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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. I wish people would stop funding this animal trafficking. They are not meant to be circus exhibits. The same with tourists who pay to have their photo taken on the streets with elephents, iguanas, sea eagles, sloths, etc..

    Thoughtless muppets.

    Depends entirely on the individual situation.

    If the animals are cared for well and treated well, then there are great advantages in it for the appreciation and awareness of animals and conservation.

    If treated poorly, then goes without saying.

  2. Posters who consider themselves forensic scientists when they aren’t.

    Posters who think their influence will alter Thai politics

    Posters who aren’t good at trolling but repeatedly start threads

    OP’s who demand sources for information from posters on their thread who are agreeing with them


    I defiantly agree that we as guests in Thailand should be careful and never invest more money in the country that we can afford to loose.

    We should open our arms to the unfortunate sex-tourists who can’t seem to get women in their own countries and make them feel welcome as they provide income for our hosts, the Thais. If they happen to be spotty teenagers, all the more reason.


    Stop with the ''unfortunate sex-tourists who can’t seem to get women in their own countries''!!!

    Why would they want to?

    Our fathers most likely did.

  3. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

    I assume the kitchen serves beef?


    The thread was starting to get tedious....but with the introduction of Belgians, enjoying the smell of one's own farts, the Godfather, and the recent statistics on sex activity vs calorie burning - it is approaching a level of absurdity unseen since the "Thailand turns you bisexual" thread....

    Carry on

    That was an outstanding thread and closed way too premature like.

    • Like 1
  4. Problem is, it is hard to tell.

    Its not that difficult if you've lived here for a while.

    Tourists on the other hand, understandably find it a lot more difficult as they assume any old Western male/female with a younger Thai person fits the stereotype.

    Now that's the problem. How do they get the stereotype? Everyone is not a dirty old man. I have 4 daughters. The first two I never had any problems. The second two, times had changed. Not me. I have two daughters in their 20's and two in their 40's. Something happened in those 20 years to change the West. I didn't do anything different. It is no wonder so many men my age have moved. Some one or something crept in and told everyone in the West that men are bad and old men really bad. Men under 50 are not going to notice any different because they have been conditioned to feel bad about being a man but us older guys remember when it was not a bad thing to be a man.

    Dunno...but the stories you write on Stickboy don't help you with your arguments.

  5. A recent post by meatballs...

    All looking okay a week back. whistling.gif

    Posted by meatballs on 2012-09-01 10:40:19 in Pattaya Forum

    I semi-retired here at age 28. I became alcoholic pretty fast. Sleeping with a new girl everyday gave me some really nasty stds. Along the way I found away to make money online(dating) so I could live in SEA permanently. It's been 5 years and I live a fantastic life in Pattaya and SEA. biggrin.png

    My advice is be crazy, drink, sleep around and have a blast. You only live once. If all fails, you can start over again(please don't be a jumper).

    7 days is a long time in Los.

    Is this the bouncy birdy guy ?

    There are exceptions to the rules. Sometimes one lucks out.

    Mine is still different.

  6. Over time 7-11 type places, in conjunction with a good website, will become a one-stop shopping location for a lot of goods/services. Order your concert ticket, plane ticket or sports ticket online and pick-up at 7-11. Pay your utility bills, buy stamps, have packages picked up from or delivered there for you to pick-up...

    stamps are so 80's

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