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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Western media assumes the government institutions, et al, in Thailand are on a par to their Western counterparts, and thus the uprising rabble must be in the wrong?
    No it's just because of the request by the government of Yingluck:


    Nadaprapai Sucharitkul

    "To the international community and citizens of the world, ...

    This letter is in response to the request by the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra for foreign governments to denounce the peaceful and lawful demonstration against her government by the Thai people and to portray the actual situation in Thailand at the moment.

    Following the various controversial, dishonest and unlawful acts of the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, the Thai people have united together to demand for righteousness and democratic practicality that such government had earlier promised. Let us now touch upon them in some details.

    Discontentment of the Thai people

    The various unlawful acts and corruption by the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra have triggered the discontentment of the Thai people. Moreover, the Government used its overwhelming majority in the House of Representatives and influence in the Senate to move towards parliamentary dictatorship. The government also ignored the practive of good governance and had no respect for the rule of law.

    There is no such phenomenon as clash of classes in Thailand. The continued demonstrtions do not stem only from the discontentment of the middle class in Bangkok alone but also from the nation wide demand for righteousness. The Puea Thai Party and the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra boasted that they were infavour of the poor and used populist policies to win the elections of 2010. it is now clearly evident that such intention and policies are more apparent than real. Here are just a few examples.

    1. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra has destroyed the rule of law by submitting an Amnesty Bill to white wash Pol. Lt. Co. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister, from his corruption charges and his involvement in the violence during the years 2009-2010. Moreover, this Amnesty Bill which is now pending confirmation by the House of Representatives will also put a stop tofurther investigation in to Pol. Lt. Col Thaksin Shinawatra's involvement in extrajudicial killing and abuse of human rights in the three Souther Border Provinces as well as the killings during the "war on drugs". The Bill also aims to reimburse Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra a sum of $1.5 billion which was seized when he was found guilty of corruption and other charges in 2010.

    2. The Rice Mortgage Scheme which Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatra explicitly and publicly claims to be his initiative had led the country to lose $13 billion. It also destroyed Thailand's competitiveness in the world rice market. Moreover, this scheme has many loopholes which enable public officials involved to embezzle some of the money.

    3. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra has attempted ot circumvent budgetary practice by submitting a bill to enable it to secure a loan of $70 billion for infrastructure megaprojects. This bill is only 4 pages long and contains vague details of the projects. If approved, the country would be subject to 50 years of repayment.

    4. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra had also implemented a number of populist policies. These include excise tax reduction for the first car, credit card for farmers, revolving fund for villages, and free electricity and water supply. These vote catching policies have caused irreparable damage to the country's fiscal situation as well as impregnating the "culture of beggars" amongst the people. Responsible politians and governments will never introduce such policies. Polulist policies produce votes for the government's party but rip the people of determination for self betterment and the value of work ethics.


    The self exiled Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra is still facing a number of corruption charges as well as malpractice charges in the Thai courts. Here are examples of corruption and human right violation charges against him.

    -The conflict of interest case related to the $2.2 billion tax free sale of Shin Corp, his telecommunications company, to Temasek Holding, a Singaporean Company.

    -Assisting his former wife to purchase land from a state agency at unrealistic price.

    -Corruption in relation to the purchase/hiring of explosive detector and equipment for Suvannabhumi Airport from GE Invision Inc. causing a damage to the country of approximately $80 million.

    -Abuse of authority in approving Exim Bank loan to Myanmar which resulted in benefit for Shin Corp.

    -Unlawful change of telecommunication concession fees into exise tax which allegedly benefited Shin Corp while causing an equivalent loss of $230million to the country.

    -Malsfeasante in granting loan of approximately $400 m from state owned Krung Thai Bank to a company owned by his cronies and son.


    -Abuse and violation of human rights on Muslim population in Sounthern Border Provinces which caused 108 deaths at Krue Sae Mosque, and 35 deaths at the Tak Bai incidents. Furthermore, during the first government of Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatra, 18 human rights defenders were assasinated and one disappeared.

    -Involvement in extrajudicial killings of over 2,700 individuals during the "war on drug" campaign between 2003-2005. Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatara subsequently admitted that such campaign was a mistake. It was also found to be qualified as case of crime against humanity by independent investigative committee.

    All of the above cases were investigated by a special taask force set up after the coup of 2006. The proceeding was nonetheless in accorrdance with the Thai criminal code and not special law.

    It is well known that Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra is a proxy of Pol.Lt.Co. Thaksin Shinawatra. She has no political experience before assuming the office of Prime Minister. Similarly the Puea Thai Party is under a total control of Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatra. Thus all significant appointments have been made by Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra and not by Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra who is neither leader of the party nor member of its executive committee.

