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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Designing your lifestyle to minimize usage of personal automobiles not only improves your odds of surviving living in Thailand, but saves a lot of money and helps reduce your resource consumption if you happen to think that's important.

    Of course, defensive driving is a good thing too, just sayin'

    that or give up driving all together

  2. Why say UNFRIENDLY ANERICAN PLACES...try going into a THAI businesses with ten friends and talk loud...use the tables and wifi...toilets...take up space and DONT buy anything. See how friendly you get your assess kicked.

    the difference is Mc Do is spending millions in ad campaigns to lure kids in its restaurants

  3. Old money goes to England

    New money goes to the US

    No money to Australia.

    More seriously, the Thai civil service sends many many hundreds of new promising grads overseas each year, not only to these countries, but also to places like Canada, Japan, France, Switzerland and Germany.

    not with the living costs of australia they aint.

    most of the thais i know who have gone overseas have done so primarily to work and so they can 'check-in' on facebook. Study is just something they have to do to get the visa.

    what do you mean checking on FB??

  4. how do I check results, is it weekly thing or daily. do I have to match at least 3 numbers or what... didn't really understand d concept.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    and why the need to buy 2 tickets ??

    and why all these newspapers about lottery?

  5. Wow you know better than the Thai themselves !


    Have you personally seen his ID card?

    If so, then I'm holding to my claim that one of the other factors is the cause of this bizarre claim.

    In the meantime I'm calling BS on his claim to being Thai.

    but isn't his selected forum handle hard evidence that he is Thai? who else but a Thai would use the Thinglish expression "AnotherOneAmerican"?


    exactly he says he's a lawyer here, see his posts

  6. Seems like the OP is another one of the Farangs who expects millions of Thais to change to the way he does things, because he chose to leave his own country and chose to live here.

    Hate to burst your arrogant Farang bubble, but it's YOU that has to adapt, not the Thais, you might think about getting a Thai driver if you are too old to adapt.

    What total rubbish. laugh.png Can't believe you wrote that. Your street cred is now nil. w00t.gif

    Another love it or leave it brigade member coffee1.gif

    BUT, my street cred is intact. intheclub.gif

    How can anyone from the love it or leave it batch can have any street cred?

  7. Lives are cheap here, and those of people that can't afford a vehicle are basically seen as worthless.

    Funfon! ....please....coffee1.gif


    Please what?

    Can you imagine a Thailand where pedestrians actually have right of way? Where zebra crossing actually means cars should stop when someone steps out? They put stoplights on the one near my house last year and it's been completely ignored even when the light is red while me and the kids are in the middle of the crossing, especially by the government bus drivers.

    The push-switch to activate the stop light broke after two months, and the neighbors and I tried to find out who to call to get it fixed and no one we contacted gave a stuff.

    I stand by my words, the people driving cars are considered much more important than those walking, just as in all other areas richer people are more valued than the poor. Whoops one exception that proves the rule - the Labour Court.

    People with cars consider themselves much more important. Locals with shiny pickups have even too much of that pathetic ego-issue. Typical third world.

    yes and they won't slow down for pedestrians it's a disgrace people have to run to cross the street

  8. +1


    Dear Kettle,

    I'm not sure why you're responding to it seems absolutely every thread from the past three weeks.

    You may have noticed there is a little green box with a check mark labeled "Like This".

    That does the same thing as your "+1" without causing the thread to jump to the top and making everyone think that someone has contributed something of value to the thread.

    Yours truly,


    Oh I am so silly next time I will use the magic button thanks!

    Yours truly


    • Like 1
  9. Have you seen how difficult it is to actually cross the road here?

    No, tell us all please.

    Well most of times you have to use these disgusting and dangerous cross over which is a nightmare for old ladies, people with infants, children or shopping trolleys.

    If using zebra crossing you're not safe either, cars just ignore them

    it's a car first society where pedestrians are not welcome

  10. Just FYI... in Belgium the FNAC is a reputed bookstore. A lot of people go there and read comics or books for free. Instead of chasing them away, the management accepted as part of the symbol that was FNAC for access to culture. I admired that, and after my penniless student years, I bought my books there.

