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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. Not sure of the flying time from BKK to India but it's gotta be a few hours <deleted>, Did they both sleep? did he feed/water it before going to the airport? Imagine your sitting next to a stranger and you have said monkey concealed in your pants, the plane hits a bit of turbulence and the monkey craps your pants for you, explain that one away!........lmfao cheesy.gif

    What if said turbulence causes monkey to grab something for security and stability.

    Lizardtongue has a point. The stewardess passes you your drink and a packet of peanuts. You pour the drink down your throat, unzip your pants and pour the peanuts into your underwear... That has GOT to cause some concern to the person sitting beside you.

    What if he likes what he sees?

  2. I took her by KSK (Central and Supersports) and of course Airport Plaza (Robinsons). We could only find the thai types of bikinis that look like kids bikinis

    Sounds like a woman I would appreciate. smile.png

    lend her one of yours then

  3. I can only imagine the suffering of the paralysed man and also the unbearable pressure that would impose on his wife, but my God, couldn't she just have administered sleeping pills

    Police investigators believe she may have committed the murder because of drug-induced delusion or a cult. Pornsuree told police she was the medium of a deity.

    Now what's the name of that popular cult in Thailand, with a leader who thinks he is a deity and who sacrifices its own members at public violent protests?

    As for the second couple, do they have marriage guidance in Thailand, something like 'Relate' maybe? It's got to be easier.

    Maybe she did and was just disposing of the body, or not.. Seems she didn't want forensics to lead back to her, head and hands cut off.. Shows a definite premeditation. There would be quite a mess if she beheaded him while alive.

    Which bits did she cut off first?

  4. Suspect on the left can play with my Slow Loris anytime she wants. rolleyes.gif

    Payboy, I can imagine the telephone conversation with you.

    "Darling, Slow Loris sick. Can not take photo with sick Slow Loris. Me no have money for eat. Doctor say 10,000 baht for medicine for Slow Loris. You can help me darling? Send money for sick Slow Loris." smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

    I have a lisp...thanks a lot.

    • Like 1
  5. to have a new land survey done is mandatory, we found that 7 rai became 5.5. rai because the canal a road had been redrawn, no bad intend by the seller. Farmers are simply not trained to think in these terms. Only one meter off on your border line can amount to a substantial area.

    land surveying is important also for a future sale.

    A kilo is 1000gr , one rai must have 1600sqm, you pay 100, you want 100, that's what I had to teach my wife

    If it is charnote it will have the land size and boundaries on the title deed. Jim

    I think they are starting to use GPS numbers now on the land boundaries. Do some google research on the 4 different types of land ownership papers. Only the true charnote is work buying.

    Not really, the Nor Sor titles are also very good.

  6. You said you got sole custody at the Amphur, not at the court...is this correct?

    I ask because all my enquiries I have been told it has to be via the court, even though it would be an amiable agreement to sole custody by the mother, that it could not be done just at an Amphur.

    OK, I would love to know if that is the case! Custody granted through an amicable agreement when divorcing at the Amphur and recorded on the divorce papers is not enforceable?

    Would I now need to get the family court to acknowledge it?

    Dont jump the gun, my info could be wrong, I am hoping yours is right.

  7. Thais rarely adapt well overseas the culture shock of an australian prison will hopefully drive him mad the opportunity of a smooth skinned thai boy should also provide some comfort for his fellow inmates

    Sounds like a middle class thai brat who never heard the word no before in his sheltered bubble

    Almost worth a week inside just to watch!

    And you all thought the rapist was a problem.wink.png This guy wants to watch male rape in a prison so much he would almost commit a crime to get there. This thread is really bringing them out.

    Get a life

    • Like 1
  8. I read about this exact scenario happening to someone else and the guy got to keep control of the properties. But I think it had something to do with power of attorney from the wife somehow.

    The other things is that as you are married, her estate should go straight to you as the husband I believe.

    Then as I understand it you would have 12 months to sell property.

    But, because you have kids, the property I would imagine could also go directly to them without issue. Only problem here is the requirement to keep it till they are 20yo etc. But you can apply to court to sell on their behalf if you have cause for example for school fees etc and college and such.

    A lawyer would most liekly be required to navigate the way, just make sure it is a trustworthy one and have all documents translated and double check Thai ones with someone else before signing anything.

  9. How can you call your method fast ? blink.png

    Just how long do you think it takes to scam a million people ?

    I would call your way the slowest way rolleyes.gif

    and the turtle won the race.

    When I was younger someone asked me a question, it was would you rather be paid a million dollars a day for a year, or a cent a day doubling every day for a year? If you do the maths the second method gets the most, so over the long term, those collecting small amounts from many will get more than those collecting a lot from a few.

    I'd take the million a day cos the guy giving you the cash either way might die at some point and forget t pass the message on.

    So even after 7 days I'd be ok.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm so glad your thread title didn't paint all Thai's with broad sweeping negative generalizations...oh wait...

    That new painted thai guy or whatever he is called should be along soon.

    Why would I tell you this for free? Buy my next book, “How Thai people rip off dumber than dirt Farangs.”

    Based on experience.

  11. Okay guys, maybe it's time for the power of forums such as this. When I was in the UK we ran a very successful campaign to get a house converted as a rehabilitation center for servicemen returning from Afghanistan and Iraq who had lost limbs and suffered terrible injury. There had been much complaining from some Nimby's and one of the deciding factors was the local council meeting to discuss the application. about two hundred of us turned up all with jacket and Tie and took every spare public seat. The motion to support the servicemen was overwhelmingly passed.

    In post 393 whitfield has given details of his own experiences including the advice that a good turn out at the hearings may add support. Not only the criminal hearings but also the hearings for custody.

    How about we mobilize the TV masses. Amongst us we have the resources to achieve almost anything. Oswald's close friends will be able to touch base with family members in SA and we can get all the court hearings scheduled. Why not commence Operation Oswald or Operation SafeHaven with the sole aims of getting Oswald's young son to safety and pressure the legal system to send these 3 down for the maximum period possible. I am willing to dedicate time and resources to organizing the when's and where's and will establish a link with Oswald's brother. If there is support for the idea maybe the Mods can get us a sticky/pinned thread Op Oswald or Op SafeHaven. We can do the rest via public and private messaging and emails.

    The situation needs support, lets not bitch and moan how the Thai system gave custody of the boy to the Mother in Law in 6 months. All the family in SA have left of Oswald is his son, and all the son has left is his murdered Fathers family in SA.

    It seems Oswald was much loved by those that knew him. Shall we try and make a difference to his sons future, it seems necessary and will be a very noble cause!

    My god, talk about jumping the gun.

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