    At present nepotism is spreading widely in the Thai society and has crept into the civil service and law enforcement agencies. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawata had shown its "true color" in contrast to its promised manifestos and this has brought the people to the street and join the current demonstrations.

    Finally and most significant is the fact that the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawaatra had destroyed the "true democratic value", which Thai people hold dear.

    The Thai people value transparent and accountable government as well as politicians who respect the rule of law. On the other hand, the government keeps on insisting that it was elected through democratic process but it avoids mentioning that the election was full of fraud and vote rigging. Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra used his enormous wealth to bribe local politicians, government officials, the press and academicians in so doing. Check and balance is absent in the House of Representatives while Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra seldom answered questions and rarely attended the sessions. Censure motions were regarded by the government as joke.

    The principle of rule of law, check and balance and separation of power was further eroded when the Puea Thai members of the House of Representatives filed rebellion charge against the Constitution Court judges on its ruling on the draft constitutional amendment regarding the composition of the Senates. That was because the Court ruled that the move was unconstitutional.

    Some Puea Thai members of Parliament committed fraud by proxy voting. Discrepancies were also found in the draft submitted to the Parliament and which was used for deliberation. So, how could the Thai people place their faith and trust on the government that used every possible means to abuse the executive and legislative power given to it for vested interest rathere than national interest.

    John Locke once stated in the Two Treatises on Government "that "....when people are made miserable, and find themselves exposed to the ill usage of arbitrary power…..will be ready upon any occasion to ease themselves of a burden that sits heavy upon them". And ".....if a long train of abuses, prevarications and artifices, all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people, and they cannot but feel what they lie under, and see wither they are going, it is not to be wondered that they should then roused themselves, and endeavour to put the rule into such hands which may secure to them the ends for which government was first erected and without which, ancient names and specious forms are so far from being better, that they are much worse than the state of nature of pure anarchy; the inconveniences being all as great and as near, but the remedy farther off and more difficult.

    It therefore goes without saying that the Thai people hold legitimate and lawful rights to protect their country from corrupt and unlawful government and to remove it from power. Such government had caused irreparable damages to their beloved country and the Thai people cannot allow it to hold on to power so as to further abuse the nation.

    On behalf of the Thai people, we ask for your understanding of the true situation in Thailand and to support the patriotic and selfless Thai people in exercising their rights to protect their country from the tyrannical government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra who is a puppet of her brother Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra.

    All Thai Citizens"

    All Thai Citizens? All 65 million plus, really? I actually know a few Thais in the room I am in right now who would not be included in that number. Even if everything you say is true you are not speaking for all Thai citizens that is pretty arrogant to state that you are to say the least., And actually democracy in Thailand has been hijacked from the very beginning over 80 years ago it did not start with Shinawatra. And even though you make it sound like that all Thailand needs to do is get rid of his influence and everything will be fine then Thailand will have reform and there will not be anymore corruption in Thailand is a joke. But then who will be next after you get rid of Shinawatra influence? Anyone who dares to speak out against "All Thai citizens"? Maybe you need to read up on the history of 1930 Germany as like most Thais you probably do not know much about this time period but this so called anti-government movement is starting to sound more and more like 1930 Germany everyday!

    Any Thai that supports the despicable acts of the PTP government will never be part of the solution.

    The new reforms should make Isaan one province combined with Chiang Mai

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Hey I live in Chiang Mai what did I ever do to you?coffee1.gif

    I'm sure you'll enjoy the Som tum and sticky rice

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. she has only registered as a candidate on Monday morning. Her tour of north east finished on sunday.

    she will still be using state funds and property, as a caretaker pm.

    democrats, you still have a chance to run for election till friday evening, otherwise stop obstructing other from caring legitimate and useful work

    How incredibly gauche

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. If Abhisit knows how to read English - which I assume he does, then he can see for himself who foreigners feel about what is happening in Thailand. No need to rely on CAPO or embassies press statements. He can start by reading comments about what is happening in Thailand on Yahoo. Perhaps that would give him a better perspective on things. PERHAPS.

    He can read English, which is why he is saying that CAPO is mis-representing what other countries are saying.

    Will you never admit this man is wrong? He says that CAPO are misrepresenting what other countries are saying without any reference to what his buddy in arms suthep has to do with the "hostile feelings towards the foreign media". CAPO saying that more foreign countries are supporting elections as part of the democratic process has nothing to do with how the foreign media or it's citizens are perceived. Where is the misrepresentation in CAPO's statement?

