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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot



    Surely the democrats can't pay for it so it would be great to know who are the financiers. This number above are very conservative numbers and according to some friends in Bangkok, they put the number to as high as 1.5 billion Baht to bring down the government

    A question I have raised several times on here without reply. Who is actually paying to maintain this rally...an army needs feeding. Contributions from the general public does not wash. Maybe instead of financing this rabble they should have paid for some more votes and got into powerPosted Image
    Maybe some of these people are genuinely pissed off and paying their own way. Did you think of that?


    Those going from here are not getting paid, I doubt the people from BKK are either. We know the Beer Singha heiress was in the frontloader that was used on the barricades for some pictures. If people are fronting cash for the costs of food and water etc for some, you can rest assured it isn't just one person or family.


    I have friends that have gone a few times and they buy their own food and water. (They don't spend the night etc ... like most people from here and BKK)

    My local soup vendor says he's getting paid 1,000 Baht to go protest tomorrow. He says that's the only reason he's going, as he doesn't care who wins. A few of his friends are apparently being picked up by a bus tomorrow morning to go to the rally, at which point each of them will receive 1,000 Baht.

    But that's not corruption, is it?

    No. Its a lie

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. That is what you do when your name is a joke and you are in a matter of fact not interested at all in democracy. If you cannot win elections, you do not take part in elections or your resign, hoping that you are asked to form the new government and can appoint "honest" people. Honest people like Suthep (land scandal, palmoil scandal,bribing scandal).

    Hopefully someone in the judiciary have noticed it and disband the party and give all people who resign a life time political ban. Go out and campaign in Izan, take the voters seriously instead of refusing to get your boots dirty and serve the Chinese minority only. IF Bangkok was a normal place, all people living there would be able to register as a voter and even in Bangkok the Democrat Party would not stand any chance.

    Yep the democratic party should be disolved. It is quite clear that their only aim is to disrupt the system, and all because they are unable to appeal to enough Thai voters. I have no doubt any general election called by Yingluck will be boycotted as well as any by election that might follow in the case she doesn't disolve the house.

    An utter disgrace, no other words.

    Disrupt what system?

    The one where you get to play PM with the right DNA?

    The one where you change legislation half way through its passage to benefit those with the right DNA?

    The one where you cheat the vote in the house by giving your voting cards to a friend!

    The one where you lie about closing voting times to con the house vote?

    You should be ashamed of your undemocratic principles

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  3. Guess you can't buy peoples hearts, and Thais have big hearts and love their country. A lesson for Taksin, although i am not convinced he learns from his mistakes or is prepared to listen to others.

    Yingluck should resign and dissolve the house. No point trying to fool the nation any more with outrageous lies.


    Absolutely no point dissolving the house....for what. The Suthep mob does not want elections it can never win. It wants total control and nothing less and the only way to do this is appoint their own people to a Council. Dont give one hoot about Thailand. And Thaksins bad. Now desperation sets in they are showing their morals...absolutely none what so ever

    In a mature democracy this bunch of PTP cheats would be imprisoned for their crimes.

    That they are able to call upon the red hordes to intimidate judges is an even further insult to democracy.

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    Not sure how this will work out. Nobody appears to want to govern this country under a democratic system.

    I'm very worried for Thai folk over the "Peoples" Council thing. At least the current democratic system had SOME checks and balances. I mean the Democrats and protests did help stop the amnesty bill. But an unelected council of appointed people smacks of a Laos, DPRK style ring to it. Hope I'm wrong but it seems to me the PC is a big jump into the unknown that will bring its own style of grief. Finding impartial, incorruptible people to serve for the greater good, seems akin to mission impossible.It might have been better for Thais to work with what they've got, rather than trying on a new system.

    I also haven't seen anything to suggest that there should be either an election (assuming PT would run on a platform of maintaining the current system and the Democrats on a platform of changing to a new system of Peoples Council), or a referendum on changing the system of government. In my opinion, a change in governmental system should be voted for by the people. It certainly isn't, in my opinion, right that a very small number of protestors should decide for the whole country.

    But I am just a guest and I'll go about my daily life whoever and whatever system Thais end up with.



    I could be wrong, but I don't think the dems are any keener on suthep's people's council than PT.



    So why have they voted en masse to resign and march on government house in support of suthep - apart from being clinically deluded that is?

    So the clinically deluded outsmart the politically bewildered?

    No surprises there

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Obviously the majority of people do not want it as the gov was elected in to power in the first place 2 years ago + http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/687232-govt-party-rejects-pm-yinglucks-resignation-house-dissolution/


    Elections are due again in 2 years when the Dems will be on to another hiding, why embarrass themselves even more now. 


    That said, with an election now I guess if the Dems are defeated they would not object to the gov serving the remaining 2 years plus the additional 4 years the people will have mandated?


    Posted Image


    You been following the opinion polls?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    Just the election results or did you miss them?


    Yes. 2 million people unable to vote due to an administrative error and the yellow shirts "no" vote skewed it. Despite that the PTP still didn't get the majority of the vote.

    Anyway, that was more than 2 years ago and with greater internet access, the populous is now able to see the lying and cheating of the PTP and recent opinion polls reflect this

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  6. Obviously the majority of people do not want it as the gov was elected in to power in the first place 2 years ago + http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/687232-govt-party-rejects-pm-yinglucks-resignation-house-dissolution/


    Elections are due again in 2 years when the Dems will be on to another hiding, why embarrass themselves even more now. 


    That said, with an election now I guess if the Dems are defeated they would not object to the gov serving the remaining 2 years plus the additional 4 years the people will have mandated?