    Accepting non-paying people is also a long-term way of keeping customers and making your shop a place with positive memories.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    nice one thumbsup.gif but Mc Donald is trying to have people stop thinking or getting education, if they did they would not eat there ;)

  11. Once you've done a major check-up, make sure you understand all the various blood-work details being tested and which ones you should keep an eye on more frequently than others.

    Then places like the Red Cross will let you select specific tests at very low rates (I had a dozen done for $360), so you can go and do those every six months or so, and delay the full-package routine - assuming you're basically healthy to every other year or so.

    what does it include exactly ?

  12. Seems like the OP is another one of the Farangs who expects millions of Thais to change to the way he does things, because he chose to leave his own country and chose to live here.

    Hate to burst your arrogant Farang bubble, but it's YOU that has to adapt, not the Thais, you might think about getting a Thai driver if you are too old to adapt.

    What total rubbish. laugh.png Can't believe you wrote that. Your street cred is now nil. w00t.gif

    Another love it or leave it brigade member coffee1.gif

  13. Oh OK so it's fine to stare at people constantly, ignore their "sawadika", discriminate them per race and consider our own race is superior ?


    One of us is very confused, I've never advocated for any of the above. I was responding to this:

    Remind me of Thai values again ?

    Last time I checked it was Money, Patriotism and Face.

    Is that what we should all be working on ?

    As a farang the second value is just nonsensical.

    Leave us with money and face ...

    And I was told to use thai grid instead of farang one ...

    so I did

    • Like 1
  14. Apart from all the negative rhetoric about Thai people. can anyone give me the rules about zebra crossing?


    1. What are zebra crossing for, how do they work and what are the rights of a pedestrian / unmounted cyclist?

    2. What are a cyclists rights? i.e. if a cyclist is dismounted, injured or killed, what happens to the motorist? They don't even attempt to slow down so don't seem afraid at all and don't mind intentionally killing people it seems. Is it just another 100B fine?


    Not being negative, and noting that the theoretical laws are irrelevant, stating the facts as I observe them:

    The bigger, faster, more expensive and powerful vehicles have right of way.

    Smaller, weaker, slower vehicles, pedestrians obviously at the bottom of the pecking order, have to dodge and scurry their way across at risk of their own lives.

    Zebra crossings are intended to cut down on the latter inconveniencing the former by concentrating them in certain spots, and also to provide large areas where police needing pocket money can fine foreigners for jaywalking.

    They do not provide any protection, drivers do not stop or even slow down just because people are on the stripes, just like anywhere else you have to dodge and dash for your life.

    This is true in many places even where there is a pedestrian crossing LIGHT installed.

    If a vehicle strikes a pedestrian or cyclist they will likely speed off without stopping and there is little one can do.

    In the .00001 percent of the time the guilty party is apprehended and sentenced, it will be a very small fine, the more rich and powerful they are the less likely there will be any serious penalty.

    This is the reality here, pretend otherwise all you like, go out and try to change things if you like.

    indeed it is true

  15. cheap grocery shopping doesn't exist here. the 2 places you went to are as cheap as it gets.

    Really? Wow, I guess local Thai people just live on rice, noodles and vegetables.

    I was surprised the US is much cheaper for similar products.

    Yeah but Thailand isn't the USA so therefore products like potato chips and other western snack foods are going to be more expensive than the U S ! and a lot of those products dont feature in the Thai diet !

    not yet but Thailand is catching back on junk food real fast !

    outside every thai school 4 stands waiting for outing time: french fries, sodas, sausages covered in msg and sugard and ice cream !

  16. Really? No matter what happens? A total collapse of the increasingly fragile and interconnected international economic system would have a major impact on every human being living on the planet other than a few hundred remaining "lost tribes" in places like the Amazon.

    If you're fully "prepped" for such a disaster you have a farming compound fully self-sufficient in food production without relying on any purchased inputs from outside, and have a stockpile of weapons and ammo, with your commune's members trained to defend it from the starving marauding hordes.

    That takes a heck of a lot of money and technical knowledge, to go to that level of preparation for something most people consider very unlikely would cause society to label you as insane and dangerous, and probably the government would actively seek to remove your capabilities.

    or they would try to have you sent to psychiatric ward ;)

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