    He is head of a political party that has boycotted the election and has therefore decided not to concern itself with Thai politics.

    He is irrelevant.

    Why would he reference what Suthep is doing when he is talking about CAPO misrepresenting what foreign governments are saying?

    Thats why I say will you never admit golden boy abhisit is wrong. It's not CAPO that's misrepresenting the situation, it's abhisit - and if you can't ascertain that from the OP your bias is obviously deluding you.

    Surapong, bless his playground intellect, is playing a dangerous game by saying that all these nations are on "his side". I doubt any nation supports his government in their lying and cheating

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. This guy is a Lunatic who is more corrupt than any other politician. He wants to erase democracy in Thailand.

    I cant understand why he is not arrested yet ...... His story changes every week when he fails.

    very typical post from one of just 3 prior posts, lacking substance, facts and a personal attack.

    If Suthep had not stepped in when did, Thailand would become a dictatorship, and that's the plan

    of the Shinawatra government. This was either a do or die situation for Thailand and Suthep should be

    commended for his bravery and efforts.

    Those that just resort to name calling saying how big his ego is and he's a mad man are really very out

    of touch with reality.

    He has said many many times, he has no interest in taking a government position, but rather ensuring that

    that corruption ends and a true democratic country with a government that represents the people equally.

    Good for Suthep for doing what he's doing. And while we're at it, let's drop the myth that the protestors are only

    from Bangkok, that is just not true. I have many friends that I am getting to meet their relatives for the first time that have traveled

    long distances to join the protests.

    A lot of newbie shills here, why? I can guess bah.gif

    You're flogging a bunch of dead horses on here of the vermilion hue.

    You can lead them to water but you can't make them think.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Western media assumes the government institutions, et al, in Thailand are on a par to their Western counterparts, and thus the uprising rabble must be in the wrong?

    No it's just because of the request by the government of Yingluck:


    Nadaprapai Sucharitkul

    "To the international community and citizens of the world, ...

    This letter is in response to the request by the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra for foreign governments to denounce the peaceful and lawful demonstration against her government by the Thai people and to portray the actual situation in Thailand at the moment.

    Following the various controversial, dishonest and unlawful acts of the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, the Thai people have united together to demand for righteousness and democratic practicality that such government had earlier promised. Let us now touch upon them in some details.

    Discontentment of the Thai people

    The various unlawful acts and corruption by the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra have triggered the discontentment of the Thai people. Moreover, the Government used its overwhelming majority in the House of Representatives and influence in the Senate to move towards parliamentary dictatorship. The government also ignored the practive of good governance and had no respect for the rule of law.

    There is no such phenomenon as clash of classes in Thailand. The continued demonstrtions do not stem only from the discontentment of the middle class in Bangkok alone but also from the nation wide demand for righteousness. The Puea Thai Party and the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra boasted that they were infavour of the poor and used populist policies to win the elections of 2010. it is now clearly evident that such intention and policies are more apparent than real. Here are just a few examples.

    1. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra has destroyed the rule of law by submitting an Amnesty Bill to white wash Pol. Lt. Co. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister, from his corruption charges and his involvement in the violence during the years 2009-2010. Moreover, this Amnesty Bill which is now pending confirmation by the House of Representatives will also put a stop tofurther investigation in to Pol. Lt. Col Thaksin Shinawatra's involvement in extrajudicial killing and abuse of human rights in the three Souther Border Provinces as well as the killings during the "war on drugs". The Bill also aims to reimburse Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra a sum of $1.5 billion which was seized when he was found guilty of corruption and other charges in 2010.

    2. The Rice Mortgage Scheme which Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatra explicitly and publicly claims to be his initiative had led the country to lose $13 billion. It also destroyed Thailand's competitiveness in the world rice market. Moreover, this scheme has many loopholes which enable public officials involved to embezzle some of the money.

    3. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra has attempted ot circumvent budgetary practice by submitting a bill to enable it to secure a loan of $70 billion for infrastructure megaprojects. This bill is only 4 pages long and contains vague details of the projects. If approved, the country would be subject to 50 years of repayment.

    4. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra had also implemented a number of populist policies. These include excise tax reduction for the first car, credit card for farmers, revolving fund for villages, and free electricity and water supply. These vote catching policies have caused irreparable damage to the country's fiscal situation as well as impregnating the "culture of beggars" amongst the people. Responsible politians and governments will never introduce such policies. Polulist policies produce votes for the government's party but rip the people of determination for self betterment and the value of work ethics.


    The self exiled Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra is still facing a number of corruption charges as well as malpractice charges in the Thai courts. Here are examples of corruption and human right violation charges against him.

