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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Another video, it looks like a rear guard for Sutheps lot threw bombs and fired shots at the pro-democracy protestors. We know the gunman was with the Suthep group, and we know he has a modern army weapon.

    Here is another video showing the shot man. Yes he is a pro-democracy one.

    (girl)"elder don't go anywhere"

    "he's hiding in the box in the middle of the road"

    (man)"police police up there up there"

    (girl)"ours got shot" (I think she's pro-democracy)

    (girl) "pull him back pull him to safety"

    (girl)"he hide in the box on the middle of the road"

    (girl)"the box middle of the road, he there"

    (shot) (shot) (shot)

    (guy 3:00) "on the bridge on the bridge"

    (man)"call the ambulance, ambulance"

    (girl) "hey don't move it yet"

    can you please explain exactly what this video is supposed to prove?! one person (presumably red-shirt), hiding behind a car, recording 4 minutes of video of absolutely nothing, and a 30 second dialog of a rumour told by someone else hiding and seeing (or knowing) absolutely nothing for sure. i do not choose a side in this situation (actually i choose neither), but this posting was just a waste of space and a post count boost .

    Very near the one and only International in Bangkok. You can even hear a jet landing in the back ground.

    Still safe for Farang tourist? You decide yourself.

    The Tollway on top will be closed soon (said protest leader yesterday), so the only way to get to/from the only International in Bangkok is the one that appears on the clip.

    Have you ever been to Thailand?

    The International airport is Suvarnabhumi Airport in Samutprakarn, which is nowhere near Lak Si.

    The nearest airport to Lak Si is Don Muang, which ceased to operate as the International airport when Suvarnabhumi Airport was opened in September 2006.

    Have you been to Thailand? I just flew in from India last week. India part of Thailand? My flight was 100% international (not domestic).

    There is only 1, and only 1 airport in Bangkok. It is in Don Muang district of Bangkok.

    DMK fly to All 12 ASEAN countires PLUS India, Sir Lanka, Bangladesh, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. I am talking scheduled commercial flights, and have not counted privet chartered.

    Number of passengers in 2013 is 15,562,753 (source from Wiki). Yes, MORE than a million a month/


    Suvarnabhumi Airport is in Samutprakarn province. You said it yourself. Samutprakarn province is NOT Bangkok. Here is a wiki link to prove you are wong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samut_Prakan_Province


    There are 2 international airports in Bangkok.

    Don Muang handles the budget airlines such as Air Asia and I think a Korean airline that fly internationally. It also handles budget domestic from mainly Air Asia and Nok Air.

    Suvarnabhum handles the main international carriers as well as domestic from Thai and Bangkok airlines

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Any terrorist thugs blocking the democratic elections and preventing ordinary citizens of their rights should be eradicated by whatever means immediately! That fake monk should ge taught a lesson along with the rest of the garbage supporting him. (PS> I do nlt like the red shirts or PTP or Thaksin but I do not agree with terrorist holding and seizing public roads and threathening ordinary citizens like their fathers won thailand. Eradicate these terrorists, no need to negotiate.

    How very emotionally challenged you seem to be.

    Are you an extreme follower of football?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. It does not matter how or what the court will rule. It is obvious that the DEM's PDRC/PCAD has violated the rights of the people and continue to do so that it has become a national security problem. Their crimes were committed before the SOE was declared. They are now violating laws related to SOE.

    You don't wait for an warrant of arrest when you see a robber robbing. You don't need an warrant of arrest when you encountered people intimidate and threaten you to stop works to join their activities. You don't need an arrest warrant to arrest people who made terrorist threat of shutting down a city if demand is not met. You don't need arrest warrant to arrest people threatened to cut water and electricity supply.

    How can you violate the laws surrounding an SoE when that very state itself has been illegally declared?

    Dog and pony show

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Army? You mean Prayuth's faction of the army. Suthep threatened the rest of the army leaders with imprisonment if he gets power for their disobedience, so I think they'd be happy if one of their soldiers accidentally shot him!

    By accident you understand.

    Google [suthep threatens] returns 233,000 results (0.27 seconds)

    Threatening people is a common theme of his.

    Why do people bother posting google search results? If you search for "Yingluck threatens" you get over a million results. It means nothing.

    Yingluck scandal gets 7.36 million.

    What can it mean?

    Yingluck affair - 3.75 million

    Yingluck Obama - 7 million

  5. Since this will be decided in the Constitutional Court, it will go the way of PDRC, since the Constitutional Court judges are key backers of that political entity.

    This doesn't really demonstrate that clear an understanding of the status quo.

    The PDRC isn't a political group - it's a reform group.

    Are you suggesting that the CC is funding it?

    Not funding it but aligned to it, and both sharing the same agenda.Hardly controversial.

    Most well informed opinion across the political divide assume the electioon will be nullified by the partisan courts.

    But there will be consequences:


    Same agenda?

    Or same beliefs - ie. a wish to ensure that governments breaking the rules are punished?

    I'm not sure that you can truly quantify your second statement - it's no more than licking your finger and pointing it in the air.

    Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I'm not sure that PTP can rely on rice farmers and their families now and equally affected will be labourers. There are around 2 million rice farmers in Thailand

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