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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

    You assume all 15 million would be dumb enough to vote for this lot again? Or some may not but other would?

    They're lots of very very unhappy PTP voters from last time and many disgruntled farmers not all of whom are swallowing the PTP lies anymore.

    The hard core reds would protest for sure, with their helpers and weapons. Forcing a SOE and again back round the same old cycle.

    Einstein's definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    Shame he never made it to Thailand.


    At least 15 million people. The so-called Democrat party know there's going to be a PTP landslide, that's why they ran away. It doesn't matter if the election is held now or later. When it comes, it will be a red tsunami and it will clean out all the filthy little corners of Thai society. Roll on the election!

    Nobody like tsunamis.

    Especially red ones

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. The government is absolutely right not to cancel the elections.

    You can't give in to bullies and thugs. Law and order will fall if you do.

    The government will certainly not cancel elections. That would mark the death of democracy. I bet they considered it though.

    What they will do is to postpone them because they are doomed otherwise.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. If this is true then Thailand is in really deep crap. Rob from Peter to pay Paul? Where has the money gone from the countries treasury? Yingluck will need to be called forward and explain where it has all gone! This is not about reds or yellows but about the point that she has to account for the money that does not exist and where the hell did it go and more likely whos pockets it went into!

    Right, this is not about reds and yellows... as if!

    She replaces a farm subsidy with a rice program. Government gets a rice reserve, the farmers still get their money. The dems and their cronies block all the financing for it, pretend its bankrupting the country, pretend its all corrupt and a scam and use it as an excuse to try to seize power. The usual political blah blah blah of propaganda.

    Sounds like the 30 baht healthcare again?

    Thaksin put the 30 baht healthcare scheme, the Democrats screamed it was bankrupting hospitals. They have hospitals close their doors to block the scheme, "it is such a catastrophy" they scream! "He's buying poor people votes by bankrupting the hospitals!" Neglecting to mention the 1500 baht per person the government pays for each person in the catchment area.

    Then once the coup takes power, the Generals drop the 30 baht charge, and adjust the 1500 to 1800 baht, keeping the scheme intact because it made sense.

    When the Democrats get into power by their usual dodgy route, they keep the scheme too, because its good, and popular and the hospitals get most of their income from it and don't want to lose it.

    Then Yingluk gets into power, puts back in the 30 baht/visit charge to prevent timewasters using hospital resources needlessly, and now the Democrats pretend the 30 baht scheme was theirs and they oppose the increase in 30 baht! Yet only a few years ago, Democrats were trying to block the whole scheme because it was a disaster that would bankrupt the hospitals!

    Well good for you and your lying politicians. Good to see they have you fooled and everyone has such a short memory. It's a pity alzheimers doesn't have a cure because now you can afford to go to hospital to get it treated!

    The farmers grow your rice, and the next crop needs fertilizer that is expensive and needs to be paid for. So if the banks will lend the famers money, either directly or indirectly, against their unpaid rice sales, then they get to grow the rice and Thailand gets to eat.

    When the yellows stop their scummy political games, the rice pledge scheme will no doubt need tweaking. It's created a bigger rice reserve than is needed, and the shortages in the world have eased and the sale price dropped. Well so what! It will get tweaked, but not by you Dems, because you took yourselves outside of democracy.

    This is a text book case of hyper confabulation.

    You have taken bits of a few stories and mangled them into a collection of outrageous lies.

    If I were you I'd book an appointment to have your frontal lobe examined for damage. Unfortunately it's not reversible.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. I think YS will agree to a 3 month delay. Some in her party don't agree

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    She cannot.

    The Thai Constitution does not allow for any delay to an election unless there is a National Disaster (like war) past the time limit.

    A postponement can occur within the time frames (eg they could delay from 2nd to 5th of Feb) but it cannot go past the time limit (in this case Feb 6th) as that would be a breach of the Constitution.

    The Constitution Court clarified that the election can be postponed, but only in certain circumstances as stated in the Constitution. They failed to give any guidance on whether the current situation warrants a postponement. (Guess why ???)

    Therefore it would be illegal and break the Constitution for there to be any delay of the election past Feb 6th.

    The CC had the chance to offer guidance which could have led to a postponement, however they declined to give guidance saying only it could be delayed under certain circumstances like a National Emergency, and did not give any more information.

    So the election has to go ahead else on Feb 7th I am quite sure the PDRC and Democrat Party would be filing charges in the CC against Yingluck for not holding an election within the maximum time allowed from dissolution as stated in the Constitution.

    All in my opinion of course.

    You must have read a different report to me.

    The CC says the the EC and CG can set a new date

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. I think YS will agree to a 3 month delay. Some in her party don't agree

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yes and then the next day took it back saying she was only thinking about it

    The SMH must have screwed that one up.

    I mean in tomorrow's meeting.

    EC says 6 month delay and they settle on 2-3

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. I'd bet that the DSI would love to include the Election Commissioners themselves, however, the Constitution states that "no Election Commissioner shall be arrested, detained or summoned by a warrant for inquiry except in the case where permission of the Election Commission is obtained or where the arrest is made in flagrante delicto." [section 241]

    Would that be the same constitution that says an election must be held within 60 days of the dissolution of the house? Apparently the constitution can be reinterpreted according to who passes you the money or power under the table.

    I don't think you've read it properly

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. There is a huge difference between 2 men fighting for 2 very different things. In the Ukraine, Klitschko is among the protesters, even at the very front of the fights with police. He is fighting for Democracy, calling for elections. Suthep on the other hand is currently in a safe house according to the latest media reports, hoping his supporters will make a power grab for him and is not afraid of causing a civil war in order to prevent elections. Two men, one a hero, one a coward.

    So in the Ukraine it is right to fight an democratic elected government.

    In Thailand it is wrong to fight an not so democratic elected government.

    How is it not so democratic, they won the election, in fact have won all for the last 20 years.

    Preventing people voting is of course very democratic.

    I don't condone the violence, but this was started by Suthep, nobody else.

    Pathetic knowledge of events

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. The knee-jerk reaction of the Yingluck administration is that of a bully. The massive amount of people around the country protesting is too much for them to deal with, so they might as well go after those officials with the unenviable task of overseeing them. For some reason, when 45 out of 152 pollings stations had to close, and when 11 provinces out of 77 - including the South and the capital, Bangkok - had massive disruption - it is very hard to know where Thaksin's cousin, Surapong was looking - as he boldly proclaimed this afternoon that the polling today was close to a 90 % success ! But from the beginning, this Pheu Thai administration has been steadfastly living in an alternate universe of unity and facebook postings. And as Surapong excitedly looks forward to the main event on February 2 - where if today was any indication will be utter chaos - he may very well find himself reading out the same list of countries that were ecstatic about this election, only to find out that they turned around to issue travel warnings instead.

    The PTP administration screwed up big time here. The CAPO clearly unable to run a bath without calamity.

    These verbal attacks on the EC are obviously aimed at getting your retaliation in first and I would imagine that there will be a full statement from the EC setting the record straight in due course.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. What a banana republic... Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?


    The police are moving now on one mob.

    The fascist spokesperson for PDRC is bleating on Twitter that they are being attacked. Big cheer went up all down Rama 3 area when MCOT showed the PDRC getting a kicking.

    Might be a lot more of this if they not careful

    " Big cheer went up all down Rama 3"

    I think you must be on mind altering drugs

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Are you able to make any post without attacking and offending posters? Threads have been thrashed for weeks!

    Keep the place readable please without flaming.

    " The fascist spokesperson for PDRC is bleating on Twitter"

    Flaming? And your words are so delicate?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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