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Posts posted by Johnsen

  1. Yesterday, 22:51

    Somtamnication, on 22 Oct 2014 - 06:13, said:

    "A police spokeswoman said police from New Scotland Yard had yet to contact Thai police about how or when their detectives would start "work" with them. Pol Lt-Colonel Chanchai Rattanaphanich said all details on the case including crime-scene investigation had been readied for them."

    Can't wait for the UK bobbies to read the Engrishee translation of those thousands of pages. They will go nuts reading "two peoples has killd two peoples". "kon burma very maidee and run with from away bodys" and the ever incredible "DNA of two kon burma maidee bad have on them and on bidys of two peoples and all police peoples love uk peoples and wes too".

    Mate please can I elect you to write the book of the story of the Thai police investigation that will be made into a miniseries. I laughed so hard at your telling of the extracts of the report. I almost spat my beer. This is priceless and bloody SPOT ON ! Well done mate.


    Agreed, and if the mini series ever gets off the ground can I play the banana pancake interpreter man. I've been told i make a GREAT pancake.

  2. Refused, hasn't taken one what's the difference. His lawyer has stated he is getting a hard time because people think he did it. Read his lawyers comments on that. Welllll if that's the case and I believe what his lawyer is saying why doesn't he VOLUNTARILY take a DNA test. Would that not clear him 100%. Balo if you were getting accused of murder and a DNA test could clear you of the crime would you not take one. I certainly would and then I would commence legal action on those who wrongly accused me. Now if I was guilty and relying on photo shopped evidence to clear my name I would refuse till the day I died.

    Are you aware his lawyer said he was at uni 13th-15th September. He also said he attended class and examinations on those dates and the uni has paperwork to show this. Well where is the paperwork Balo. Why is the university not confirming his alibi Balo. His lawyer has implicated the university yet they have said nothing. Please old wise one answer every question I have posed. All of TV wants to see you worm you way out of this one. I trust you understand the position Nomdods lawyer has now put the university in by using them as an alibi. Alibis need to be proven you know..

  3. Word on the internet from students at the university is that he was not there on the 15th. When he showed up on the 16th he had scratches on his arm and neck. Sure that's only here say but what police force anywhere in the world wouldn't investigate.

    You really have to start to believe these young Burmese are going to jail for life at the very least. I'm curious to know if that turns out to be the case how will the expats in Thailand and regular holiday makers to Thailand respond. All those posters on here what ya gonna do if they get life. Vote with your feet n get out or never come to Thailand again. This I feel is the problem. Thailand thinks you are all all talk and will continue to live and holiday there. So what's everybody's response going to be. How strongly do you feel about this travesty...

  4. The whole investigation has been a shame from day 1. The police have no desire to catch the real killers and Muang Muang statement would indicate why.

    Now I have been very critical of BKK university and I still stand by my criticism. Nomsods lawyer is using the uni as the kids alibi. I quote

    "At university and his residence 13th-15th September."

    "Mr Worat also attended classes during that period of time".

    "There are university documents that confirmed his class attendance and examination."

    So what this lawyer has done is implicate the uni. This kid is being accused of murder. Don't you think the police would investigate this alibi. 1 horribly photo shopped photo does not confirm his whole alibi. The lawyer also says Nomsod is now getting a hard time re these accusations. Well if that's the case shouldn't the uni confirm his alibi. Why no confirmation from the university. Which classes did he attend Mr Lawyer. This is your statement to prove this kid didn't murder someone. Come on BKK uni you have been dragged into this up to your eyeballs.. The lawyer says he was there. He says there are university documents to prove this. Well...... Where are they. Help this poor kid out. Their silence tells me they are involved in the cover up which is a disgrace.. Police let's go confirm the alibi. Especially to u DavidF they didn't say afternoon of 15th they said 13th to 15th. Until we hear from the uni its stinks of a cover up and the uni's reputation is in tatters.

  5. @SteveFong Muang Muang released a statement yesterday saying the two were carried to the beach from their bungalow. Its according to him where David was murdered and Hannah raped and murdered. The 2 Burmese who were on the beach were asked or made to help them move the bodies.

    CSILA Facebook page has the English translation. It has also been posted on this site under a different topic. If true its a very very damming statement.

  6. Better give that tel number to Muang Muang. It is his testimony that is the latest information on the internet. According to him the 2 Burmese were made to help carry the bodies to the beach. Perhaps that's why the police r so sure of a DNA match. Maybe they only took DNA from where they new the boys held them. He also says possibly 1 policeman involved so they would know, the police, where to check for Burmese dna. If, and I say if this is true you could almost be certain no DNA was taken from her vagina.

    Sean's statement re everybody knows the Burmese would be made scapegoats tells me he possibly new what had happened after they both had been killed. Otherwise that's a mighty good guess. I don't think the Burmese have ever been framed on that island before so why would he be so sure this time.

  7. How much longer can these sad alibis hold out for this kid. Did his lawyer holding up the worst Photoshop job in history say Nomsod was at university on the morning of the 15th attending class or just on the university grounds. I know its since been revealed the still is from his apartment but is his alibi he attended class in the morning. If said to be in class (I believe his first class was 8:30) the lecturer or his classmates need to be interviewed. Isn't that what police do. Investigate a suspects alibi. If the lawyer says he was in school and he was not and the university or anyone attending class lie and cover for him are that not aiding and assisting a criminal. Can anyone confirm what his lawyer says his alibi was. Sadly BKK uni you have now been implicated in this mess by his lawyer. Time to come forward. Was he in class or not. He is using you as his alibi......

  8. With all this new information coming to light now that Hannah was raped in her room and probably where David was murdered I wonder who of the false alibis will break first. If Nomsod did catch a flight out the airline covering that probably has the most to lose. As for the university whose job it is to educate the young minds of tomorrow, well, just what can you say about them. The professors telling lies to cover for a murderer. Basically teaching corruption and how its done and who its done for.... Disgraceful.... Its not a matter of if you lecturers but when the truth comes out. You should be jailed for your involvement. How can you look yourselves in the mirror. You should certainly never be allowed to teach again. You have shamed the whole institution to cover for one of the most disgusting human beings on the planet. I hope you were all well payed it may be your last pay cheque. Inhumane animals.

  9. If the guest house story is true that is as dispicable as it is shocking. Who owns or runs this guest house. According to other stories another girl was about to be raped in this guest house before jumping out the window to escape. Getting the Burmese to carry the bodies very clever. They must have hacked her face off as a last insult because that certainly happened on the beach. A deliberate, well thought out case of premeditated rape and murder. WHO OWNS OR RUNS THE GUESTHOUSE AND WHAT IS ITS NAME... Life jail sentences for all involved.

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