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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. $1.7 trillion dollars for student loan forgiveness versus 1.9 - 2.3 trillion dollar tax cut that disproportionately went to the wealthiest Americans and corporations. And, by the way, mandated big tax increases for the middle class after the first couple years but not for the wealthy. Does that sound fair?
  2. To those who keep parroting the "if he didn't break the law, he wouldn't be facing this" line...this "law" was put in place by an illegal government who gained power as the result of a coup and then rewrote the "laws" to ensure the perpetuation of their regime. It's as legitimate as a three-dollar bill.
  3. You think the Governor of a province has the power to curtail CP Group's corn production? LOL.
  4. Then you don't get out much or understand anything about what government is or does. What a nonsensical statement! Just look in a mirror.
  5. LOL! How did you manage to get to Thailand, were you given a special visa for being a dissident? Why aren't you organizing a resistance to the guv'ment that's taken away your rights? Instead you run to Thailand where there are all these OTHER brown people around to threaten your very existence? You seem to be lacking logic.
  6. Well, I thought this transparent bit of propaganda wouldn't fool a child. I guess I was wrong, or are you a child?
  7. He neither made things up nor "attacked" the person - he pointed out that the person's posting history clearly shows a bias towards the unelected military government. That is relevant in the context of this discussion.
  8. You mean the guys who overwhelmingly were chosen by people in an election where the incumbent had all the advantages and are still trying to invalidate the result? The people saw who he was, and saw very clearly who the other people who stole power the last 8 years and are still trying to do so are and chose. That's democracy. You don't seem to like it. No wonder, your views reveal that you're similarly Mesozoic in your opinion. By the way, you're aware that it was the incumbent government who legalized the drugs, right? You're an old man shaking his fist and yelling at the kids to get off his lawn.
  9. So you agree? You're all over the place. What was the "worst"? The corruption? Are you sure? Corruption tends not to provide receipts. Do you think the Army opens their books so you can compare the two?
  10. You believe the incompetent military doesn't ALSO have massive corruption? How quaint. I'd much prefer competent government elected by the people but with the usual corruption to any military-installed government.
  11. Exactly! And it has happened exactly zero times, hence there have ALWAYS been future coups. If you think the new government is going to "go after" the outgoing government you have exactly zero understanding of Thai politics.
  12. People like me? Oh, do tell! What am I like? Why would you assume I like simple, cheap, unpleasant and tasteless food? I mean, I moved to Southeast Asia, not exactly the hub of glop. Actually, why would you think that the food of the peasants is that way at all? The "peasants" would be the people of the North, Northeast and rural areas in the Central and South. Their food would almost never be described as "tasteless", most would say it's extremely spicy. I enjoy it immensely. Oh, and you're a bit of a purist when it comes to spelling, preferring to use only the native script or, when you deign to discuss things with "peasants", your own transliteration which I guess must be "above" the likes of us. What an interesting fellow you must be, to be so far above us yet an admirer of the Scouse.
  13. No, but if you see him and like his outfit, you should say "Jack! Wow!"
  14. Really? I guess you have to tell us what you describe as "peasant food", because Phnom Penh is pretty similar to any major city in Asia in that there's quite a wide range of different restaurants and it's really up to you as to what you like to eat. Your inability to spell the city name doesn't speak well of your standing in terms of knowledge. Vientiane is a great city for food, you won't find better value in the region. Superb French, excellent Italian, and at ridiculously low prices. Easiest city to get around in the region too.
  15. Oh, sorry, I was referring to the poster 2009 not to the Forked-Up Finn.
  16. LOL. Moved on to deflection and avoidance now, have we? Predictable for your sort. Tell us again about how the Finn was minding his own business and got attacked. Let's keep to the topic shall we?
