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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. A recent post by meatballs...

    All looking okay a week back. whistling.gif

    Posted by meatballs on 2012-09-01 10:40:19 in Pattaya Forum

    I semi-retired here at age 28. I became alcoholic pretty fast. Sleeping with a new girl everyday gave me some really nasty stds. Along the way I found away to make money online(dating) so I could live in SEA permanently. It's been 5 years and I live a fantastic life in Pattaya and SEA. biggrin.png

    My advice is be crazy, drink, sleep around and have a blast. You only live once. If all fails, you can start over again(please don't be a jumper).

    smells like a troll

    whats trollish about it? the advice to live life to the fullest or the caveat against suicide?

    i got here at 27 and ive done some pretty mad shit here, and while i couldn't keep it up indefinitely, i wouldn't change much of it. we haven't all arrived with one eye on our own hastily imminent mortality.

    EDIT: ah i geddit, mr balls is our sad sack OP. It would seem he has been caught out being less than genuine. for shame. my remark stands though.

    perhaps one of his biggest mistakes

  2. Me and my father are new to Bangkok having just recently explored our new soi and home. Im an 18 year old man, i look pretty young and have a slim, muscular frame and are a pretty boy. My father is big and burly, we dont look related at all. We were sitting at a bar having a beer together celebrating our new adventure with my mother, him and our dog. We were recieving looks from multiple parties and i simply stared back, i looked at my dad and told him everyone is staring at us. The bartender looked at us and asked us were we lived and how long we have been together. I pointed in the direction of our condo and inquired as to what she meant about our time together, she retorted as you all might expect. I laughed and voiced very loudly, THIS IS MY FATHER. A few people laughed, the bartender gave us a free round of heineken for the misunderstanding. People are far, far to judgemental.

    I have a parrot that says that a lot.

    You are a god amongst men.


    Want a cracker ?

  3. thais get pleasue seeing you enjoy their food and cutlure

    they are quite proud you know

    along witrh speaking thai

    one gets major respect too without trying to impress

    speaking fluently there are fewer limits to what can be achieved here

    there is no tneed to pontificate further on the matter

    clearly few if any TV members are interested in assimilating

    not sure what to make of all the ATTEMPTS at low brow humor except probably

    RUDE NASTY childish falang perhaps unhappy

    totally different than thai vibe

    learn and grow and continue to move on

    perhaps growing up

    and outgrowing TV

    unless i need to tussle with hooligans bah.gif

    If you don't like it, go assimilate.

    • Like 1
  4. Me and my father are new to Bangkok having just recently explored our new soi and home. Im an 18 year old man, i look pretty young and have a slim, muscular frame and are a pretty boy. My father is big and burly, we dont look related at all. We were sitting at a bar having a beer together celebrating our new adventure with my mother, him and our dog. We were recieving looks from multiple parties and i simply stared back, i looked at my dad and told him everyone is staring at us. The bartender looked at us and asked us were we lived and how long we have been together. I pointed in the direction of our condo and inquired as to what she meant about our time together, she retorted as you all might expect. I laughed and voiced very loudly, THIS IS MY FATHER. A few people laughed, the bartender gave us a free round of heineken for the misunderstanding. People are far, far to judgemental.

    I have a parrot that says that a lot.

    • Like 1
  5. Thai food is on my list of many international cuisines that I enjoy. It's definitely in the top 20!

    While I understand the advice to learn the language, I really don't see the logic of how eating Thai food is going to make it work out for people in Thailand, or not. Especially if living in an expat hub with so many international choices in restaurants and groceries.


    those who do, know

    less now than they did before.

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