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Everything posted by JCauto

  1. And even then, after he does so with video evidence and having not bothered to attain the license, he'll get half his sentence off for "confession" and the remainder for "relatives".
  2. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-28/chatree-mine-causes-protests-in-thailand-after-poisoning-claims/7364976 Do keep up...
  3. Still cheerleading for this corrupt mobster? Remarkable.
  4. Oh, so the original protests, the ones coming from the poisoned villagers, that was no biggie? And you don't think there's a chance big money interests were behind that "protest" to reopen the mine? Western companies who violate environmental and social safeguards deserve all the losses they've earned.
  5. https://vancouversun.com/news/new-study-shows-no-increase-in-car-crash-injuries-after-marijuana-legalized Well then! You'll be pleased to note that cannabis use is associated with a lower incidence of driving accidents even amongst the youth. I'm sure that, now armed with this knowledge, you'll change your tune and advocate for the full legalization of cannabis and outlawing of alcohol.
  6. You have made two posts so far with a number of assertions backed up with absolutely ZERO sources of credible information. You then call others who have made posts countering your "argument" with credible sources "propaganda efforts like this have no credibility". Hypocrite much?
  7. Sounds like the poor Old Fella was correct. Hopefully his sacrifice will prevent this young waster from doing other things like reproducing, although I'm guessing he'll not get much of a chance in the hoosegow. Can't say as I've ever had a reason to ride around as a 21-year old carrying a kitchen knife...
  8. "The media ended their article saying that justice could still prevail. But time is running out and the Thai authorities will hopefully take the last few chances available for that justice to be served." Perhaps they ended the article a bit early? Justice could still prevail...pigs could one day grow wings and fly.
  9. Well, just you wait until the next government-sponsored poll! You'll see how popular they are and how the REAL people of Thailand still love Prayuth! Fake news! Where have all the regime cheerleaders gone to, besides the Nida polling station?
  10. Coming on the heels of the news of the 470 million baht soapy palace for sale, I can deduce that he's looking to get back into the business rather than leaving it.
  11. I had two AZ vaccines in Laos, then was able to get the Moderna booster in Canada. They provided half-doses for the booster. The booster hit me much harder than the original two AZ shots, with a sore arm and feeling a bit crappy for a day or two. But feeling right as rain now about 2-3 weeks later.
  12. So could the actual costs which would also be off the books! Shady as, if you've not got the "connections", you do not want to be in this business.
  13. Thanks, I'm triple-vaxxed, so I'm good. Just a requirement of the country to get into Laos. I'd like your responses to the questions if you wouldn't mind.
  14. Sure, I'm in quarantine. And your post does exactly what to address the questions asked of your post or my responses to MrUniverse? I'll try to guess - you're saying that you WOULD be able to provide us with scientific proof, but can't because of the FDA's slow process of disclosure of the data? Okay, but in that case you would have to agree that your points are mere speculation. You will note that they ARE providing documents, but given the enormous amount of documents requested they have to be redacted first to address privacy concerns etc. and they don't have the staff sufficient to do so in a short period of time. You also don't know what the documents will say, or conclude, so it isn't proof of anything except the slow wheels of bureaucracy turning, which is hardly a revelation in Thailand or anywhere else. Now you made a number of very specific assertions. Where are your sources of information for this so we can assess them?
  15. And yet...you seem unable to respond to my very clear and on topic points? Why not? You don't seem shy. Nothing to say?
  16. He also can't figure out who he is responding to. Perhaps the brain fog from his bout of COVID is lingering.
  17. Sigh. Look Mr Wikipedia, you are referring to a different poster. The clue is in the name of the poster whom you're responding to. I'm JCauto. You were responding to PremiumLane. Got it? Any comment on my points other than clutching at the one straw you have, that you understand the concept of natural immunity? Do you think natural immunity is perfect and prevents you from ever getting the virus again? Do you think it wears off as time goes on? What's your plan, get reinfected again? Do you have any comments on the relationship between hospitalization and mortality and being vaccinated versus unvaccinated? Or just prattle on about natural immunity while mistakenly identifying the poster? BTW, that indicates sloppiness and lack of fact checking, not the sort of thing one tends to get from proper scientists.
  18. Thanks! You are making some assumptions, and as my old engineering professor used to say "assume makes an ass out of u and me". True that I opted for snark, because it's just too easy. Of course natural immunity exists, that was never in question. It's been shown however that it wears off, just like vaccines do, hence the boosters. So you're just going to keep getting the virus? How's the mortality and hospitalization rates for those vaccinated versus those not vaccinated? Or is that some sort of conspiracy to put out false information? All joshing aside, do yourself and the rest of us a favour and get the jab. While I love to make jokes here, getting COVID and dying on a ventilator is not in any way a fun or funny way to die. Passing on the virus to a vulnerable person who does is sad and unfair. Continuing to serve as a Petri dish for future mutations helps nobody.
  19. Ah, right on schedule! Look at Mr Wikipedia here! Somebody's attained a Wiki Ph.D. after their YU M.Sc. - you know it's bad form to brag to us unedumacated folks after you attain such high distinction? Congrats on at least finding Wikipedia on your way to or from whatever quack anti-vax site you were "REseARChinG" - that's the pinnacle of knowledge to you, innit? Y'all would be amusing to play with except that you are likely infecting the unfortunate well-meaning friends and relatives who remember you from before you went off the deep end.
  20. Well, it's inconvenient to have to print your M.Sc. from YouTube University. Once they complete their research, they have a shot at the ultimate prize, the Herman Cain Award.
  21. Oh, that time of the year is it? Yes...let's add to the pollution with a load of hot air! Blah blah blah. When you're one of the major producers of smoke from burning, and it isn't mostly smallholder farmers just trying to survive but instead is massive agricultural conglomerates, many of whom are well represented both within leadership and as funders of the Thai government, and who similarly undertake these sorts of investments and operations IN those neighbouring countries, the level of hypocrisy rises well above the toxic threshold. Give me a break. Looking forward to these committees pontificating meaninglessly as Chiang Mai chokes their way through March, April and May.
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