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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. What about the little boy who was supposed to run onto the pitch with Chelsea when they toured?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Yingluck's son wasn't threatened, he was mentioned, and if Yingluck doesn't like him being mentioned by others, she shouldn't have entered him into this circus by having him attend various political events and photo ops. She didn't have to. No PM is forced to include their ten year old sons or daughters in such matters, and the smart sensible ones, don't. Politics is no place for kids. Politicians who place theirs in the media spotlight, are foolish idiots with bad parenting skills.

    What do you call a photo op? Her son should not be allowed to be by her side whilst she makes merit in a temple in Chiang Mai? Perhaps you would like to list the number of occasions that this "foolish idiot with bad parenting skills" has placed her son in the media spotlight. Are we to blame the Obama family for publishing pictures of their children whilst he is currently POTUS? The Mandela family?

    In case you didn't know, some children are proud of their parents and wish to attend certain ceremonies, some ceremonies expect a family presence. It's not as if Yingluck has used him in an advertising campaign!

    Accept it , suthep has once again run off at the lip and you are trying to salvage the situation with a ridiculous accusation. Just one more supporter of the "anything but the Shinawatra Family even if it means suthep" club.

    What kind of asshol_e would involve their kids in any form of politics?

    Get real

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There doesn't seem much point in asking me. You'd be better off addressing suthep, I'd suggest.


    Where have you heard this apparent abuse reported?

    It's a fact about Yingluck's abuses

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Its depressing to read a minority of vocal comments from members sympathizing or attempting to defend or deny Sutheps attack on Yinglucks 10 year old child. Still, the main loser from this is probably Suthep.

    Do you think Yingluck should bring her son onto the campaign trail?

    Do you think that she should bump off children that were chosen ahead of her son to run on the field with the Chelsea team when they toured?

    Shame on you

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. What about the little boy who was supposed to run onto the pitch with Chelsea when they toured?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Yingluck's son wasn't threatened, he was mentioned, and if Yingluck doesn't like him being mentioned by others, she shouldn't have entered him into this circus by having him attend various political events and photo ops. She didn't have to. No PM is forced to include their ten year old sons or daughters in such matters, and the smart sensible ones, don't. Politics is no place for kids. Politicians who place theirs in the media spotlight, are foolish idiots with bad parenting skills.

    What do you call a photo op? Her son should not be allowed to be by her side whilst she makes merit in a temple in Chiang Mai? Perhaps you would like to list the number of occasions that this "foolish idiot with bad parenting skills" has placed her son in the media spotlight. Are we to blame the Obama family for publishing pictures of their children whilst he is currently POTUS? The Mandela family?

    In case you didn't know, some children are proud of their parents and wish to attend certain ceremonies, some ceremonies expect a family presence. It's not as if Yingluck has used him in an advertising campaign!

    Accept it , suthep has once again run off at the lip and you are trying to salvage the situation with a ridiculous accusation. Just one more supporter of the "anything but the Shinawatra Family even if it means suthep" club.

    What kind of xxxxxxxx would involve their kids in any form of politics?

    Get real

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. None. They voted for her brother.

    Her brother wasn't on the party list. The 297 MP's that voted for Yingluck to become PM didn't vote for Thaksin either.

    Her mandate is undisputed.

    I dispute it - it's hypocritical to do away with appointed senators when you have an appointed (Note NOT Elected) PM

    If nobody in the electorate voted for her, how is this democratic?

    She was chosen because she is her brother's sister

    Hell! She wasn't even a member of PTP and even now isn't the leader

    It's all a big con

    I'm sure most people here would contest this, as they say even Abhisit was legally elected PM. Yingluck's party actually won the election and won with her at the head of the campaign as prospective PM. She was then voted PM by parliament and it didn't even require the assistance of the courts, military or PAD! But even if PT had voted for some complete unknown as PM after Yingluck had lead the election campaign, that would be fine as it's the vote in parliament that counts, not the issues surrounding it.

    Its as undemocratic as giving all the sheep a vote in new Zealand

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. None. They voted for her brother.

    Her brother wasn't on the party list. The 297 MP's that voted for Yingluck to become PM didn't vote for Thaksin either.

    Her mandate is undisputed.

    I dispute it - it's hypocritical to do away with appointed senators when you have an appointed (Note NOT Elected) PM

    If nobody in the electorate voted for her, how is this democratic?

    She was chosen because she is her brother's sister

    Hell! She wasn't even a member of PTP and even now isn't the leader

    It's all a big con

    She was first on the party list vote for the party that garnered the most votes. You don't get any closer to being elected into the role directly under Thailand's system, or any parliamentary system for that matter. I don't know of any country where the office of PM is elected by direct suffrage. People knew what they were getting when they voted for PT.

    You're asserting that Thaksin shoehorned her into the role because he wanted his sister as proxy. I disagree: any other PT stooge would have served his interests just as well. I'm advancing instead the proposition that PT executives instead chose to put a Shinnawatra on top of their party list because they knew that would net them the most votes in the election. The name may be reviled in Bangkok but in the Northeast it's still very popular.

    Is it really a con if the voters know exactly what they're going to get, and vote for it anyway?

    Yes. If the real PM is a criminal on the run

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. None. They voted for her brother.
    Her brother wasn't on the party list. The 297 MP's that voted for Yingluck to become PM didn't vote for Thaksin either.

    Her mandate is undisputed.

    I dispute it - it's hypocritical to do away with appointed senators when you have an appointed (Note NOT Elected) PM

    If nobody in the electorate voted for her, how is this democratic?

