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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Good ! About time, can't sit down due to people not buying anything.

    Can we do the same with all the people who think petrol stations are just for free toilets and parking ?

    If I find myself with a full tank and bladder I'll park and use the toilet.

    I'll buy fuel from them when I need it.

    I think the secret is to coordinate your tanks !

    When yours needs discharging make sure the fuel tank needs filling. smile.png

    I hope you're not suggesting he should pee in the tank?

    nice touch !

  2. ^^ Kitsune ... I helped you with a 'like' above.

    I must be awfully thick ... I've read the OP a few times, yet still to comprehend any logic in fiscal terms the sensibility of what the OP is about.

    It just keeps reading to me that if the Baht and the Pound or Dollar or Euro were at parity levels, the Thai would be uber rich?

    How might it be different ... ???

    The UK Pensions thread would explode ... facepalm.gif


    Just call me Kettle wink.png

    In relation to me ... you just don't know how close you are with the truth in that ole' expression.

    PS ... you still owe me a PM reply from about a week ago ... whistling.gif ... just a gentle nudge ... biggrin.png


    and I guess I will never know ...

  3. I've got to be honest, I'm all in favour of Thais studying abroad, in fact the more people exposed to another culture the better. I would just prefer that the Thais don't go about setting up brothels and threatening lecturers with bats if they get bad grades.

    Too much to ask? coffee1.gif

    I don't really think it's fair to have one set of rules for locals and another for visiting students.

    EDIT- sorry forgot this very important emoticon biggrin.png

    that changes everything !

  4. Not sure if you're posing a question or implying something I don't understand. I understood that in Thai, it's polite to address by profession, as in Kuhn Kruu, Kuhn Moh etc. Is that what you're implying?


    Yes part of what I see as the cause of some foreigners interpreting Thai's use of their language as disrespectful is that we think most of the time it's "polite" to use someone's name.

    While Thais will often use an "objectifying" word to substitute for that, without meaning any disrespect.

    My SO telling the new maid "The old guy likes to eat toast for breakfast" (Geh chawp gin toast dton chao) isn't disrespectful. In fact I'd have to really make an effort to train the maid to use my name, because by her cultural/linguistic lights, it would be impertinent, presumptious for her to do so, she'd feel more comfortable with "Nai" or "Paw".

    "Farang" just happens to be one of those words used to substitute for us where we would expect to see a name.

    Just to point out while 'gair' can mean old, it is also used to mean 'he/she' as an alternative to 'kow'

    Your misses is not calling you 'old man' in the situation you described.

    He likes = gair chawp

    Old man = kon gair

    In Thailand.

    The rudeness comes in using a word to describe a 'thing' without a modifier to turn the 'thing' into a person.

    Gair/kow/pee/nai/nong/noo/lung are all forms to address a person.

    Farang/man are forms to address a 'thing' or maybe an animal.

    Your maid should also not address you directly by name,

    Nai Chris, pee chris, lung Chris = polite (depending on relative ages and position in society)

    Chris = impolite

    oh you're back can you confirm you're thai, some people seem to doubt it

  5. Yes it plugs directly into a socket (onto the ring main), you'd need panels, brackets, cables and a grid tie inverter

    Its the easiest and cheapest way to do it and makes sense in thailand where u have ample sun all day

    plenty of info online

    how much does a 1kw panel gets you ?

  6. Exactly the ones you select from their checklist.

    oh OK and they give you a list and chose from it?

    Does it include xray? ultrasound?


    I was speaking directly of the blood work.

    The stuff you're talking about is part of the overall checkup, which I'm saying doesn't need to be done so frequently if you more routinely keep an eye on the factors they told you need to watch out for.

    For example, I'm at risk of contracting gout due to high levels of uric acid in my blood.

    After modifying my diet (other than chocolate of course) for a few months I can go and get that specific item tested for a very small amount along with my regular HIV/STD checks at the Red Cross.

    If you have high cholesterol, then you'd get the HDL/LDL/triglycerides check.

    You just need to learn what range is healthy and observe changes in your results over time as you change your diet and lifestyle.

    Oh no chocky? That's no good

  7. Didn't McDonalds bring in some new rule lately about only being able to stay for a maximum of 1 hour after purchasing food ?

    They have many rules in Thailand that are not enforced.

    Can you really see Thai staff confronting other Thais over the time spent in the restaurant ?

    Actually I could but the first warning wouldn't come with a manager screaming at the kids, but more along the lines of: "you need to buy something here, otherwise we can't let you stay here any longer."

    or I call your mum and tell them where you are

  8. ^^ Kitsune ... I helped you with a 'like' above.