  17. So just an average everyday Air Force Cadet, was he? Not notable in any way? How curious the gaps in reporting here.
  18. Well, here's the video so you can all see for yourself. The guy goes in, he's drunk, buys a beer that costs 70 baht, pays with an app but only pays 60 baht for it, shopkeeper asks him for 10 baht more, he starts insulting her, then throws the bag at her and tells her to fornicate with herself. Her hubby presumable comes in with a knife to protect the small lady shopkeeper against the aggro large farang and unsheathes it, then puts it back after he backs off from the wife. Farang goes home finally after his wife comes and shoves him out the door to keep him away from more trouble. He mouths off as he is leaving. An hour later, he returns to sit outside the shop talking <deleted> and continue the conflict. Hope this link works. https://v.redd.it/m3db2qhixvua1/HLSPlaylist.m3u8?f=sd%2ChlsSpecOrder&v=1&a=1684557713%2CYTZkNzVkYTQ0N2NiZDYyZDMzOTM5ZjE3M2EwZWRiMmE5MjJjNjhhNTg4M2QxMTM3YTdjOTAyNGQ1OWE1MGFkNw%3D%3D Basically, can be summed up with "som nom na". Perhaps one day the anti-Thai brigade on here will learn what this means and understand the potential consequences of their actions. Doubt it though, we'll just wait for the TV thread and video when you finally enjoy the fruits of your labours.
  19. No, not prejudice, just a lot of observational experience. It won't surprise you to find there's actually a statistical correlation. But that is not the topic of this thread. That you consider Thai villagers to be "low lives" tells me everything about your point of view. I have always and continue to work at village level and I love it. You get the full range of people at village level, it's not that much different from the city. In fact, you're surrounded by them every day if you live in Bangkok. I don't understand why you live here if you think so poorly of the Thai.
  20. Yes, I do. I've never had a gun pulled on me, any violence threatened, anything stolen...over 30 years in the region. Wonder why? As to your "way they treat their own family", it very much depends on the family, and that usually can be seen via how you met your wife and where. My wife's family are amazing, far less trouble and drama than my own, they help us and we help them. And I was trying hard to avoid this but...if we're to take your avatar seriously, you're an American and a Conservative at the very least. Therefore you are likely in the "pry my gun from my cold dead hands" kinda demographic. Maybe I'm assuming too much, but it is highly likely you're big on the 2nd amendment. Just this week a kid who got lost in the neighbourhood got two bullets pumped into him after ringing a doorbell, and a woman who got lost and turned around in a driveway got shot dead by the owner. I'm not even talking about the half dozen or so mass shooting events in the last two weeks. Older white American gentlemen killing innocent people for no reason whatsoever. So take your "Well, don't come crying to us when you accidentally bump into someone and end up getting a gun pulled on you." and stick it where the sun don't shine.
  21. I live in the region in these people's country, therefore I accept their standards and norms prevail, not mine. I understand their culture and language, so I act with respect and don't deliberately say things that will anger them because I understand that "face" is extremely important to these people. If I am living as a guest in their village, then I will be much more careful, especially if I haven't bothered to make any effort to speak the language, form relationships with the locals or otherwise adapt to my new environment. This drunken idiot who has already worn out his welcome in the village came over during a party and insulted his neighbours. They reacted the way anyone who lives here and understands the culture knew they would. Whether you or I believe the violence disproportionate is irrelevant. It was also inevitable at that point.
  22. Oh, so suddenly you are saying he DID provoke these people? I don't believe you mentioned that previously. In fact, you said "The evidence is he got violently assaulted by a gang. It's fact. What more do you need to know? Nowhere has it mentioned he threw the first punch or any punch. He was just attacked." Now he was not "just attacked", he insulted the villagers by calling them buffalo, something that anyone who lives in Thailand knows is basically inviting fisticuffs or worse. You are engaging in sophistry in your zeal to hate on the Thai. Why do you live here? I don't know your nationality, but if a Thai guy in the UK who didn't speak English came up to a group of partying locals and everyone was pissed up, and he said "w*nkers", I'm guessing he's going to end up like the friendly Finn. If a similar thing happened in the USA, same result (although you'd have to substitute a different word).
  23. Really? You believe he was standing there quietly, didn't say a word, and suddenly ten locals set upon him and beat him up with sticks? Had he started studying at the local Vocational College?
  24. I figured if one of them saw my post they'd recruit me. On tenterhooks, I am.
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