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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Right enough is enough when are the police force going to man up? Don't forget that all of these officers laid down their weapons and let the protesters do what they wanted a couple of weeks ago. Have they not learnt anything from 2010? Tough measures are needed NOW or else it is going to be a repeat of 2010 except this time it will be yellows being killed.

    How can ANY foreigner on this forum support this mob?

    They are FASCISTS who are against elections who have already stated that they will not let people cast their vote and now they have MURDERED a police officer.

    If you were here in 2010 you would have noticed that the Royal Thai Police were conspicuous by their absence.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. Same same, Mark clinking to power when order the use of live bullet to disperses the protesters that caused 90+ death. You can form your own view. Most intelligent people can see what is going on.

    twisting History doesn't make your comment true! It is well known that Abhisit offered elections in 2010. It was the red Shirts who refused this offer. They had every intention of staying to burn Bangkok unless parliament was dissolved.

    The reds would have left in a flash if Abihist said in 2010 we stay in government but Thaksin gets amnesty and his money back.

    Yingluck can say what she likes but the next Thaksin government will be the same as the last 3 all about a Thaksin amnesty and his return to rule.

    Please don't twist history.

    Then: Abhisit offered to dissolved the house on condition that . . . . .

    Now: Yingluck ALREADY dissolved the house.

    And your point is?

    Get your facts right. Simple.

    Don't lie

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. With one police officer shot dead, it is now totally clear that these yellow thugs are just criminals and that Suthep only wants power.

    Considering this, the actions of the police have been extremely restrained. Replying to live ammunition with rubber bullets and tear gas is as restrained as it could be. But for how long?

    But tomorrow there will be more provocation because violence is exactly what the protesters are looking for.

    What a bunch of criminals…

    At least the reds called off their rally after the first day of violence. Praise on them. thumbsup.gif

    Your memory is completely cooked.

    What universe was this?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Load of <deleted>..... you are try to tell ME what my country would do to protesters?

    You don't go shooting tear gas and rubber bullets and live rounds at people who are just 'pushing and shoving' there way into places.

    Go get educated.

    In Sweden, for example, a demonstrator was shoot in the back with live ammo for just throwing rocks at the police. And he was not disrupting any democratic process. Shooting a police offer dead in any European country or in the states would automatically mean live shots being fired directly in to the masses.

    You know for a fact who did it?

    Or are you just another kangaroo in a wig?

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  5. The first one to die at the hands of the protesters now criminal charges for murder must be placed against Suthep. Brave policeman RIP

    Try not to be silly please

    Why is that a silly comment? Please enlighten me.

    Unless you witnessed it first hand and have been appointed judge and juror then you should take your kangaroo court and nail your ears to a tree with your prejudicial gavel

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  6. Surapong to be charged with assault, intent to injure? If Abhisit can be charged for something the army did, Surapong should be charged with something the police did. I would suggest that he be beheaded at the same time as Chalerm.

    Indeed. A good beheading of someone like this (or a Tarit) is eminently more satisfying than Christmas, New Year, birthdays, weddings and funerals.

    Bring me his head!!!

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. Carry on -- for what purpose?

    For the Thai people?

    Why not start over without any connection to Thaksin?

    Why does she think she is so key?

    Has she done a great job?

    Did she come into the job with any significant qualifications in the first place except for nepotism?

    Does their party have no purpose unless the leadership is directly connected to Thaksin?

    Carry on -- for what purpose? - She is the elected Prime Minister of Thailand

    For the Thai people? - Yes Over 15 million Thai people elected her party to government in the general election.

    Why not start over without any connection to Thaksin? - She is his sister, she will always have a connection, you have no siblings?

    Why does she think she is so key? - As acting PM she has to go ahead with the election that was called by royal decree.

    Has she done a great job? - That will be for the Thai people to decide on 2nd Feb (or whenever)

    Yawn.... That is about 23% of the population pushing this idiot onto the other 77% and of that 15 mil, I would say that a very good amount of them are no longer in support of Thaksin and Yingluck.

    If what you suggest is true, why are the Dems, Suthep et al so scared of the ballot box?

    If you read what they are saying you will understand

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. Time for the police to use real bullets against the thugs of Suthep. If 32 parties show up for a registration and one fascist party that would not even win in Bangkok of the house registrations were based on were people truly lived and worked maximum violence will be allowed to protect democracy.

    Thailand's people can't help the Democrats cannot win elections. They would not even have won the 1992 elections if Thaksin would not have been close to Chamlong and his friends.

    In many countries they throw away the key when you disturb the working of a democracy. they should do so with Suthep too.

    All those posts over the years accusing Abhisit, Suthep and the RTA of murdering redshirts and you resort to this?

    Oh the hypocrisy

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  9. Indeed she could as well have been beaten up by some red thugs for expressing her opinion .

    Blowing a whistle in someone's face is expressing an opinion?

    You must be a bit behind the times.

