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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. ...who form the majority of this country and have voted him in every chance they've ever had. How small is the other circle?
  2. Does believing that being elected should be a prerequisite to assuming power make me a "Thaksin fan boy"? There are those, possibly even the majority, who find Thaksin unpleasant and nothing to admire but recognize that he legitimately won the elections he competed in either directly or by proxy. We believe that allowing democracy to proceed and live with those consequences both good and bad is in every case better than, once again, the Army seizing power in a coup whenever they feel like it then rewriting the laws to suit their own purposes. When you wonder "why does this keep happening here?", this is your answer. I can think of something worse - those who applauded the illegal seizure of power in a coup d'etat and have sat silently by watching those who illegally control the country while making various excuses for why democracy is somehow worse than these military generals simply taking power and abusing it.
  3. Sigh. It's now impossible to untangle the thread since a number of the posts including my original one and your response were deleted by admins. To clarify since you're angry at me for some reason even though we're in agreement...I responded to Richard Coleman's typical attempt to indeed "insert [his] extremist culture war nonsense into a thread about the attempted murder of a renowned author." You then responded to me as if I were Richard Coleman. His post is still there if you'd care to redirect your anger to the correct source. Why he is allowed to post his nonsense while the rest of us have ours deleted is not something I know since I'm not a moderator. Perhaps Richard Coleman is?
  4. The only consistent platform within the Republican party since Trump's takeover (and for a while prior to that) has been one of projection. If you wish to know what they're up to, just listen to what they accuse others of because it's only a matter of time.
  5. Is that correct? I thought she would surely say "cuticles of impeachtreement" or something along those lines. She must have gotten a coach to teach her how to say the proper words before she gets up to the mic. How wonderful it must be to have such fine people representing one's side as this!
  6. Can you explain to us why Trump demanded that the DOJ release the warrant when he himself had a copy and had already provided it to Breitbart? Is he senile too? Or just lying and manipulating his ardent followers who slurp up massive contradictions from the horse's mouth without the slightest compunction? Remember what he did just a bit earlier this week and his quotation about it. "On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump bashed Hillary Clinton after some members of her staff invoked the amendment during a congressional investigation. "You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said during one rally in Iowa. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"" Must be dizzying to spin so wildly and in so many directions all at once.
  7. Careful Steven! By proxy, you're actually criticizing his boss, the great man you have admired slavishly since he stole power in a coup. Wouldn't want to go back on years of undeserved praise and defense for the sake of ganja now, would you? Perhaps you ought to try some, could maybe help your muddled brain.
  8. Far Left. LOL. How little you understand about politics. Bernie Sanders would be a Centrist politician in Canada.
  9. Of course. But you understand what I was saying. This is not a controversial issue among the informed.
  10. Yes. And they're a tiny minority. It's a big issue involving an enormous amount of scientists in a wide range of disciplines. The consensus is overwhelming.
  11. Dude, you're welcome to join the discussion with those people (there are many) who are working in that aspect of Climate Science. I too work in related fields (forest conservation), but different ones than those. I have too much work to casually review the decades of effort in another field I haven't received specific training in. But understand that when I say "join the discussion", I mean do what you actually wrote. Do the research in a structured way and compile or source your data and publish your analysis in a credible publication (the bigger the better, but you'd want such groundbreaking stuff to get the widest distribution and receive the most criticism so you can be sure you've got it right). Then you'll be taken very seriously, and your research will be looked at with the aid of fine-toothed combs. Perhaps you're the One, the man who discovered the straw that broke the Climate Change back! You'd be applauded by all of your friends and the fossil fuel industry will lay gold and jewels at your feet. But until you do that, <deleted>. There is widespread consensus about Climate Change among a huge coalition of credible scientists working in a range of different fields whose data all points to the same conclusion.
  12. Because they wish to follow the science that overwhelmingly backs such policy? Perhaps the eminent poster would care to provide their credentials and world-class research that has been peer-reviewed to open a reasonable discussion about minutiae of the policy or scientific consensus? Of course they wouldn't, because the "Climate Change is a hoax" crowd have long coalesced into a confederacy of dunces. But do tell us about it, now that you've exhausted your research on epidemiology or whatever other Youtube U you "graduated" from.
  13. You've already gotten what you voted for. Enjoy it and accept your responsibility rather than continually whine against others who had much more sense than you and your ilk.
  14. That's why he needed all those expensive watches, the alarms on his ordinary casio didn't work.
  15. No doubt. You live in Thailand and moan like two cats courting in the middle of the night.
  16. Are you this dense and ignorant of science? If so, why do you post publicly your lack of knowledge?
  17. LOL! Here comes ol' Smedly from antediluvian times to proclaim that despite the decades of research showing the opposite, cannabis is actually addictive and doesn't have any medical benefits! Tell us about how women abandoning petticoats has affected the morals of youth!
  18. Civil engineering, seeing as you're so interested. Despite your 3rd level education, you were unable to discern my point, that being the almost complete lack of technical expertise or experience amongst the vaccine and mask skeptics. That you are so interested in the minutiae of my degree yet unable to describe any technical aspects of your own (other than "3rd level") tells me I was correct.
  19. Yes, they're so much more influenced by pornography in movies than by, oh, the dozen or so places selling sex openly that they walk or drive past every day on their way to school. I'm sure the dreaded porn affects them much more than their father having a mia noi who is only a few years older than they are.
  20. No, not at all, although I may be better at maths and science than you since I'm an engineer. Or perhaps you're one too? Doubt it, since you're rabbitting on about pandemic response without acknowledging the millions of people who were saved by it. In my experience, practically none of the Google PhDs in Epidemiology that suddenly appeared have much if any of a technical background. But boy, they sure do learn quick! Seems I made a big mistake by studying and working in technical fields for years when all I needed was a few Youtube videos and Bob's Your Uncle!
  21. Wow, all the amateur epidemiologists are back! Were you finally going back to uni to catch up on those noisome statistics courses you missed out on the first time? Excellent that y'all realized you were talking about things you hadn't a clue about so decided to swot up! Just wondering though how you managed to acquire decades of experience as well in that short time since you were last pontificating...
  22. Exactly. Thank you for being honest. Now use the same calculus to assess the value of the unborn in comparison to that of the mother. The unborn do not in any case have any precedence over the living.
  23. Yo! Mac! Mac Mickmanus! Did you see this post? Why haven't you responded? What would you do? You've responded to other posts since I sent this and you responded to my other posts about this topic. Simple question. What do you do? HELLO!!!!!
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