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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. "Its just that when it comes to Thai democracy, the ironically named Democrat Party is among the worst practitioners. Tens of thousands of Yellow Shirts are marching across the country, but demanding the establishment of royalist councils is hardly a peoples revolution. If anyone has been exercising people power, its the 15 million voters who elected Yingluck and her Pheu Thai party in July 2011.

    Read more: Thailands Democrat Party Is Hilariously Misnamed | TIME.com http://world.time.com/2013/11/28/thailands-democrat-party-is-hilariously-misnamed/#ixzz2nKP84g00"

    This is what the world thinks of the Dems and this idiot and of course it reflects very badly on Thailand.

    Yawn. Yawn. Post something new

    Democracy - is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equallyeither directly or through elected representativesin the proposal, development, and creation of laws

    PTP Democracy - is a form of government where the friends and family of Thaksin participate as Skype-controlled lackeys and the laws are changed for the massive benefit of the few

    As has already been pointed out endless times, the 'form of government' being proposed by this man is known as 'dictatorship', which is the exact opposite of democracy.

    Historically, true democracy has always been hard-won, but going backwards is not the way, whatever the supposed provocation. Not, of course, that it's any of our business, but I know which side I'd be on if this was happening in the UK.

    I believe he has stated that after a revised framework has been out in place to deal with corruption and cheating by MPs, the committee will resign and members will be ineligible for reelection for 5 years

  2. ahhh we are back to should have been this or should have been that are we ? well they should have been held accountable of course, it seems the courts fear everyone but an honest man has nothing to fear right ? so

    How about you just answer the question which you lightly side stepped?

    And taking power by force when you cant even lobby the people properly enough to change opinion or do it legally is soooo much better ?

    What force?

    People power?

    The blowing of whistles?

  3. And taking power by force when you cant even lobby the people properly enough to change opinion or do it legally is soooo much better ?

    Give me a break and the Thai people the freedom to choose as they see fit, and i do mean Thailand not just a small % as this clown clearly wants.

    The "Friends of Thais" (well, some of the Thais anyway) Party had their time to manage the country. They chose to cheat and lie. They really should have been punished for it but that hasn't happened. Perhaps because the courts fear intimidation by the red shirts.

    What do you think should have happened after they were found, twice, cheating?

  4. Like I said, credit where credit is due regardless of which faction you support, was it a good thing for the working poor of Thailand???

    if yes then say yes, if no then say no,,, and now in this current government the 30 baht gig still applies yeah??? But there's more if you take the time to look...

    Abhisit set the charge at zero.

    Yingluck put it back to 30B

    Abhisit did a lot of good - the rice farmers were much happier with his scheme too

    Open your eye

  5. As a Thai citizen, who participated in the first stage of the protest, the one against the amnesty bill, and some one who can't stand yingluck's populist policies, I think that Suthep has gone a few steps too far. Suthep should have been satisfied with the dissolution of the government and start worrying about how to win the next elections! Suthep's people council or whatever would not end the political cycle that Thailand is currently in. It would just begin another round of protest.

    With that being said, I hope PTP doesn't win the next elections! (Fingers crossed!)

    I normally try to steer clear on CH4O - and indeed it's cousin CH4. However!!!

    That's a fairly good post. There are indeed some voices that Suthep sg=hould now listen to - and they are not the ones in his head.

    I do think that Yingluck, for once, has done the right thing in calling for the main players to get together face to face and I do think that Suthep needs a reboot and to make a list of acceptable "demands" which I would expect to be reasonable and to include the removal of the Shinawatra family from Thai politics as well as himslef and Abhisit. There also needs to be a new court in the land that deals with political offenses very strictly and swiftly

  6. if Thaskin got 2 years jail terms because his wife did buy some land in Ratchada, wonder how many century

    Abhisit will get for the murder of 90 protester?

    .... oh wait the victims were poor farmer!

    Oh wait ... maybe Abhisit isn't guilty. He's certainly not guilty in a personal capacity (which is how he's been charged) as everything that he did was in an official capacity.

    Yes correct that Mr A. should face charges in his official capacity of the order to use live rounds instead of rubber bullets if in fact that order was given by him or not? I would think that there would be a singed document of such an order if indeed an order was given as evidence,

    So now this would be between Mr A. and the military involved in the case of the use of live rounds?

    Here's the funny thing.....

    The decision to use live ammo - and the criteria under which it could be used - were decided upon by the CRES committee

    One of the members of that committee was the DSI's very own Tarit

    The same Tarit (no conflict of interest here, honest guv!) is the one hypocritically and partisanly pressing charges against Abhisit and Suthep

    Now the only way he could possibly do that is by charging them as individuals and not under their official capacity

    And that way, Tarit escapes any punishment (for now anyway)

    Many of the relatives of the deceased, unsurprisingly, are not happy about this

    The popular thought seems to be that the trial will now show-case the facts to the public and that the true reasons for the deaths will be revealed

    • Like 1
  7. If the Dems used their imagination, they could really cash in on this rice pledging scheme.