    It's a +1 in Thai society

    Something the PTP fascist Tarit tried to ban online

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  10. From now on, one warning should be sufficient. Waste of resources pandering to these thugs. One warning and if they don't withdraw, Tear gas, water cannon and the dogs. Need to send an unambiguous message

    I'm sure you can give them some swastikas

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    But Suthep's thugs are already wearing them.

    As an aside, this shooting of a policeman would be the second time that these "students" have used weapons to kill or wound to further the Dear Leader's cause, but then Suthep is well known for ordering the gunning down of unarmed people.

    I think I'll wait for a real judge and jury to deal with Suthep rather than you and your fascist kangaroo court.

    The police have already maimed one of the protesters with their rubber bullets so let's see what happens there too because we must have justice

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. RT @RichardBarrow: Police officer shot in the arm at the Thai-Japanese stadium by an unknown assailant - Via @WassanaNanuam: http://t.co/F37kPoyA65


    Now Suthep and his brainless thugs have started shooting police in their attempt to take over the country and rule. Time this Suthep madman is arrested and put an end to this, clear the streets of these scum.

    I expect Suthep to argue that this poor police officer did run into his own bullet :lol:

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I guess your smirk will disappear if it turns out to be a rubber bullet

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. It is time to make these yellow thugs understand that occupying buildings, forcing their ways into government agencies and police headquarters, intimidating people and media, try to dictate their extremism upon the majority of people, shoot at peaceful red shirts, attack opponents, journalists and even a 10year old child... and much more, in order to destroy democracy... is criminal.

    They should all be held responsible for bringing chaos, detained, and sent to rehabilitation :)

    Yes. The Thai people should all roll over for Thaksin and his cronies.


    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  13. a mob of ultra royalists trying to revert back to feudalism, against 27 parties and the great majority of population. What demons rule them? How brainwashed can they be?

    do have political views, even fascist one, but don't try to force them on others

    how "great" are the majority when their votes can be bought for 500B a pop.

    I don't support the yellow shirts, but I do support democracy, and let's be honest, Thailand doesn't have one, and probably never did.

    Solution - no idea.

    There was a really good academic analysis of the claims of vote buying in the Bangkok Post a couple of weeks back. Effectively it determined that vote buying didn't work. It was and is a nonsense, and did not affect the elections in any meaningful way.

    And Father Christmas comes down the chimney at 5 billion homes

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. get the Shinawatra clan out!!!! thats whant the people, want even the majority of the red shirts want this also.

    Looks like their best chance is the February 2 elections then, no?

    If the majority wants this, why don't the Democrats participate?

    Try to keep up, is your red talking points sheet not up to date? . . . the anti-Govt protestors want "reform" BEFORE "elections" . . . got it? A non-Politician (i.e. impartial) PM, etc etc. Simple.

    Also, the Govt are currently scrambling to retain their power base because rice payments haven't been made on time and this will affect the number of votes they get, for them, the sooner elections happen, the better, cos the longer this drags on, the more support they lose.

    Good post but I fear you might need to add some cartoons to get it understood by the buffalo botherers

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. Time to stop the BS!!

    Supporters of Suthep still want to convince us, that this is the middleclass in a peaceful demonstration??

    More like a ultra-national "rent-a-mob"

    More sad than the Thais behaving like idiots, is that you got posters here applauding the fascist "sturmers"bah.gif

    I often wondered how Hitler could get away with it, and now I see a repeat before my very eyes!!

    If you read all the words you will see that these are students and not Suthep's team.

    These actions are of the type that could have prevented Hitler's Reich and may prevent the total dominance of Thailand by one family

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  16. He's lying.It's quite clear the international community has a clear preference for elections on February 2nd.At the same time it doesn't want to interfere in Thailand's internal affairs

    You have references that support that the international community has a clear preference for elections on February 2nd?

    Please could you supply them?

    Not the usual - support democracy, free and fair elections and resolve peacefully as is the norm. But specifically supporting the elections to be held on 2nd February.

    You have called Abhisit a liar - can you substantiate that with fact?

    Come on jayboy, provide some proof that the international community has a clear preference for elections on February 2nd.

    To be honest, I don't think you can provide such evidence.

    There is no evidence other than statements issued by foreign governments which are a matter of public record.Obviously the language is muted because nobody wishes to be seen to interfere.The preference for a general election,not obviously on a precise day, is very clear.Equally there is a clear wish for all sides to cooperate in a reform process.There is no support for the Suthep proposal.Abhisit pretends that there is no such foreign consensus -essentially backing the government's approach - but this is not the case.

    Spin, as always.

    You just said there is no absolute specific proof that other countries mean the 2 Feb date, then you just go crazy with other things trying to prove surapong's claim of support.

    Which is it?

    My post is very clear and I have nothing to add to it.Certainly it addresses your rather incoherent question.

    If the question is "incoherent" how can you answer it?

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