looking at this the wrong way. The Thais are not trying to find the killers

    They are trying to cover this up. Everybody down there knows who did it. This is all about keeping the young kid out of jail. There is no DNA there's simply nothing. Y wasn't this done y wasn't that done .... Don't waste your time. Somebody needs to get smarter if you want to catch the killer. CCTV footage that the island has no control of... Near Worats dwelling in bkk. Airport security CCTV footage. You have to get creative. Maybe he stopped at a 7/11 etc etc. Forget the island, they have that covered.

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  9. Its been leaked to certain international newspapers via e mail from locals on the island that it was Wortat and his friend. Nobody seems to know this friends name. Surely can't be to hard to find out who he was hanging out with that night. I wonder how much money the friend has... They might just throw the friend under the bus...

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