    They ought to promise to keep the scheme running if they get into power, and promise to make it economical, I believe they are able to do it quite easily.

    First off, they cap the scheme to only farms with 150 rai and under. Any farms that are bigger are capped to the first 150 rai, that will wipe out most of the cash ending up in the pockets of the mega rich super farms who have probably already been paid top whack for their grain (yes they have).

    That would distribute the funding between the farmers who truly need it.

    They could really hijack Thaksin's rice scheme and steal away a lot of his Isaan votes. Sort of pulling the wheels off his political wagon a bit.

    If these populist policies had been a bit better thought out, some may have worked. Instead PTP and the Shins abused it at every level where most of the cash was siphoned off by their elite, and did nothing really to help the poor.

    I believe the rice farmers prefer the Dems' scheme to the existing scam

  8. That is what you do when your name is a joke and you are in a matter of fact not interested at all in democracy. If you cannot win elections, you do not take part in elections or your resign, hoping that you are asked to form the new government and can appoint "honest" people. Honest people like Suthep (land scandal, palmoil scandal,bribing scandal).

    Hopefully someone in the judiciary have noticed it and disband the party and give all people who resign a life time political ban. Go out and campaign in Izan, take the voters seriously instead of refusing to get your boots dirty and serve the Chinese minority only. IF Bangkok was a normal place, all people living there would be able to register as a voter and even in Bangkok the Democrat Party would not stand any chance.

    Yep the democratic party should be disolved. It is quite clear that their only aim is to disrupt the system, and all because they are unable to appeal to enough Thai voters. I have no doubt any general election called by Yingluck will be boycotted as well as any by election that might follow in the case she doesn't disolve the house.

    An utter disgrace, no other words.

    Disrupt what system?

    The one where you get to play PM with the right DNA?

    The one where you change legislation half way through its passage to benefit those with the right DNA?

    The one where you cheat the vote in the house by giving your voting cards to a friend!

    The one where you lie about closing voting times to con the house vote?

    You should be ashamed of your undemocratic principles

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    1. she's not 'playing PM' she is the democratic choice of the Thai people

    2. The bill was amended in accordance with parliamentary procedure

    3&4. Why would they need to 'cheat'? They have a large parliamentary majority

    1. She is there because of her brother - no other sane reason. Nobody voted for her. Clone. Puppet. Never in the house. Presides over cheats

    2. Parliamentary procedure shoud mean taking your constituents wishes into account. 312 votes for become 312 votes against. Abuse of power

    3 and 4 they did cheat and were caught doing it. Open your eyes

    • Like 1
  9. I have a few questions for those on here who are one eyed scarlet fever sufferers.

    Did you not witness the government cheating with the Amnesty Bill wording and voting?

    Did you turn a blind eye to the Senator Bill wording changes and cheating?

    Did you overlook the cheating with the 2.2T loan voting?

    How is parliament to exist if the opposition is not allowed to debate and the government cheats?

    Do you really think that member after member of the Shinawatra family jumps into the PM role because of who their relatives are?

    Democracy needs a mechanism for dealing with these issues.

    I don't expect any answers from them as the questions hit too close to the bone. All they can do us accuse Suthep of dictatorship when he has outlined the only solution on the table

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. HEY BRUCE!  Maybe they now want some DEMOCRATIC reforms?  I wish pray and hope so.  If not back to selling bananas for all THAILAND as INVESTORS will leave - and much to people thinking they will return... look elsewhere my friends, money DOES NOT come back via big industry.


    i don't know how long you have been in Thailand, but you patently don't have a clue what is going on. The 'Democrat' party are advocating an unelected council run by themselves as the stooges of the Ruling Elite. They most certainly don't want 'democratic' reforms'. They lose every time a 'democratic' election is held. They are the enemies of 'democracy


    Interesting move. Does this mean that Chuvit is now opposition leader?

    Good post - I suppose that's about right! Bangkok's king of porn is now leader of the opposition.....well he couldn't do a worse job!

    Really it's that clear "who are the whack jobs are"? Not those who pulled soldiers out of trucks and murdered them, not those who tried to burn down Bangkok? 
    So let me understand this


    This legally elected gvernement has offered to stand down and hold elections within 2 months but the opposition says that is not good enough Posted Image alt=rolleyes.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2070704717 width=20 height=20>


    I think it clear who are the whack jobs are.


    'Tried to burn Bangkok down'?  Don't you think thats a trifle exaggerated? 1 rich peoples shopping centre was set alight - it remains unclear by whom. The army was instructed by indicted murderers Abhisit and Suthep to intervene with live ammunition and at least 90 people were murdered. so yes, Diamond King is right - the 'Dems' are the 'whack-jobs'

    You have very clearly lost the plot

    Do pay attention

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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