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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. It's nice to see the reds act responsibly.They gathered to support the government. Then, after the court made its ruling, and they are satisfied with the PT's fate, they call off the rally and go home. Very wise. Very responsible.On the other side we have the Dems who rallied against an amnesty bill, and once that bill was scrapped... they decided to keep rallying... to topple the elected government this time. :blink:Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    This isn't about that. The reds have woken up. Others should too.

    I've had bigger barbeques in my garden than the last turn out

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. Nattawut: New round of fight begins

    BANGKOK: -- Following the ruling against senatorial charter amendment bill, red-shirt leader Nattawut Saikaur declared that a new round of fight has begun.

    Speaking at the red-shirt rally at the Rajamangala Stadium, Nattawut declared: "The bell of a new round of fight between the democratic force and extra-constitutional force have begun!"


    -- The Nation 2013-11-20

    The boys are back in town and they want to party. There will be heartaches tonight. Some one will get hurt. The Eagles song. Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

    Desperadoes sounds more apt

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app




    "Whereas the red-shirts are happy with their shirt and having all (rice) farmers rich by now, curtsy of the middleclass taxpayers."


    Seriously?? Rich rice farmers??? Have you ever been near a rice farm or seen how a typical rice farmer lives? And no, you probably can't see them from your nice condo balcony...




    My excuses, I must have fallen for the Pheu Thai led government propaganda which has seen 660 billion Baht spent in two years on helping poor rice farmers and being very successful in it.


    PS in the middle of Bangkok on the second floor I can indeed not see too much from my small balcony.


    I don't see too many Thais having both the cash and the appetite to invest in this scheme

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. "A Democrat source, who asked not to be named, said party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva had told MPs to prepare to scrutinise the government outside the Parliament."

    They want a kangaroo court inside parliament (withholding evidence in order to spring it on the PM) and Suthep already has proposed setting up his own kangaroo court.

    In any normal parliament the evidence should be presented so those accused can answer or rebut the charges otherwise the answer will be "we'll get back to you when we have prepared our answer."

    In any normal parliament MPs wouldn't cheat in a house vote

    In any normal parliament the speaker would allow opposition debate

    In any normal parliament you wouln't get a 310 vote for become a 310 vote against an act

    In any normal parliament the PM wouldn't flee to Dubai

  5. Sudenly wish I'd have studied up on Thai politics the past 2 years I've been here.

    All of these politician's names barely register. Shame.

    Here's a few for the time being:

    1. Thaksin Shinawatra......................The man all this fuss is about

    2. Yingluck Shinawatra.....................Thai P.M. and loyal sister of the above.

    3. Plodprasop Suraswadi..................Science & Tech Minister, propeller proponent.Whistler.

    4. Kittirat na Ranong.........................Finance Minister and creator of Little White Lies & Cooked Books.

    5. Chalerm Yubamrung.....................Police Capt,Labour Minister, Oenophile,soon to be executed.

    6. Abhisit Vejjajiva.............................Democrat Party Leader. "Mass Murderer".

    7. Suthep Thaugsuban.....................Former Democrat M.P. Now leading Anti Thaksin/government rally.

    8. Thida Tawornseth.........................UDD Red Shirt Leader, Communist.

    9. Weng Tojirakarn...........................Husband of Thida,, Communist.

    10. Jatuporn Promphan....................Red Shirt Firebrand, Thaksin Lieutenant..

    11. Nattawut Saikua..........................M.P. Deputy Min of Agr. Red Shirt Spokesman.

    12. Pantongtae (Oaf) Shinawatra.....Son of Thaksin Shinawatra. Facebook Warrior.

    Hope that helps.wai.gif


    I shall unashamedly add to this

    Yaowappa Wongsawat............Baleinous other sister of Thaksin who tweaks Yingluck's strings when Thaksin is otherwise ooccupied

    Somchai Wongsawat...............Skeletal husband of Yaowappa, former Prime Minister, and part-time philanderer

    Chayapa Wongsawat..............Daughter of the loving coiuple above, Married Lynal Nam who is the son of close aide to Hun Sen, Seang Nam

    Pojaman na Pombera.............Tuberous Ex wife of Thaksin

    Pintongta Shinawatra..............Daughter of Thaksin

    Paetongtarn Shinawatra..........Other daughter of Thaksin who along with above boarded a THAI flight to london with 150kg baggage for 6 days in London

    • Like 1
  6. Completely agree with your last two paragraphs.

