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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. I know someone that just built a small house with a loft and a basement, but not in Bkk.

    The loft gets very hot during the day, but believe they did not build it properly with attention to heat and insulation. It does cool down quickly though as he built in vents and at night it is fine.

    Insulation would be key and venting also as even with insulation, it will be hotter than downsatirs simply cos heat rises. If aircon then no problem, but again must insulated 110%

    We used a spray on foam on the ceiling of a house we built, stopped heat and 85% of noise very well. That combined with some fibreglass matts perhaps would work wonders.

    The upper aircon will also fall down stairs as cold air sinks, so you may be able to save on downstairs cooling with aircon.

    As for basements, theirs works well, nice and cool but you need to make sure it is waterproof, think build it like a pool and use waterstop seals at floor level and water proof agent in the cement.

    Bangkok builds high rise carparks for a reason, apparently it is less expensive to build up than down on swamp land.

  2. When the people employed to protect the nations assets, its wildlife, flora and fauna, are totally inept at what they do, how can one expect the general public to be any better.

    Usually the people chosen to be employed in such fields have a great desire to conserve and protect, not here.

    The management of parks needs to be overhauled and some western measures employed and people sent overseas to see and learn how it is done and should be done.

  3. Looks like I am the same as many others. Had to do computer/theory test 3 times.

    One of the multi-choice answers was so stupid so I would never have got it.

    This was: When do you not drive a motor vehicle?

    Answers: Forget two of them but one was' After you have had a drink' (did not say alcoholic drink but I presumed that is what they meant) The other answer was 'If you think you are going to have a heart attack)

    I went for what i thought was logical 'After you have had a drink' but wrong it was 'If you think you are going to have a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!

    There again if you see how most Tha people drive then you should not drive as they will certainly do their best to give you a heart attack by the way they drive.

    Not surprised you passed the practical - that is even more of a joke.

    That is hilarious...but of no real surprise.

    Are you allowed to put your hand up and ask questions during the exam ?

  4. By calling you a rooster i was obviously too cleverly for you to understand.

    Or are you going to brush over them and pretend they hold no validity?

    Yes you too cleverly man sure sure.

    That doesn't even make any sense. Are you really Thai or just trying to act 'Thai'?

    Please dont quote me out of context. I thought it was against forum rules to even do so.

    I clearly stated 'I was OBVIOUSLY too cleverly for you to understand, calling YOU a COQ'...

    My points remain valid and your non-addressing of those points proves you are indeed what i said you appear to be.

    If you are indeed a twunt, carry on ignoring the issues i raised. You'll fit right in here.

    proof in pudding sure sure.

  5. why is how good you look a factor?

    he's got a parrot that can say 'pretty boy'

    All of the above apply wherever you are in the world.

    Basically, don't do anything you wouldn't do at home.

    I got three ladies pregnant in Canada. Just thought I would mention that.

    Daddy ?

  6. Accept your shortcomings and your portion of the blame for what happened to you and stop being so angry at them - they're really not all out to get you, mate.

    And yet your anger clearly shows in your posts.

    I'm not angry at anyone, but I do feel a bit sorry for you.

    Not so clear to me.

    • Like 1
  7. in fact PATHETIC perfectly describes about half the posts and posters i have seen on tv though the years, give or take

    Ahhhhh, I see, now you're claiming to be different.

    blunty and

    bottom line

    (as i gently ease over my line of compassion and empathy, forgien words to some)

    some of you are masters

    at being a holes

    and enjoy it too

    i can not compete

    can not even come close

    the part of me that might be similar is the one that keeps typing

    when i confront that demon

    my work will be done here

    You can type with your backside ?

  8. I hope this isnot of topic if it is the mods can delete it ok.

    When I was back in Canada this year I was boasting about what a fine woman I had found here. I also mentioned how she was previously married to a Thai man who was an alcoholic,a gambler,womanizer,took her land and beat her. An elderly woman at the table looked at me and said"and how often do you beat her". I was at a friends house so just left. After discribing how much I cared for the woman and what a great woman she was, all this old hag could do to justify her bad attitude towards me and men is say that. And they wonder why I and many other men prefer feminine Asian women. Need less to say that was the straw that broke the camels back on that holiday. The next day I changed my flight to leave immediately and came back to Thailand.

    Irionically, that actually DID make me laugh. 'how often do you beat her' cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    If its a game that requires logic and thinking...every night.

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