    I must be awfully thick ... I've read the OP a few times, yet still to comprehend any logic in fiscal terms the sensibility of what the OP is about.

    It just keeps reading to me that if the Baht and the Pound or Dollar or Euro were at parity levels, the Thai would be uber rich?

    How might it be different ... ???

    The UK Pensions thread would explode ... facepalm.gif


    Just call me Kettle ;)

  9. > Finally I would treat the bowel as a specialist item by having an endoscopy once every ten years.

    Once you've had polyps removed though they say every 2-3 years from then on. . .

    If you work to consciously change your attitude about it and the nurse is pretty enough it can actually be fun


    I am ashamed to say that I avoided having an endoscopy for far too many years and for all the wrong reasons, simply put, I was afraid. Once I did manage to buck up the courage to have one I felt hugely better about things and now I wonder to myself what all the fuss was about.

    good on you!

  10. Some cultural traits are just worse than others - on an absolute measure biggrin.png


    Yes, "life" is a pretty objective criteria, but some say "human" life is overvalued compared to other species.

    Here's another example that most in the west consider "objective" - one girl's "female circumcision" is another's "female genital mutilation".

    Interesting recent article here from Indonesia: http://www.theislamicmonthly.com/a-tiny-cut-female-circumcision-in-south-east-asia/

    Of course, clearly an example of barbaric culture. I'm not one of those cultural relativists whom are largely responsible for the sorry state of affairs in Europe.

    no Im not either, but are they really responsible for europe dismay?

  11. What I can't be bothered with is the " you don't know what it's like " brigade. I choose to never know what it's like, I want to enjoy life.


    So stop telling us what to think, stop telling us we are wrong in what we witness everyday, if you can't be bothered to face reality

    I can't help who you mix with, and my pals are of the opinion that the Thais wouldn't discuss anything with you anyway, as you, like most farangs in this country, rank behind the flea on the dogs back in order of importance.

    I pity you that needs to live in a country with people you rate so lowly.

    That is one ridiculously discriminatory and absolutely absurd comment to make. First of all, the average Thai has respect for foreigners, especially those that mind their own business and are not known criminals etc. there is no reason why they wouldn't.

    Secondly, if this statement were true, Thailand would be an extremely hostile place for "farangs", by which I think you mean foreigners in general and the tourism industry here would barely be in existence. Thirdly, if you are by any way implying that a well traveled, well-to-do hi-so Thai would be as narrow minded as to not spend time with foreigners, but would rather hang out with Somchai the banana trader that drives his beaten up pickup truck loaded with bananas to market and blames everyone else for his problems then you are surely mistaken.

    Not sure where you came up with such a view but I can assure you that this is not how most Thais view foreigners.

    Tourist industry takes years before reacting to trends, it might not have an impact now, but in the future

  12. > Finally I would treat the bowel as a specialist item by having an endoscopy once every ten years.

    Once you've had polyps removed though they say every 2-3 years from then on. . .

    If you work to consciously change your attitude about it and the nurse is pretty enough it can actually be fun


    nice touch boosta

    what's next prostate?

  13. Seems to me that you are just opposing everything that people post today. Your points of view are clashing with each other across different threads.

    Oh OK so it's fine to stare at people constantly, ignore their "sawadika", discriminate them per race and consider our own race is superior ?

    Remind me of Thai values again ?

    Last time I checked it was Money, Patriotism and Face.

    Is that what we should all be working on ?

    As a farang the second value is just nonsensical.

    Leave us with money and face ...

    But I guess you only come to TV to be objectionable because your life is just so empty.

    Hey ... I just wanted to try out the cool new smilie here ... facepalm.giffacepalm.gif


    love it facepalm.gif

  14. ok,

    i often was confused at the same as the OP has asked.

    the truth to the matter is that the thai's dont learn the times table,as well as the farang have leant it.

    an easy way to find out is ask your lady what is 4x4 we know its 16, but watch how long it take for a thai to

    find the answer.

    there is in fact the answer to the question.

    the times table.

    what about when they use them to negotiate?

  15. Designing your lifestyle to minimize usage of personal automobiles not only improves your odds of surviving living in Thailand, but saves a lot of money and helps reduce your resource consumption if you happen to think that's important.

    Of course, defensive driving is a good thing too, just sayin'

    that or give up driving all together

    Don't tell me, your 18. wink.png

    18 and a half

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