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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 1 hour ago, Someone Else said:

    It's basically a poorly researched opinion piece rife with weasel words and statements like "know one knows....".   This thread is about the article, not your unnamed "experts".  Not sure why folks can't finally admit Omicron is mild for just about everyone.  


    My point is propaganda efforts like this have no credibility when not backed by action.  This is why some are just resigned to catching the current variant. 

    You have made two posts so far with a number of assertions backed up with absolutely ZERO sources of credible information. You then call others who have made posts countering your "argument" with credible sources "propaganda efforts like this have no credibility".

    Hypocrite much?

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/24/2021 at 11:00 AM, Mavideol said:

    last night CNA Singapore news had a great investigative report about Thailand and it's poor ways of dealing with Covid all the people interviewed disagreed with governments poor actions

    Well, just you wait until the next government-sponsored poll! You'll see how popular they are and how the REAL people of Thailand still love Prayuth! Fake news!

    Where have all the regime cheerleaders gone to, besides the Nida polling station?

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, TheScience said:

    If you're really in quarantine perhaps ask the doctor for 10mg alprozolam. Seriously...

    Thanks, I'm triple-vaxxed, so I'm good. Just a requirement of the country to get into Laos. 

    I'd like your responses to the questions if you wouldn't mind.

  4. Just now, TheScience said:

    Sure, I'm in quarantine. And your post does exactly what to address the questions asked of your post or my responses to MrUniverse? 

    I'll try to guess - you're saying that you WOULD be able to provide us with scientific proof, but can't because of the FDA's slow process of disclosure of the data?

    Okay, but in that case you would have to agree that your points are mere speculation. You will note that they ARE providing documents, but given the enormous amount of documents requested they have to be redacted first to address privacy concerns etc. and they don't have the staff sufficient to do so in a short period of time. You also don't know what the documents will say, or conclude, so it isn't proof of anything except the slow wheels of bureaucracy turning, which is hardly a revelation in Thailand or anywhere else. 

    Now you made a number of very specific assertions. Where are your sources of information for this so we can assess them?

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, mruniverse said:

    Your comment is very clever and snarky but contains no actual content.


    Natural immunity is basic biology.  You don't have to be anti-vax to understand how natural immunity works.  You do have to be anti-science (like you are) or just uneducated (as you are) to deny that natural immunity is a thing.


    Do you want to debate that point?  Or just come back with more clever snark?  Or more likely slink away quietly.

    So who is it who has slunk away? 

  6. 3 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    I never said natural immunity wasn't a thing. I called people morons for thinking natural immunity alone is better than vaccines.  


    And I will say it again, vaccines help immunity, natural immunity alone isn't good enough, and relying on just natural immunity is not a good way to fight a virus... do keep up. 

    He also can't figure out who he is responding to. Perhaps the brain fog from his bout of COVID is lingering.

  7. Just now, mruniverse said:

    So you are now backing down and do now acknowledge that natural immunity is a thing.


    But it turns out you know even less about natural immunity than we thought.  Natural immunity is not a thing that you just have - its a thing your body develops in reaction to the presence of a pathogen.  So my original point still stands - you don't understand biology and you're calling other people morons for knowing more than you.

    Sigh. Look Mr Wikipedia, you are referring to a different poster. The clue is in the name of the poster whom you're responding to. I'm JCauto. You were responding to PremiumLane. Got it?

    Any comment on my points other than clutching at the one straw you have, that you understand the concept of natural immunity? Do you think natural immunity is perfect and prevents you from ever getting the virus again? Do you think it wears off as time goes on? What's your plan, get reinfected again? Do you have any comments on the relationship between hospitalization and mortality and being vaccinated versus unvaccinated? Or just prattle on about natural immunity while mistakenly identifying the poster? BTW, that indicates sloppiness and lack of fact checking, not the sort of thing one tends to get from proper scientists.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, mruniverse said:

    Your comment is very clever and snarky but contains no actual content.


    Natural immunity is basic biology.  You don't have to be anti-vax to understand how natural immunity works.  You do have to be anti-science (like you are) or just uneducated (as you are) to deny that natural immunity is a thing.


    Do you want to debate that point?  Or just come back with more clever snark?  Or more likely slink away quietly.

    Thanks! You are making some assumptions, and as my old engineering professor used to say "assume makes an ass out of u and me".

    True that I opted for snark, because it's just too easy. Of course natural immunity exists, that was never in question. It's been shown however that it wears off, just like vaccines do, hence the boosters. So you're just going to keep getting the virus? How's the mortality and hospitalization rates for those vaccinated versus those not vaccinated? Or is that some sort of conspiracy to put out false information?

    All joshing aside, do yourself and the rest of us a favour and get the jab. While I love to make jokes here, getting COVID and dying on a ventilator is not in any way a fun or funny way to die. Passing on the virus to a vulnerable person who does is sad and unfair. Continuing to serve as a Petri dish for future mutations helps nobody.

  9. 11 hours ago, mruniverse said:

    You don't need a masters degree to know what natural immunity is.  It's basic high-school biology.  Your comment indicates you may not know this, so perhaps you didn't go to high school and therefore don't have old text books to refer to.  In this case this wikipedia page may be helpful: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunity_(medical)#Naturally_acquired


    You're very welcome!

    Ah, right on schedule! Look at Mr Wikipedia here! Somebody's attained a Wiki Ph.D. after their YU M.Sc. - you know it's bad form to brag to us unedumacated folks after you attain such high distinction?

    Congrats on at least finding Wikipedia on your way to or from whatever quack anti-vax site you were "REseARChinG" - that's the pinnacle of knowledge to you, innit? Y'all would be amusing to play with except that you are likely infecting the unfortunate well-meaning friends and relatives who remember you from before you went off the deep end.

    • Confused 1
  10. 8 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    2 years after the outbreak, booming infections and almost back at square one again if they shut the planet again I might tent to agree with him

    You might "tent" towards the same sort of gullibility to misinformation. This hesitancy is the reason why we are almost back at square one again.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 2
  11. I'll admit to browsing through only the first and last (page 6) pages of this topic, however I didn't see the main reason why Thai people don't speak English well (IMHO). That is quite simply that they don't want to lose face by making a mistake ("pood pid, seeah naa").

    When I arrived as a volunteer I took 6 weeks of Thai language lessons and was astonished thereafter that even Chula or Thammasat university Masters grads would immediately stop attempting English when they heard my rudimentary Thai. When I asked why, this was invariably the reason given - you're not Thai, so you're not embarrassed to make mistakes and we don't care if you do, but we ARE Thai, and we ARE embarrassed to make mistakes speaking your language. Even after becoming friends and pressing them to use their English else it would never improve, this never changed. Admittedly this was a long time ago (late 80's, early 90's). 

    I then moved to Cambodia and discovered I could hardly use my Khmer in Phnom Penh because the Cambodians were all extremely keen to improve their English since this was the ticket to NGO or UN jobs or selling stuff to Farang and thus the way out of poverty. They also had no "face" issues. Hence Cambodians tend to speak much better English than the Thai, at least in the major city. It's different in the countryside of course, but the same is true in Thailand for the most part.

    • Like 2
  12. On 11/19/2021 at 11:57 PM, clivebaxter said:

    Just have to wait until those in power work out how they can make mullions out of it, then like cannabis it will suddenly be OK

    You think they aren't already making millions out of the sex industry? 

    Clearly the only thing preventing this from moving forward is that it would be TAKING away from what they are already making hence they have no interest in it. 

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