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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. The EC is trying as hard as they can to not do it's job. Even trying to stop people from their right to vote.

    So, you are saying that the EC is not doing its job by asking the CC if either the caretaker government or the EC is able to delay the election given the current circumstances as a means of defusing the current climate?

    I think it is indeed performing its prescribed function.

    However the caretaker government is saying that it cannot defuse the situation because it says it does no have the right - which is really just a silly way of saying that it will continue to hold on to power by its collective fingernails in the hope that something, somehow, miraculously saves them from their own corrupt devices.

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  2. He says "ten" vans filled with Camobians - A Naval officer claims that he saw them cross the land border in the vans. Let's say a typical van holds 12 or more people. That's 120 Cambodians crossing the border into Thailand to head for Bangkok to disrupt the protests and/or the government of Thailand. This seems like an act of war that the Thai naval officer witnessed.

    Then later the same Thai naval officer claims expertise in examining the photos of the grenade thrower and can even identify the type of throw and where he received his throwing training. My lord, put this Thai naval officer in charge of all investigations at once. He is uncanny from his naval post identifying 10 land vans crossing with Cambodians, not Thais who appear Cambodian. The naval office then examined the photos and was able to pinpoint the throwing technique and where the thrower received his training.

    This story is mind boggling. How could the supreme commander of Thai military force overlook this naval officer and not put him in charge of all investigations of national security in Thailand?


    Why is the navy at a land border?

    Are you aware that land-locked Switzerland has a navy?

  3. Good timing. Suthep has run out of moves.

    The goverment has handled these "protesters" (terrorists would be a more accurate description) extremely well so far.

    I think even you can recall when city of BKK was jeopardized and burnt in 2010, because of some red shirts .... they were terrorists.

    Moreover, some lunatic thrown bombs and shot into the peaceful protesters. They were terrorists - most probably pro-gov red shirt - I'd say communists.

    Please don't drink before commenting, but consult with a dictionary, where you can find exact meaning of "terrorist". Just don't take on your red glasses smile.png

    Communists? Seriously? It's 2014 and the chances of finding a commie under the bed in Thailand at these events is as high as some elderly farangs letting go of their 1950's era paranoia.

    That's not the most sensible thing I've seen you post

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. The police yesterday issued a statement confirming that the Navy officer in question was not the one who lobbed a grenade at the Victory Monument protest site. Pol General Ek Angsananont, deputy national police chief, also denied that police had distributed the naval officer's photograph along with the arrest warrant for the bomb suspect.

    Have they located the man on the other photos being circulated to confirm his innocence? The man with a much stronger resemblance to the bomber, an associate of the late Seh Daeng? (who used to wear a hat adorned with grenade pins and make threats of throwing grenades at people)

    Also, reportedly the man on the second set of pictures is working with Ko Tee, who has recently let Red Shirts to directly confront anti-government protesters.

    I would think that to be a worthy lead to pursue, have them?

    And has the subordinate of ex-Democrat MP Kowit handed himself over to police yet, after the Friday lunchtime grenade attack in which one protester died?

    As I said before, he has disappeared. Why would an innocent man disappear?

    After the the grenade exploded he was seen on CCTV video to jump from his truck and run towards the hiding place of the alleged bomber. The video showed the two of them walking back towards the truck ignoring the injured and dying around them. I suppose once the subordinate saw that his accomplice was uninjured the two of them beat a retreat from the scene.

    They haven't been seen since, even though Kowit publicly acknowledged the truck driver was his subordinate. Where are they? Who is hiding them? Why would someone linked to the Democrats be involved with a grenade attack on their own kind?

    I would imagine that the simple truth will be out very soon and that you and your band of one eyed apprentice tea leaf readers will be peeling the egg from your faces

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. "The commerce minister begged the EC to understand the need of the government to pay farmers who are suffering from late payment."

    Government speak for "we will lose all our votesrs"

    "He said if the EC is “cruel” and rejects its request, the government a contingency plan to cope with."

    The EC is cruel and horrid because it play by the rules. I will scream and scream - but screw them, we have some other devious scheme we can use

  6. Who is the Army Commander and Chief to tell the police anything. The Army has no control over the police unless General you want to have a coup and take over the police. As for the Navy they are becoming sue happy. They must have a large staff of lawyers.

    Nail, head hit,

    There is no end of money available in the country for the military. Absoulty no end of it. Billions and billions every year needed just to suppress the population.

    World is onto them, and you think it is a pantomime now. Just wait until we get a Junta again, they;ll be shooting each other all over bangkok just as they did last time.

    PAD leaders became expendable and when one of em spoke up he was used for target practice. So no vioence at all when the army in charge. Noooo Shootings on the streets of Bangkok... couldn't happen.

    For the newbies. Nobody pointed the finger at the Red Shirts. Dems in power so you'd think the culprit would soon have been apprehended. wouldn't you? You do now.

    Sondhi's son, Jittanart Limthongkul, blamed factions within the military and the Abhisit government of being behind the assassination attempt:



    There is nothing in that article that mentions Sondhi's son or the Democrats.

    Why would the Democrats want to assassinate Sondhi?