    The CC's ruling was that (a) if they wanted to re-write the constitution a referendum must be held first (to agree or not whether it should be amended) and another referendum after the rewrite is finalised; and (cool.png it could be amended piecemeal but a referendum must be held when the amendments are complete.

    PTP have ignored this by attempting to enact an amendment without a referendum. This, I hope, the CC will rule unconstitutional.

    This is the first time I've ever heard this. I've just gone back to check the ruling and can only confirm from what I've read that it's as I say: '3. Government can either (a) amend sec-by-sec through parliament (as allowed now by Sec 291), or (cool.png hold a referendum first asking whether the whole charter should be amended (that is a y or n). Problem with (cool.png is that constitution doesn't provide 4 a referendum. May have to amend Constit to allow for such a referendum. Then hold referendum in 3-4 months'.

    It wouldn't really make sense to me if they'd said you can amend piece by piece but still need ref. or draft an entirely new constitution which requires just one ref. Why would they do it piece by piece then and have referendums on every section they wanted to change? Sounds far too complicated and huge waste of time & money. The other thing I've just noticed is that the recommendations were supposed to be just that, recommendations and as such not non-binding. In any case, I haven't even heard this raised with ref. to the coming court ruling, just whether amendment violates section 68.

    Also noted this comment: “It’s not really sensible to make legal sense of these proceedings,” said Verapat Pariyawong, an independent Harvard-educated lawyer. “You have to look at this as a political phenomenon.” If it was true then, it's equally true of tomorrow, if not more so.

    You need to re-read what I wrote. In summary a complete re-write requires two referendums(da) - approval for a replacement referendum and approval for the final version and after the piecemeal amendments a referendum to accept/reject. Whether they were recommendations or something stronger is irrelevant. The existing constitution was accepted by referendum so any modification should be put to the people too. If PTP have more amendments they should not attempt to enact laws until they have finished all amendments & hold a referendum.

    The problem is that PTP don't want to hold a referendum - that was clear from the start and it is to their discredit that they are afraid of losing. They have made things a lot worse by saying that they refuse to accept the CC's ruling. Danger beckons if they ignore a disliked ruling.

    2 things: Did the military Junta ask the electorate through a referendum whether they wanted their 1997 Constitution ripped up and replaced by a new Constitution. No, they didn't. So where is it written in the 2007 Constitution that a referendum should be held before a new Constitution can be written and then another referendum held to verify the new Constitution. It isn't - it is the the Constitution Courts take on what they regard is in the constitution. Which leads me to point 2.

    The Constitution Court stated thatr should the PTP wish to amend individual articles in parliament they could do so. abhisit did so. There was no and is no requirement to have a referendum after articles have been amended in such a way.

    The Junta didn't rip up the 1997 constitution - they amended some parts of it to protect democracy with some stronger checks and balances.

    Do you think a Junta falls under the jurisdiction of the CC?

    Do you think the CC wasn't involved in the amendments?

    Do you think that if the PTP wasnted to rewrite the constitution then that should have been part of their manifesto?

    The junta held a referenduim - and that set the bar a bit higher.

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  7. There are many options here available to the CC on a scale of zero to armagedon

    It wouldn't surprise me if they red carded those who cheated in the vote (those who voted for "friends" and the "friends") and asked for a revote

    It wouldn't surprise me to find that those who openly spoke about ignoring the CC were charged with contempt of court either

    As for the legislation itself - we will see

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