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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. So the court just threw the case right back at the EC. Now what? Can the EC change the date without the government approval? If either side disagree with the other side what happens? Seems the court did a terrible job making a decision here.

    Court clearly went against the Constitution but clearly decided that BOTH the Government and EC must agree to any change in election date. Mothing is thrown back to the EC. I would imagine if either side disagrees with a change, the mandated date stays in place. And all the Government has to do is abide by the Constitutional mandated date. Win - Win for the Government.

    The constitution says that elections may be postponed in the event of a national emergency.

    By passing the decision back to the same 2 bodies - the EC and the caretaker government - it maintains the constitution.

    By calling a state of emergency, the government may have shot itself in what little remains of its feet

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. If courts are 'off limit' to the public does that mean even k. Suthep would not be able to go to court to acknowledge one more 'pre-meditated' murder charge?

    His lawyer would have to show him the way anyway - he's never been there....

    There are those on here, of the pimpernel persuasion, that claim he's been through the mincer in them

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Unlike Abhisit, he has never turned up to the court to hear the charges - he has been summoned twice by the court, but each time he sends his lawyer to say "I'm too busy"

    I think you're very wrong here.

    I'm not his defender. But he has been to the court

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Ok. This idiotic Elite serving Constitusion is about 8 years old and was a BS when it was written.

    How about lowering the quroum for the Parliment to sit?

    What is wrong with 85 percent of seat filled for it to function... or less.

    Why can 7-8 provinces not sending MP's hold the whole country to hostage?

    Or was this put in place to make sure that exactly this could happen if the Elites needed to scupper parliament?

    Instead of flaming, please put in writing why the Parliament could not sit with 20 mps missing? 20 MP's I might add, that chose not to contest and chose to obstruct elections.

    We have seen the fudge today and this is because they are now hedging. Maybe believe Suthep does not have the numbers to pull off his coup and are hoping to save their skins so they can come back and re-try this coup again later.

    The little weasel Akanat was saying yesterday the really need the donations as some business backers not putting money in as they are afraid they PDRC cannot win. That from the horses mouth!!!

    Steady on the flames please.

    About 90 or more % of the 2007 constitution is identical to the 1997 version. The only real black blob is the 'coup makers' amnesty'.

    The dissolution of parties is in both, the 2007 version only got 5-year ban added.

    Read all about the 1997, 2007 constitutions and what's good or bad about it.




    Fair point and I'll read up on that again when I'm not working

    What I am saying, is physically there is no reason why parliament should not be able to function if 20 or so MP's decide not to contest and then obstruct others from doing it.

    The CC are pontificating and trying to run PT out of Government. If they want to attain any respect or semblence of Neutrality, they could let parliament sit without anybody from the South until such time as elections can be held. If the people of the south really want to dissenfranchise themselves, let them live under majority rule as everybody else must.

    There are solution and compromises out there to be had, but this is just a one sided attack on democracy by people who are staing that they are educated and neutral.... They are neither.

    No. You're being an obtuse farang complaining about every rule that doesn't go the way of your "side" complaining about the constitution, complaining about the courts and just about everything you don't like.

    You complain more about this stuff than any Thai person I know including a bunch of strong red shirt supporters.

    If you dislike the laws of the land that much, you have a number of options

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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    Protesters will not obstruct election

    BANGKOK: -- Anti-government protests will not do anything to obstruct the advance voting this Sunday or the February 2 election, rally spokesman Akanat Promphan said Friday.

    However they would continue their gatherings and demonstrations to convey their messages of opposing the idea of having election before political reform.

    The decision was made after rally leader Suthep Thaugsuban met with core leaders of the seven rally sites last night.

    Suthep earlier said the protesters would block the election, today appeared to have softened his stance. This was echoed in the statement by Akanat, who added that the rally supporters would still conduct their activities, as they want to underline that these are being conducted peacefully.


    -- The Nation 2014-01-24

    So, if they won't obstruct the election, then it can go-ahead - along with the by-elections in the 28 southern constituencies with no current registered candidates.

    Absent a "national" emergency, that's the process the constitution calls for.

    You need to read it again.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Hot potato passed, what time is tee-off tomorrow lol

    Actually I think there was no hot potato here. If the EC had said that just one side could postpone the election the that would have been the case - and had it been the government then much more so.

    I think this defuses the situation if they want.

    If the 2 sides can find 3 wise men with no axe to grind and a cranium full of common sense then we could be out of the quagmire.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. And once more history gets rewritten, or is that that we have members who seem to live in a parallel universe with an alternate history, or a history as would have liked to have seen it' ?