    Hahahah wikipedia fail by pipkins

    He thinks the Romans had guns too

  7. The deans need to have their heads examined.

    All the intelligent professions are against this government.

    However I see one redshirt headmaster in Ayutthaya has forced all his pupils to march on a pro-government rally. That's a bit sick don't you think?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So what ? huh.png Are you insinuating that unless someone has a minimum IQ they don't get the right to vote?ohmy.png

    That's a new one ermm.gif

    If I were, then that would obviously include you for twisting my post to buggery

  8. I like the way the report said 'Trang' number plates.

    It is almost like the car was deliberately taken to be abandoned as some form of 'suggestion'.

    It's a pity the police got the girl, now everything will be twisted and distorted. If she is a red shirt, she will be released and that is the last anyone will hear about it. Same as all the other arrests.

    This is why the army need to push out the police and do the job themselves and maybe we will get results, but more importantly, explanations.

    So it had trang plates, why when something is with details is there you get on the defensive ? the police dont need the army if they can control the checkpoints then all the better, you whine when they dont do something you whine when they do....

    good they have someone maybe they can get some answers.

    its great they go the girl lets hope they find out a lot more, like maybe who was driving and why a southern car is up here running checkpoints with bullet holes in it.

    The checkpoint had bullet holes?

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  9. I don't believe that any of the shots fired at protesters has come from a silenced weapon - no point

    What violence has the PDRC undertaken during the "shutdown" protests? None.

    That's not hard to understand is it?


    There's no evidence that the silenced weapons had actually been used, but just the fact that they were present indicates at the very least a capability to carry out covert attacks. A silencer is a liability in an open gunfight, but very useful if you want to shoot from cover without being detected.

    Violence? Plenty of it. The attacks on candidate registration centres and the recent vicious assault on a group of police officers spring to mind. Blockading public roads is a violent act in itself.

    You seem to have misunderstood.

    The question was "What violence has the PDRC undertaken during the "shutdown" protests?"

    Blocking a road is a "violent act"? Now you're just being daft

  10. that's the ultimate problem here: you basically can't believe a word that any of them says -- police, military, government -- they're all pretty much the same when it comes to abusing or twisting the truth.

    But there's one real fact that I believe we do know: thus far, the police haven't arrested anyone for any of the recent spate of hand grenade bombings. So that pretty much tells you how they're doing their job.


    To be fair to the police, they're not really in a position to take on the military. They can't very well walk into a military base and start arresting people. They caught the SEAL assassin team, but were quickly forced to release them.

    SEAL assassin team

    Issued with Yellow Shirt Terrorist ID's... honestly, do you even believe the BS you write or are you completely out of your mind?


    Silenced guns are the trademark of assassins. You don't put silencers on personal protection weapons, for obvious reasons.


    Using intimidation and violence to shut down a capital city in an attempt to overthrow an elected government? I think most reasonable people would call that terrorism.

    Not hard to understand, is it?

    I don't believe that any of the shots fired at protesters has come from a silenced weapon - no point

    What violence has the PDRC undertaken during the "shutdown" protests? None.

    That's not hard to understand is it?

  11. That you guys can resort to criticism or cynacism over this truly illustrates the problem.

    She should be criticised for taking 3 days to make a comment on the bombings.

    Almost 4 years later, we are still waiting for Abhisit and Suthep to apologize for the 90 killed in 2010!coffee1.gif

    Sorry to disturb you from your coffee - but Abhisit and Suthep have used exactly the same word (regret) as Yingluck did above.

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  12. Students should not be allowed to protest for the government or the anti-government. I agree some action need to be taken against the administration here. I also see a brave man in the south stand up to those thugs. Saravudh Issarangura na Ayuthaya did the right thing in standing up against these thugs who try to intimidate people with bodily harm if they don't do what the thugs want.

    I'm quite surprised you managed to type the name of "Saravudh Issarangura na Ayuthaya " the man who spits at people

    I'd have thought you would have worn the H, G, S, U and T keys out on your keyboard

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  13. They have every right to an opinion and further more are the best placed people to expose wrong doings and corruption by the government - I'd like to see a lot more of them blowing the whistle but unfortunately they run the risk of losing their jobs - their lives - or their share in the trough

    They should be encouraged to expose what they see and know is wrong and be protected for doing so

    They should expose wrong doings and corruption, but they should keep their politics out of it.

    I would say that a lot of professions should keep out of politics - police, army, sport etc.

    And the other side of the coin is that politcs should keep out of those professions too

    In most mature democracies, a civil service head could be involved in politics provided it does not affect his/her job or staff appointments

  14. The rice farmers must be mad. The unelected electoral commission are responsible for this not the government. If they think the PRDC are going to support rice farmers they are sadly deluding themselves

    I believe the govts. hands are tied. They can't spend the money while an election is pending per the rules. Granted the election commission could allow it, but why should they? The whole rice pledging scam was just one big vote buying enterprise in the first place.

    they can't spend money they don't have - the EC has nothing to do with this debacle

    Let me rephrase. They can't borrow money while an election is pending.

    To be a bit more specific - my understanding is that once an election has been called, the government cannot do anything to increase the debt burden on the following administration.

    This could also cover the sale of rice if the price is viewed as below market value

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