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Posts posted by TwoDogz

  1. I am not even retired and I worry about this. Worrying about whether I will have enough to keep me going until I kick the bucket. Nary a day goes by without this issue coming to mind unbidden.

    Yeah, I can relate. I fear severe poverty more than death. I wouldn't last a day on the streets.

    In my case, I haven't worked for pushing ten years now, and I thought I'd be richer at this point than I actually am. What hit me wasn't so much inflation or personal events, but the BAD luck of the TIMING of when I stopped working. (Market meltdowns.)

    Someone might take you in and adopt you, pet you, feed you.

  2. No, not you, you are to well dressed for that type of horse play.

    A very nasty person that seems to be a well respected member of TV.

    Name & Shame plz

    +1, whoever it is needs a holiday, from life.

    not allowed to.

  3. Awwww shucks, I was going to get all nasty n such and blame the mods for me not wanting to share my chocolate information...based on a little PM altercation...but, Migs post gave me a smile so go your hardest, pig out on some rather nice swiss chocolate.

    The Villa in soi 11 has it, I would presume all villa's would have it and it is the 'Frey' brand and they have 2 for 1 deal on about 4 of their range....all good.

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  4. What about a member that sends you a PM like this... 'Is your mother still sucking Aboriginals off for grog money'

    Clearly anyone that sends a message like that is imbalanced

    I tend to agree, but they were the nice words that he was trying to sweet talk me with.

    You should see the rest.

    who sent you that, not me.

    No, not you, you are to well dressed for that type of horse play.

    A very nasty person that seems to be a well respected member of TV.

  5. What about a member that sends you a PM like this... 'Is your mother still sucking Aboriginals off for grog money'

    Clearly anyone that sends a message like that is imbalanced

    I tend to agree, but they were the nice words that he was trying to sweet talk me with.

    You should see the rest.

  6. Every time I come across one of these threads, which is actually fairly regularly, I'm always left wondering why so many people feel the need to comment on, or even judge other relationships. I'm more than happy with my life, wife and kids to feel the need to put someone else down for what I may perceive to be a "flaw" in their relationship.

    You've never commented or had an opinion on someone else's relationship?

    A man that does not have an opinion is not a man.

    You are off course entitled to your opinion regarding my manhood, something I see no need in proving to you. A man who has an opinion and feels the need to voice it on every subject under the sun is usually, in my "opinion" not worth listening too. Who am I to judge another man's relationship? What gives me the right? I'm not going to belittle a man's wife/partner online because I wouldn't do it to his face.

    you are right, but i never say anything here i will not say to someones face, so am i wrong

    What about a member that sends you a PM like this... 'Is your mother still sucking Aboriginals off for grog money'

  7. live and let live, but what if there behavior affects others.

    Like your spelling will on some of the spell police about in here ?

    even writers have editors, who sits there and re checks every word, those who fear the spell police.

    spell police = someone who is lacking confidence, and must scrape the bottom of the barrell looking for a fault.

    if you can read it its right, that what communication is.

    and don't forget to be dressed appropriately to be a spell policer.

  8. Would you marry a prostitute back in your home country?

    Yes, I would, as long as she accepted my previous life too.

    Why does being a prostitute make someone a bad person?

    I wouldn't say so. But it certainly isn't something you should put on your C.V.

    Why not ?

    It might get you the job.

  9. Never quite understand ... what exactly is the point of posting here about a good deal/sale on something, but not giving any details that would allow those interested in the deal/sale to take advantage of it???

    Cos it might all be gone tomorrow with the rush and I might want more.

    Call me selfish, but good chocolate deals in bangkok are few and far between.

    PM me if you really want me to share.

  10. OP...are you planning to let the process take its natural course, or at a planned time or pahse of the process are you planning to help it along ?

    It is relevant as if you plan to let it run its natural course, you may need the assistance of doctors or hospital in the last days. I doubt you would wish to go through the pain of it of last few days without some pain medication etc.

    You then need to factor in the cost of this and as I said before, do not let an international hospital here rip you off for everything left, they are merciless here.

    And this is not a insensitive remark, my mother went through this and planned it, so just incase giddyup feels the need to express his feelings again.

  11. How to go about finding a Burmese couple to take care of a small farm ?

    Agents pose a problem as they would say anything to get them employed and gain their commission.

    Need a couple with some experience and desire to run a farm, but also need to speak either good Thai or english.

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