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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Been here for decades and I know it's not that simple (at lower levels) but to say that at this moment the leaders of the police and the leader of the DSI are not working for the Shins is just unbelievable.

    Haven't you seen their actions the last couple of years? Are they independent in your opinion?

    I would say if the police as always are playing both sides like everyone and i do believe the DSI are working for this gov as you would expect any gov dept in Thailand.

    People here change allegiance more often than they change shirts. You can't seriously think its all about the Shins and nothing else, thats for the sheeple.

    I cant stand the T but neither am I into this godfather Shin family controls all bit. Not with the old money or other godfather families far more entrenched out there.

    Its not that simple as you say but from what I hear from a very high up old godfather family member of an ex PM its as muddy at the top echelons as it is lower down. Is this the truth ? damned if I know or really care but thats what its looked like on the ground to me over the past few years.

    If only the rice scam accounts were as transparent as you!

    His do you sleep at night?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Caretaker Prime Ministers Yingluck Shinawatra reiterated she will step down only if her party loses in the February 2 general election.

    So if PTP loses the elections, she agrees not to be prime minister. If that isn't a generous offer facepalm.gif

    Clear again from that statement that Yingluck has some empty rooms upstairs .

    Talk about empty rooms upstairs. What part of the constitutional process of holding elections do you not understand? Apart from all of it?

    She of her brother's DNA is doomed.

    What do you think will happen to all the cases being looked at by the CC and the NACC?

    Cheating with the votes

    Cheating with the content of the bills

    Cheating with opposition debating time

    Refusing to recognise the CC

    She may well find herself in Bang Kwang with a number of her protocol-challenged lackeys

    I am not certain that DNA has anything to do with what Suthep has stirred into an issue.

    The merits of the rest of your post simply describe the status quo of the "going's on" in this government. It is moot and nothing more than the unwritten "Thai Constitution" that supersedes what is written on paper.

    If you do a read on the election processes, you will find that these processes are so riddled with opportunity for corruption and vulnerability to manipulation for any over-eager wealthy Thai (who never likes to lose at anything they set their sights to and will stoop to any level to attain), then it leads one to believe that no election will produce satisfactory results, which reflect the true intentions of the voters, and who they voted for, or were bribed to vote for. It is quite simply an impossibility.

    I guess I am saying that every single elected official got their seat illegitimately, but you cannot blame any one official in that seat without also blaming the voting public for being stupid enough to allow their greed to change their vote, and/or their shame at showing their dissatisfaction in their own districts BEFORE we reach such a level of dissatisfaction to have to make a Big Show in Bangkok.

    It would be a lot easier for the voting public to protest in their own districts and begin change there, before allowing their misguided intentions to be forwarded to higher levels which produce such a lopsided and questionable outcome.

    I guess they are too afraid to do that in their own distracts, where they reside in their own neighborhoods and homes. It would bring too much attention on to themselves and identify them to everyone around them. No way they would call out one of their own candidates, whom they know full well will go on to "buy" their way into a higher office, and whom these voters tolerate because they have a few bahts in their sweaty palms. That is the only and the last benefit they see in these elections, as once their candidates move on, they are forgotten.

    It is far too easy to be "Thai" and go to Bangkok and act like idiots; ...where anonymity is secured in the masses and no one sitting near you knows who you are; ...a bunch of moral cowards who mass together and think that violence and shouting equates to some kind of legitimate issue.

    Not protesting this at a grass roots level, in their own districts, before these crooks that the people drool all over move on to Parliament, is about as entertaining as watching the frogs in the pot of water that is on the fire. The frogs enjoy the very element that leads to their dissatisfaction and "protest" as they experience eventual ruin in boiling water.

    Idiots all!

    Great post.

    You've got to feel sorry for reds living in yellow land and yellows living in red land. That's probably a large part of why the megalopolis with its inherent anonymity is the preferred battle ground

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. She is there for her DNA. Not her political experience and that's not democratic.

    Find me another PM in the whole world in such a situation

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    you are acting silly. How she got to lead PT is inconsequential. What matters is that she did run and PT did receive 265 seats in parliament, it doesn't get more democratic, since the Thai electorate gave PT these seats, knowing full well how and why she ran.

    I think there are some neurons missing in your logic.

    She is there because PTP belongs to Thaksin and due to his crimes he is unable to take a seat at the head trough so he sends his kin in. Sam with Somchai

    • Like 1
  4. pretty fine seeing as im not the one pretending its ok, people like you are xtongue.png.pagespeed.ic.HP_JpdOU4y.webp

    Suggesting that Amnesty International - would be a good name for the next incarnation of PTP - get involved is a ridiculous overreaction to a - and I quote - "sarcastic" suggestion that Yingluck find an Arabic tutor for her son.

    My 'pretending' as you so eloquently put it is far from anything resembling the fact.

    There was no threat of violence or life by Suthep directed at, or indirectly toward Yingluck's son.

    Which is the basis of this whole silly article.

    What does violence have to do with it ? you can be persecuted without violence very easily, don't try to wave it away as a minor thing, this guy is a major celeb at the moment the worlds eyes are on him, there is NO excuse when a leader and thats what he calls himself.

    You obviously don't understand that a sarcastic comment gives no excuse to attempt emotional blackmail by mentioning her son.

    I couldnt care less about either political party but I do care about how people are treated especially minors, and so should all no matter whos child they are.

    Reaction of something that is unacceptable needs to be loud and clear immediately... this is how you put an end to its use just like racism or sexist comments as a public figure will get you into hot water so should using a minor even in a quip.... I know its Thailand where racism and sexism is ok along with it seems using minors but it still dosnt make it right.... perhaps some here have been in country too long to remember there are some Thai ways that arnt so great.

    Don't worry Nong Pipe doesn't have a hard life. In his garden he has a full sized football pitch on which to practise his football skills, and only this summer he had the chance to jump the queue and practise with the FC Barcelona players visiting Thailand, even though this meant another boy whose parents had already booked their son's place was removed from the list.

    Got to keep the children of the elite happy, right?

    <deleted> has that got to do with anything about comments made by a political leader about another ones son ? ... yea thats right it dosn't ...offtopic2.gif.pagespeed.ce.kcjFR6YG46.gi

    Of course it does

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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