    She was chosen because she is her brother's sister

    Hell! She wasn't even a member of PTP and even now isn't the leader

    It's all a big con

    The Thai PM is not directly elected, so disputing her mandate on that basis only shows ignorance about the electoral process. The Thai PM however is indirectly elected, elected by Mp's who in turn are elected by either the constituenty or by party list, which in both cases is done by the electorate. So yes the Thai PM is not appointed but democratically elected. Futhermore, as far as I know Yingluck was on the party list in 2011 and ran the PT campaign. Certainly the 15.7 million people that voted PT on the party list, mist have had a pretty good understanding who they were voting for.

    By the way, this isn't special, as in many countries the PM isn't directly elected.

    She is there for her DNA. Not her political experience and that's not democratic.

    Find me another PM in the whole world in such a situation

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. This man is scum. Anyone supporting this is a moron. Why would you bring a 10 year old child into this? I think his level has been found, the gutter.

    Blowing whistle will not damage a boy.

    Beside Harrow made a statement that they are not aware of such happening.

    Spare, you don't target kids, no matter what is involved. You probably know this. Almost everyone does.

    What is upsetting to me is that Suthep doesn't.

    What about the little boy who was supposed to run onto the pitch with Chelsea when they toured?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. Suthep and his yellow thugs are just low level criminals. Animals. Cowards. How can the Dems back people who use a 10yr old child in their fight against an elected government? It is just disgusting. All those who support these protests and their leaders are out of their mind. Attacking a child is just insane. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
    Suthep sarcastically said....which translates into Suthep is threatening according to Red Khaosod. Which PT condemns...

    Isn't he saying that if the mother has to leave she will take her son? Is this threatening or something a good mother would do? By the way, he has already apologized for this last night.

    Bunch of drama queens here.

    Suthep has no business telling anyone to leave Thailand, and that includes Yingluck and her son. Suthep needs to end his <deleted>, it is clear he won't get his way, so it is better to just stop.
    How many of Thailand's trusted organs has this been reported in?

    I smell a rat

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Are you suggesting Suthep didn't make remarks about Yingluck having to leave Thailand ? I seem to remember this being reported repeatedly.

    Than again, he is uttering absolute <deleted> for a few weeks now, so I guess his ramblings are easy to get wrong..

    It should be very easy for you to find such a report of Suthep asking for Yingluck to leave then.

    Unless the "<deleted>" is from somewhere else of course!

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Suthep and his yellow thugs are just low level criminals. Animals. Cowards. How can the Dems back people who use a 10yr old child in their fight against an elected government? It is just disgusting. All those who support these protests and their leaders are out of their mind. Attacking a child is just insane. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
    Suthep sarcastically said....which translates into Suthep is threatening according to Red Khaosod. Which PT condemns...

    Isn't he saying that if the mother has to leave she will take her son? Is this threatening or something a good mother would do? By the way, he has already apologized for this last night.

    Bunch of drama queens here.

    Suthep has no business telling anyone to leave Thailand, and that includes Yingluck and her son. Suthep needs to end his <deleted>, it is clear he won't get his way, so it is better to just stop.

    How many of Thailand's trusted organs has this been reported in?

    I smell a rat

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Suthep and his yellow thugs are just low level criminals. Animals. Cowards. How can the Dems back people who use a 10yr old child in their fight against an elected government? It is just disgusting. All those who support these protests and their leaders are out of their mind. Attacking a child is just insane. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Cast your mind back to 2010 and try to remember which colour shirt took their child to a big demonstration and held him up by the barbed wire barriers and taunted the Army with him.

    I will give you a small clue. It was at Ratchaprasong and it wasn't the Democrats, the yellow shirts or even the Army.

    I shall wait until I have discussed what was actually said with my dear wife before passing a judgement on Suthep.

    However, Yingluck made a mistake when she brought her son in on the campaign trail - effectively "using" him

  11. Not too much in the speech really but put that together with his thugs blowing whistle at the boy whilst at school and it becomes something very different. Suthep clearly has no rules limitations or boundaries regarding his behaviour and the fact they he thinks children are legitimate "targets" for the pusuit of his dreams is appalling. This maniac wants to rule the country? Sociopathic behaviour from an intended leader seems wrong, I wonder how those dross bags blowing the whistles at t'pipe' would feel if a 100 adults did the same to their own kids? They'd be screaming blue murder, that's how they'd feel. Lunatics running the assylum?

    It as been proved a LIE!!! Nobody whistle at her son at the school! The headmaster of the school made a written declaration! Only Yingluck propaganda!!!

    Copy of the letter from the Headmaster:

    Dear Parents,

    In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.

    None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.

    I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.

    Thank you.

    Michael Farley, Headmaster

    How bizarre that Thai and World media covered it but didn't cover this letter..

    Yes it is very bizarre!

    Have a look => http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-asks-protesters-to-leave-her-son-alone-as-30220995.html

    You can lead a horse to water - but you can't make him think.

  12. Just one question. What will happen if they boycott the election?

    Last time the Dems boycotted an election they ended up in power.

    Bare faced lie

    FACT: Abhisit's government did not get into power on the back of an election win.

    FACT: The Dems haven't won an election in two decades.

    FACT: They have NEVER in history won an absolutely majority.

    The moral to the story: Boycotting elections has never hurt their political aspirations, and there's no reason to suggest that boycotting the next election would prevent them getting back into power again.

    Backpeddling BS

  13. Goog good good.

    If the dusty, old, creepy Democrat Party is gone, maybe a new, better, more forward thinking party will replace it.

    If enough of the old guard is out of politics for a while, a new generation of Democrats may even prefer to work at winning elections, rather than to rely on dirty tricks and the mob rule.

    That would be a big step forward.

    A new generation Democrat party, Suthep and Abhisit gone forever, a plan for the country, which they never had, and the will to also win the hearts of the people.

    I wish them to be dissolved so that they can finally reform themselves. That is what is needed.

    In the meantime, let PT do the serious things

    Googy googy goo.

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