    Posted Image


    You been following the opinion polls?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. But back to the point.


    We have a minority in control of the powers of the military and the media.

    They have the vast majority of the wealth in Thailand and they have had their puppet announcing he will attempt to do a coup on Monday and then put in an unelected committee of some kind.


    This makes Thailand look like a Bannana republic joke.


    A coup followed by NO elections.

    Sounds like Myanmar.



    The ruling class has learned from their neighbors.

    What makes Thailand look like a banana republic is being ruled by a criminal in Dubai.

    The PTP can declare its democratic election all it wants however the proof is in its lying, cheating, undemocratic and corrupt practises in parliament

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. How would the police know?  They abandoned the area after watching the reds kill protesters in cold blood without doing anything.  The army had to come in and rescue the students, the police let it all happen.  Not to be trusted!

    Seems to me, that 1 protester was (perhaps) killed by a red shirt, 3 others were red shirts killed by (maybe) the protesters and the unfortunate guy on the bus who seems to be either a protester or a re shirt (depending which article you read), but who was certainly killed when the protestors torched the bus.

    Support which ever side you want, but let's try to use known facts and not make stuff up.

    Good post.

    There should a an enquiry into why the police took so long to arrive and then failed to act.

    I don't believe the term "sniper' is determined by the calibre of the weapon.

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    First of all: what if 1 Mio people show up?

    These 1 Mio people rule over the rest of country?

    By Sutheps own rules, he just makes up, as he goes along?


    And second: last Tuesday was V-day, because there was an upcoming B-day...so now Monday is D-day...

    What is this?

    Sesame Street? 

    Monday will be brought to you by the letter D: d like "deceive", d like "divide", d like "destroy"...


    What a bunch of Muppets!

    Who are the Muppets?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    All of them, the whole lot!

    Politicians, who only care for "the peopel" if by "the people" they mean themselves...and the sheep, who are following them!

    On both sides!

    The whole stupid, arrogant bunch!

    So what is the process for dealing with a lying, cheating and corrupt government?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Update via Reuters




     (Reuters) - Thailand will help the United Nations and the United States with any investigation into the findings of a Reuters report that Thai immigration officials movedMyanmar refugees into human-trafficking rings, the prime minister said on Saturday. ...

    Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who chairs a government committee on human trafficking, declined to comment on the findings when asked about her reaction."I cannot comment on the Rohingya issue and reaction as this is the responsibility of the Foreign Ministry to handle," she said in a comment to Reuters, delivered through an aide.


    An absolute disgrace from puppet

    Zero responsibility taken

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. First of all: what if 1 Mio people show up?

    These 1 Mio people rule over the rest of country?

    By Sutheps own rules, he just makes up, as he goes along?


    And second: last Tuesday was V-day, because there was an upcoming B-day...so now Monday is D-day...

    What is this?

    Sesame Street? 

    Monday will be brought to you by the letter D: d like "deceive", d like "divide", d like "destroy"...


    What a bunch of Muppets!

    Who are the Muppets?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. He should give up now. he belongs in jail. he has done too much to hurt Thai people and the country. He does not stand for democracy - he wants to be the ruler of Thai people like they had 50 years ago. That is not democracy.

    Where is the democracy here?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Apart from setting "deadlines" every other day, "upgrading" protests depending on his mood, distribute free silly little whistles for naive middle aged people to play with, transport yellow thugs from the south to incite unrest in bangkok, commit treason and lose elections, ... Suthep does not seem to be able to achieve anything of any value for this country.

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That's abject nonsense. The difference between this demos and red demos is obvious to any neutral person. Red mobsters were armed, aggressive, destructive, paid to attend etc...etc...Most of these guys are there out of their free will. Buying Thai flags, buying whistles, buying their own food etc...etc...You're just being dishonest. Killing your own soldiers and attacking your own army is treason mate, treason in any normal country in the world and it is punishable by death. So some of the red mobsters got off lightly.


    This is total abject nonsense. The yellow fascists are paid thugs & terrorists from the South & other yellow areas (B300 a day). These fascist thugs have violently attacked police & public building with petrol bombs, been caught with pistols & grenades, & have murdered pro-democracy red supporters at Ramkhamhaeng. This is insurrection, & indeed treason, and the ring leaders need trying & executing. Suthep is timing this insurrection to escape trial for mass murder & potentially pushing 'his' country into civil war to save his own neck.


    They are of course genuine fascists: with Suthep playing the role of Mussolini (who in fairness to him was never involved in a Phuket land scam), the March on Rome is this ragbag bunch of paid terrorists in Bangkok and the Grand Council is the equivalent of Sutheps cronies riding roughshod over a democratically elected Parliament & Government. I really do see why Western fascists flock to the yellow cause - same same.

    Agreed :rolleyes:

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I heard that Monty Python were making a come back.

    Didn't realise the Muppets were too.

    Or is it the same smoking keyboard?

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  14. I can only pray he will win, but he sounds to be walking on his lasts legs.


    you want him to ovethrow a duly elected government? get you ass back to where you come from! ever heard of free elections?

    What remains of democracy when the elected government lies and cheats and deceives to get its evil way?

    The PTP were in, had 2 years in the seat and blew it. Time to go

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  15. A country cannot be taken hostage by a minority.

    It is just normal that the government restores order.

    A democracy cannot function with a political party actively supporting street protests and mobs aimed at toppling an elected government. Such a political party has no right to exist in a democracy. The dems should be banned from politics.

    Just do it quick. It gets boring :D

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ban the dems from politics?

    I guess that's the kind of thing we should expect from old Cyclops

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