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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. Ive often noticed members launching an attack when a poster mentions that he is a young man who considers himself attractive. Its not like you older guys are short of female attention..from girls a quarter of your age even. So why the hostility? Surely, when there is so much ego boosting for all men, regardless of age or body condition, there really cant be insecurity? Or is it envy? Or what?

    Yeah but, when we older men come out and boast about how handsome we all are, you collapse laughing.

    EEK, thats from a girls view, us chaps don't say that stuff. Aaaaaaaand what guy REALLY would say he is attractive. rolleyes.gif Come on. To my way of thinking only a complete twonk would say that.

    Annnnnd what is an attractive male, hmmmm, seems Quasimodo and King Kong were not on my handsome list gut they did OK with the ladies. coffee1.gif

    I am very attractive.

    I have my own calendar.

    • Like 2
  2. Well said Gentleman Jim,

    As a resident of Sukhothai, people on this thread should shut their mouths and get the arse down here and see what is really happening you total waste of space mother fxxxxxxs !!!!!!!!!!!

    Its a Thai thing...cannot blame us today, take your anger out on those with an extra 120 billion in their pockets.

  3. come on all.... the reason thaivisa is here is to help facilitate meeting people. it is in place of the community newspapers and bulletin boards that most people i know would use when moving to a new area/country -- what's wrong with asking....

    lets say its a troll; even so, maybe some shyer people are reading and want to know... i know i did when i moved over seas and didnt know where to start, was alone except for (ex) husband, out in the boonies (now suburban sprawl)... and no internet. we used english language news papers, ex pat hangouts (coffee houses, here.), checked out university bulletin boards, events, museum/art openings; (i did dog shows actually)...

    a word to the OP: meeting some folks in a bar is NOT the way. better thru sports clubs/art clubs/book clubs/ that sort of thing; and friendships take time. also, people that travel around alot, make good friends slower; meeting up for a fishing day and some beers even if its 'old gits' can be good, get some good insights to life, the universe , and everything...

    my daughter was in the usa for six months and had a difficult time making good friends and the ones she made werent mainstream americans but immigrants or Native americans (arizona)... relax, develop hobbies, do your own thing, people will find u also.



    and if the thread stays nasty it will go byebye...

    sorry, but i have never once considered thai visa a place to meet people, quite the contrary.

    A news source, a place to seek information, sure.

    It is even a source of entertainment, which people on here provide to no end if you haven't already read their tawdry opinions on the same basic topic time and time again.

    People on the internet are weird.

    But...I have met some very nice weird people.

  4. The gentle slow loris

    I bet it's a raving maniac now. sad.png

    Perhaps a raving nympho now.

    My worst fear - being in the middle of a big busy airport and my monkey sticks his head out of my trousers' fly and starts waving to everyone. And if this idiot tried this dumb stunt in Australia the RSPCA would have him up on a charge of keeping a monkey in a dirty filthy environment.

    My worst fear would be walking down the terminal isle and a monkey sticks its head out of the trashcan...flashbacks of sesame st.

  5. Death is as natural as life. Nothing is forever, only change. Throughout history, types of animals, humans, plants, etc, have come and gone and it will continue. With an evolving world it is foolish to think everything that exists now will survive the coming changes. There is nothing wrong with trying to keep species alive, as long as the total cost of the conservation is reasonable or there is some compelling benefit to be had. I do think we should be aware of which species are endangered.

    However, I don't think we should be weeping for species that go extinct, otherwise your eyes will never dry. Instead, we should appreciate the time we have with them. It pains me when I see more focus and public awareness on the loss of certain flower species than when the final speaker of an ancient language dies (happens all the time).

    Crazy comparison...a flower, can be enjoyed by all.

    The last speaker of a language cannot even talk to himself, so whats the point.

  6. Most of "locals' who are pro-dam have actually been conned about how beneficial or effective it will be.

    This dam has been rejected by Thailand's own ministry for the environment since the early 1980s.

    So why now?

    Now as a result of the national concerns about flooding the idea has yet again been resurrected.

    In the hope that the original objections will have been forgotten....

    why does it get support? because there will be some individuals in the corridors of power who will make a personal fortune if this dam is built......largely through graft and corruption it will release a large area of primary , virgin forest of logging - the timber will be worth a fortune - and then there are the lucrative government contracts followed by the land grab for tourism development as the place will no longer be protected as pristine forest.

    Do you live in that area or have been to the area?

    Do you realise that it gets flooded to some extent most years and people are getting fed up with replacing stuff year after year, mostly at their own expense.

    Do you know how big the area is that the government wants and how big the national park actually is?

    Few of the people who are protesting even live in the area and certainly none of the tree huggers and conservationists do. The people who actually do live there are the ones who should be heard and listened to the most.

    Where does Srisuwan Janya, chairman of the Stop Global Warming Association live and what does he actually do?

    If you don't like it move.

    Most people learn from the past...why are these people so slow to learn.

    I hope the dam is not built, greedy people at the front of the que please.

  7. So many mad, retarded people.

    Did you bring your parents with you or did they bring you ?

    I think he is just on his annual holiday with his parents

    Oh...I thought they had moved here.

    But, if you are correct then he should get himself to some massage places and make lotsa short term friends...cos before he knows it his holiday will be over and he will have spent it all seeking out real good foreign friends.

    I have an idea but...we could all suggest 2 members that we think would make good friends for him and he could pm them. I'll start....TheBlether and Quietman.

  8. I get your point op, but if your wife refused the money and beer, it could lead to unnecessary trouble from the guy. Especially if he wins.

    The way I have come to deal with these two faced annoyances in Thailand is to pretend I'm James Bond and it's a battle of wits! :-)

    One sided battle innit ?

    As for the poster mentioning right and wrong and learning from it...our local Tesco put in about 10 parent and child carparks closest to the entries. These carparks are about twice the width of normal parks to allow parents to get kids and shopping in and out...but emphasis is on having kids with you as all the signs above and on the floor state.

    Well, the number of single parents without kids or couples without kids that park in them every time is quite amazing as they flaunt their blind ignorance....this was a Thai initiative, not a farang one.

  9. Thai people couldn’t care less about tigers some Thais keep tigers on the roofs of houses

    They care enough about them to keep them right ?

    Perhaps one should be thinking in this time of degradation of vast areas of habitat that is is not that it is only 20sqkm against 900sqkm....but that we should be thinking to add 20sqkm to the park and more rather than only taking a little bit of it away.

    With attitudes like that...a little at a time is ok and pretty soon naddah

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