    This is why I think it will be good for Thailand to have the murder trial of Suthep and see the evidence in full, including all the video footage that was banned.

    What "footage"?

    Are you obsessed with nine inch Nicky or do you have something to add to the debate?

    You do, of course, realise that the last thing that Thaksin wants is a televised trial and the second last thing he wants is a trial?

    And to add to that, those who are not supporters of the red shirts would love to see the trial on TV. I might invite a few over to watch it.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I will bring the pop corn. Not being a drinking man I would still be willing to bring some over for those who do.thumbsup.gif


    I'll prepare a large pot of burgundy beef and some jacket potatoes

    Any other takers?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. So, what footage?

    I have heard this from you only

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Probably your best starting place is youtube and the bbc documentary on this. I'd like to link to one of the copies, but it mentions in the intro someone who should not be discussed in such contexts. After that go ahead and search for yourself, there's lot of footage, it was 2010, camera-phones where everywhere!

    Secret footage on YouTube?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. If courts are 'off limit' to the public does that mean even k. Suthep would not be able to go to court to acknowledge one more 'pre-meditated' murder charge?

    His lawyer would have to show him the way anyway - he's never been there....


    There are those on here, of the pimpernel persuasion, that claim he's been through the mincer in them

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. And once more history gets rewritten, or is that that we have members who seem to live in a parallel universe with an alternate history, or a history as would have liked to have seen it' ?

    This is why I think it will be good for Thailand to have the murder trial of Suthep and see the evidence in full, including all the video footage that was banned.

    What "footage"?

    Are you obsessed with nine inch Nicky or do you have something to add to the debate?

    You do, of course, realise that the last thing that Thaksin wants is a televised trial and the second last thing he wants is a trial?

    And to add to that, those who are not supporters of the red shirts would love to see the trial on TV. I might invite a few over to watch it.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You seriously don't even know there's footage of all the shooting incidents????? The temple, the times the army got shot and from where?? Wow!

    So, what footage?

    I have heard this from you only

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. And once more history gets rewritten, or is that that we have members who seem to live in a parallel universe with an alternate history, or a history as would have liked to have seen it' ?

    This is why I think it will be good for Thailand to have the murder trial of Suthep and see the evidence in full, including all the video footage that was banned.

    What "footage"?

    Are you obsessed with nine inch Nicky or do you have something to add to the debate?

    You do, of course, realise that the last thing that Thaksin wants is a televised trial and the second last thing he wants is a trial?

    And to add to that, those who are not supporters of the red shirts would love to see the trial on TV. I might invite a few over to watch it.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. It is there in every media report in every paper in every country bar 2 or 3 in Thailand.

    that is, the Army traditionally side with the Anti Thaksin movement. There's the problem.

    Yingluk has even offered another election in one years time. Guess who is not talking? Too busy screaming the Peoples Council policies out loud from the stage. Making up policy on the hoof and promising to pay farmers if they support him.... after he blocked their payments.

    So this is buying votes writ large and presumably once the Junta is installed in his dream coup, all his rants from the stage will have to be honored. Very democratic I don't think. Sound more like a dictator?

    What a circus is the thai elite and their cronies. No wonder the Govermnet is digging in on this. They have to be got rid of. EC, CC, Army acting as a private business and mafia enforcer.

    Stick with it Yingluck most of the world are behind you and the ones that are not with you, really don't deserve mention after this latest outrage.

    Spot onthumbsup.gif

    Sad to see how the institutions, who officially are unpolitical, clearly siding with the elite, now that the winds have changed! In the interest of the country?? No to keep their "rightful" place at the trough!!

    If might take some time, but the existing feudal system have to give way for something more democratic!

    Thailand is in dire need of a European style Socialdemocratic Party. And to the Americans here, it doesn't equal communism!coffee1.gif

    You must be referring to the police, the DSI and the OAG

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Yingluck can't stay as PM as it will be a new administration

    If the party candidates could not register then there can't be a poll in that constutuency

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It will be a new administration with Yingluck elected as PM. If parliament can't be convened, there will be no new administration, and the current care-taker administration will continue.

    Party list MPs are registered in Bangkok for all of Thailand. At the moment there are 53 registered parties. If there are no constituency candidates registered, there still should be a poll for the party list vote. If there is no poll in a constituency, then people are not given their right to vote for the party list vote. They can still vote for their constituency MP in a by-election, but party list votes aren't done in the by-election.

    Thinking about it now, I would assume if they don't get to vote at all, then the party list vote would probably also be held in the by-election. This would mean that the party list results can't be finalised until all by-elections have been completed.

    I disagree. If there is a new election then there is a new administration and YS will be ineligible until the party list is finalised

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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