    -The conflict of interest case related to the $2.2 billion tax free sale of Shin Corp, his telecommunications company, to Temasek Holding, a Singaporean Company.

    -Assisting his former wife to purchase land from a state agency at unrealistic price.

    -Corruption in relation to the purchase/hiring of explosive detector and equipment for Suvannabhumi Airport from GE Invision Inc. causing a damage to the country of approximately $80 million.

    -Abuse of authority in approving Exim Bank loan to Myanmar which resulted in benefit for Shin Corp.

    -Unlawful change of telecommunication concession fees into exise tax which allegedly benefited Shin Corp while causing an equivalent loss of $230million to the country.

    -Malsfeasante in granting loan of approximately $400 m from state owned Krung Thai Bank to a company owned by his cronies and son.


    -Abuse and violation of human rights on Muslim population in Sounthern Border Provinces which caused 108 deaths at Krue Sae Mosque, and 35 deaths at the Tak Bai incidents. Furthermore, during the first government of Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatra, 18 human rights defenders were assasinated and one disappeared.

    -Involvement in extrajudicial killings of over 2,700 individuals during the "war on drug" campaign between 2003-2005. Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatara subsequently admitted that such campaign was a mistake. It was also found to be qualified as case of crime against humanity by independent investigative committee.

    All of the above cases were investigated by a special taask force set up after the coup of 2006. The proceeding was nonetheless in accorrdance with the Thai criminal code and not special law.

    It is well known that Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra is a proxy of Pol.Lt.Co. Thaksin Shinawatra. She has no political experience before assuming the office of Prime Minister. Similarly the Puea Thai Party is under a total control of Pol.Lt.Col Thaksin Shinawatra. Thus all significant appointments have been made by Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra and not by Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra who is neither leader of the party nor member of its executive committee.

    At present nepotism is spreading widely in the Thai society and has crept into the civil service and law enforcement agencies. The government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawata had shown its "true color" in contrast to its promised manifestos and this has brought the people to the street and join the current demonstrations.

    Finally and most significant is the fact that the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawaatra had destroyed the "true democratic value", which Thai people hold dear.

    The Thai people value transparent and accountable government as well as politicians who respect the rule of law. On the other hand, the government keeps on insisting that it was elected through democratic process but it avoids mentioning that the election was full of fraud and vote rigging. Pol.Lt.Col. Thaksin Shinawatra used his enormous wealth to bribe local politicians, government officials, the press and academicians in so doing. Check and balance is absent in the House of Representatives while Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra seldom answered questions and rarely attended the sessions. Censure motions were regarded by the government as joke.

    The principle of rule of law, check and balance and separation of power was further eroded when the Puea Thai members of the House of Representatives filed rebellion charge against the Constitution Court judges on its ruling on the draft constitutional amendment regarding the composition of the Senates. That was because the Court ruled that the move was unconstitutional.

    Some Puea Thai members of Parliament committed fraud by proxy voting. Discrepancies were also found in the draft submitted to the Parliament and which was used for deliberation. So, how could the Thai people place their faith and trust on the government that used every possible means to abuse the executive and legislative power given to it for vested interest rathere than national interest.

    John Locke once stated in the Two Treatises on Government "that "....when people are made miserable, and find themselves exposed to the ill usage of arbitrary power…..will be ready upon any occasion to ease themselves of a burden that sits heavy upon them". And ".....if a long train of abuses, prevarications and artifices, all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people, and they cannot but feel what they lie under, and see wither they are going, it is not to be wondered that they should then roused themselves, and endeavour to put the rule into such hands which may secure to them the ends for which government was first erected and without which, ancient names and specious forms are so far from being better, that they are much worse than the state of nature of pure anarchy; the inconveniences being all as great and as near, but the remedy farther off and more difficult.

    It therefore goes without saying that the Thai people hold legitimate and lawful rights to protect their country from corrupt and unlawful government and to remove it from power. Such government had caused irreparable damages to their beloved country and the Thai people cannot allow it to hold on to power so as to further abuse the nation.

    On behalf of the Thai people, we ask for your understanding of the true situation in Thailand and to support the patriotic and selfless Thai people in exercising their rights to protect their country from the tyrannical government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra who is a puppet of her brother Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra.

