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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. YachtMaster (Ocean) & RYA Instructor. What did you want to know?

    As in above posts.

    Also what are the best sailing forums for lots of info ?

    The one mentioned above is not that big, I would imagine some very big forum community out there somewhere.

  2. www.thaiprivateeye.com - Warren Olson specializes in finding people.

    If he can find a missing Mormon, he can find anybody....

    he retired a long time ago.

    I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

    Where does it say he is married to a young thai girl????

    Who would marry an old one (except myself) ?

    36 ?

  3. I want to know about communication out on the open ocean or in remote island areas these days with the modern facilities available.

    Is the internet available in such spots and by how and what would it cost >

    How would you access internet sailing from spot to spot and country to country ?

    Sorry TwoDogz, I didn't see your comm question and thought it was a thread about racing.

    My friend has a 55' boat up in the San Juan Islands and we are talking about how setup internet on it right now.

    I ran communications for Sea Launch (launching Russian rockets from a platform in the south Pacific) for a few years (the first 7 launches) and that was a largish tracking antenna utilizing Intelsat for wideband internet access and it was too expensive for non-commercial use then. Nowdays the prices have come down considerably for the tracking antenna and for the data itself and can be done for < $10k USD. Usually the vessel will stream TV over wideband internet but there are separate television solutions if that is a requirement. Basically the stabilized antenna on the boat tracks an unmodulated beacon transmitted from the satellite and they work remarkably well unless the sea state is very poor. My friend with the 55' is looking for at least 5 Mbps down.


    Excellent, thats what I'm looking for.

    Interested from the point of view of long distance learning for kids and the huge variety these days of excellent learning tools on the internet.

    So you were a russian spy huh ?

  4. I want to know about communication out on the open ocean or in remote island areas these days with the modern facilities available.

    Is the internet available in such spots and by how and what would it cost >

    How would you access internet sailing from spot to spot and country to country ?

  5. I used to run a yacht between Singapore and Phuket - but that was back in the '70's and early '80's. It was a sort of maverick operation and not much to do with clubs, marinas and that sort of stuff. What do you need to find out?

    Oh...dodgy stuff huh.

    70's tad dated...thats before morse code innit...let alone the internety

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