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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. There was a fellow who did the Robinson Crusoe thing: found a deserted island and just stayed there. I think he was an Aussie. He wrote a book about it, read it online about five years ago. Can't think of his name, but I'm trying to remember/find out. (Trilby? Filby?)


    remember it yet?

    Wow, you mean people actually read these things? biggrin.png

    An Island to Oneself by Tom Neale. pdf files on the net

    yes I read your post.

  2. chaingmaikelly,

    I beleive from what i have been told that they

    put the rapists in with other rapists and the murderers,

    so i would guess that they have plenty of spare time to do what they like to each other

    and a newby would not last five minutes imho

    anyway have no intentions of finding out first hand

    Not last eh. What does that mean?

    maybe second last.

  3. Ok, thanks for all the info.

    So travelling with 2 kids and the boy wants to learn to surf, not that he will pick it up in a few days, but wants to try and most likely the daughter will then want to try.

    Thinking this place, good price and locale by sounds of it anyway.


    Do i have it right that Kuta and seminyak are the touristy lively spots and Ubud is the mountain and arty cultural area ?

    and like this for Ubud https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/583386

    We want to break it up, few days in downtown, few days in mountains and might wish to go to Sarawak for a few days also to look at something.


  4. There was a fellow who did the Robinson Crusoe thing: found a deserted island and just stayed there. I think he was an Aussie. He wrote a book about it, read it online about five years ago. Can't think of his name, but I'm trying to remember/find out. (Trilby? Filby?)

    But if you're looking for a challenge, there are some Andaman islands that are pretty much deserted. You can perhaps do supply runs with the help of the sea gypsies. Might be able to negotiate a creative visa situation with the Thai gov't.

    remember it yet?

  5. Anyone been recently.

    Looking for advice on best areas to stay, family.

    Looking at flights it seems around 9000b each way.

    But looking at hotels on wotif.com and blown away at cost of around $300 mostly, I thought Bali was cheap.

    So, looking for a bit of a mix, a beachfront stay for few days and a mountain stay for few days.

  6. What would you do with those numbers?

    It would lend some credence to the statement, " Latina women don't take shit and can have a bad temper. But my experience has been that only happens when the man really deserves it."

    I mean that is a nonsense statement to make about women from any country. One can't possibly demonstrate it it is true or not.

    But the numbers would make all the difference right?

    That is the way the world works.Statistics like them or not is the way things are measured. If you want to debate statistics pick on someone else.

    Got any numbers for that?

  7. That is not true. Brazilian women are much better partners and much more faithful than Thais. For that matter you forgot Chilean ladies who are drop-dead gorgeous but are difficult to get to know and have relationships with unless you spend a considerable amount of time in Chile.

    Indeed as eek points out, Latina women don't take shit and can have a bad temper. But my experience has been that only happens when the man really deserves it.

    Do you have any numbers to back this up?

    What would you do with those numbers?

    It would lend some credence to the statement, " Latina women don't take shit and can have a bad temper. But my experience has been that only happens when the man really deserves it."

    I mean that is a nonsense statement to make about women from any country. One can't possibly demonstrate it it is true or not.

    But the numbers would make all the difference right?

  8. That is not true. Brazilian women are much better partners and much more faithful than Thais. For that matter you forgot Chilean ladies who are drop-dead gorgeous but are difficult to get to know and have relationships with unless you spend a considerable amount of time in Chile.

    Indeed as eek points out, Latina women don't take shit and can have a bad temper. But my experience has been that only happens when the man really deserves it.

    Do you have any numbers to back this up?

    What would you do with those numbers?

  9. I believe what gave it away was the air hostess noticed him stuffing a banana down the front of his trousers mid-flight!w00t.gif

    I would have been better if it had been French Customs and Excise,I can just see the officer asking the man in an Inpsector Clouseau type accent :

    'Excusez-moi Monsieur,is zat a Minkey you 'ave zere,down your pants'!laugh.png

    Zank you zir, yz indeed it iz a minkey, would you like to fondlez it monsieur?

  10. If it is charnote it will have the land size and boundaries on the title deed. Jim

    I think they are starting to use GPS numbers now on the land boundaries. Do some google research on the 4 different types of land ownership papers. Only the true charnote is work buying.

    Not really, the Nor Sor titles are also very good.

    I have a friend who bought and paid for 80 rai of Nor Sor land and when he eventually got the chanote, it was for 56 rai. What could he do? If you buy this type of land, you better know where the boundaries are and take careful measurements.

    Exactly, his problem though for not getting it surveyed beforehand or upon signing of contract subject to etc.

  11. Thanks for the posts and PM's. I had one suggestion for a place near Thanin market and another at the night bazaar so I'll take her to check out both. She's going to be swimming at a pool at an apartment that has mainly foreigners so I don't think she'll be too shy about it.

    I was sure that KSK or Robinsons would have something since the stores in Bangkok do so I was surprised that they didn't but I guess it must reflect some differences in modesty here in CM. The type that she is looking for would just be considered "normal" in Australia and I can understand that over here there are differences in cultural modesty but she's not exactly going to be lying at the beach here in CM, just at the non public apartment pool so it shouldn't be a big problem I'd think.

    I think it was more of a shock to her to see swim suit shorts for women and all the extra pieces of material to cover up the body in different places. As well as the very child like designs. It says it all that I initially thought we were in the kids section until I realized that the sizes were for adults.

    Thanks for all the advice and suggestions!

    What time is Semper coming around?

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