    All Thai Citizens"

    All Thai Citizens? All 65 million plus, really? I actually know a few Thais in the room I am in right now who would not be included in that number. Even if everything you say is true you are not speaking for all Thai citizens that is pretty arrogant to state that you are to say the least., And actually democracy in Thailand has been hijacked from the very beginning over 80 years ago it did not start with Shinawatra. And even though you make it sound like that all Thailand needs to do is get rid of his influence and everything will be fine then Thailand will have reform and there will not be anymore corruption in Thailand is a joke. But then who will be next after you get rid of Shinawatra influence? Anyone who dares to speak out against "All Thai citizens"? Maybe you need to read up on the history of 1930 Germany as like most Thais you probably do not know much about this time period but this so called anti-government movement is starting to sound more and more like 1930 Germany everyday!

    Any Thai that supports the despicable acts of the PTP government will never be part of the solution.

    The new reforms should make Isaan one province combined with Chiang Mai

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. "Other smaller political parties also filed their application for the election, such as Bhumjaithai Party, Chart Samakkee Party, Rak Thailand Party, Thai Maha Pattana Party, and Democratic Party (not to be confused with the Democrat Party, the main opposition party which boycotts the election)."

    Not to worry, I din't think there's much chance of the democrat party being confused with anything that is labelled "democratic"..............

    There's certainly no chance of the Pheua Thai party list being linked to anything democratic or reformist either, a quick glance reveals-

    1. Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra -relation to owner

    2. Mr. Somchai Wongsawat-relation to owner

    3. Mr. Jarupong Ruangsuwan

    4. Mr. Surapong Tovichakchaikul -relation to owner

    5. Mr. Chaikasem Nitisiri

    6. Mr. Chalerm Yubamrung - self confessed servant of Thaksin, the owner,awaiting beheading by the red shirts for failure to bring his master back by New Year

    7. Mr. Sanoah Tianthong a very boring dinosaur from Sakaeow

    8. Mr. Pracha Promnok

    9. Mr. Phongthep Thepkanjana

    10. Mr. Plodprasop Suraswadi - the architect of the nationally discredited flood prevention scheme.

    11. Mr. Phokin Phalakul

    12. Mr. Sompong Amornviva

    I believe they have registered for an election. If you do not recognise an election as part of democracy then you are quite welcome to your admiration of the dems and/or suthep.


    Party List?

    What a plonker

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  7. Doesn't this show how much the public want the corrupted government out? Perhaps you guys shld find out more the details of the corruption

    No it shows the thoughts of perhaps 10-15,000 people (maybe 150,000 if they all can be bothered to turn up). Perhaps you should check out the electorate total in Thailand and compare the two figures.

    Hey fab4, you can do better than that. Or can you?

    Didn't know there was a test?

    I just thought it was reasonable pointing out that 15,000 or 150,000 people didn't have the right to make decisions for the 45 Million or so Thai people that make up the Electorate. Do you have a counter argument that is sensible?

    But 312 do by lying and cheating?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. Doesn't this show how much the public want the corrupted government out? Perhaps you guys shld find out more the details of the corruption

    No it shows the thoughts of perhaps 10-15,000 people (maybe 150,000 if they all can be bothered to turn up). Perhaps you should check out the electorate total in Thailand and compare the two figures.

    So, are you some kind of an authority on Thailand statistics and demographics or just an armchair jockey?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  9. Sacrifice? hardly. The democrats gambled when they backed an attempt to bring down the democratically elected government of Thailand and did not achieve the desired result. Now, they see that the strategy has faltered and would most likely result in another punishing defeat. The Democrats don't have to run. it's their right in a democracy. however, they lose the right to complain if they sit on the sidelines whinging and complaining. The democrats bungled and the country pays the price.

    Ahh, there's that word again............."democratically".

    Amazing how a word can be misused by so many and so often. A bit like the term "self exile". cheesy.gif

    Or "Democrat Party"

    Or Puea Thaksin Party?

    But there's no such political party as the Puea Thaksin Party so your post is nonsense.

    As you can see from the magnitude of the protests the PTP are clearly not the friends of the Thai so their name is clearly nonsense

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  10. Is the Democrat Party boycotting the Feb 02, 2014 election to avoid being proven wrong if they do not perform well?

    If Suthep and the Democrat Party are so sure of their position - why hesitate to let the people speak?

    If they do not - the that is a sure sign of the Tyranny of the Minority!

    The people are speaking on the streets of bangkok and around the country. Turn on your TV.

    They are asking for reform so that governments cannot break the rules without punishment and that corruption is stopped.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  11. If there is to be a reform council it has to be 100% neutral. Looking at how the PTP strangled debate in the house proves that Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Quite but unfortunately neutrality is a very rare entity here as a result of the culture and ' what can I get out of this ' mentality.

    Look how those MPs jumped ship last week to join PTP, an eye on the future and hopes of a reward for doing so.

    I font think it could be facilitated by any politician. Neutrality can be found even if it takes Kofi Anand

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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