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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. He also urged the Democrats to bring its fight against corruption to Parliament. He admitted that there are concerns on the negative impact of this on investment sentiment. If Thailand loses any opportunity, the Democrats must be responsible for that, he said.

    Totally irrational people in this administration. blink.png

    They are going to blame the opposition for their own shortcomings?

    It's a truly bizarre state of affairs of the Thai nation.

    I don't think even Tom Sharpe could have come up with a plot so convoluted, a government so conniving or a Prime Monister so comprehesively useless

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  2. What a sad state of affairs.!bah.gif The country is burning and the senators are involved in their own little pissingcontest!

    With their size of "apparatus", they are at risk of getting their feet wet!!coffee1.gif

    Sad day for all Thais and us expats, who call Thailand for home!!

    Yes and who is taking advantage of this? The dem party backed Suthep Roadshow. What a coincidence, Suthep puts a 6pm deadline on the bill being binned or the demonstrations go on and the gang of 40 slow the procedure down as much as possible.

    well.... You might think that.

    There are, of course, those of us who think that the legislation has already progressed beyond the point of no return and that the rejection by the Senate will not enable Parliament to also reject it.

  3. I want to agree with you and maybe I can.

    Judging by the hate speeches from Natthawut, Jatuporn ant Thida, PT doesn't want an election now. They just want to hold on to power as long as possible. They haven't mentioned anything about a snap election or something since they committed one of the largest political blunders ever in SE Asia.

    Any examples of those hate speeches available in english? Come to think of it any translations from the rhetoric bandied about from the dem party stage?

    Can you help us there?

    I have a whole collection of them in Swahili


  4. 473geo post # 73

    Should Thailand lose the frontier judgements on both counts, then Thaksin will look like a shrewd guy, that was prepared to pass off a small piece of mined shrubland to bring millions of oil revenue in the Thailand bank account. Of course you may not have read this explanation into the links provided by oracle WAZA, this was perhaps not the impression he was looking to provide.

    Now you do spend a fair amount of time out of Thailand so perhaps you missed the fact the bot Thaksin and Hun Sen were conspiring together a while back and working on assorted mineral rights deals..

    The whole affair is designed to ensure that just two despots are able to line their and their family's pockets at the expense of the peoples and the countries they profess to love.

    Never have so many been shafted for so much by so few.

    I guess you listened in on the conversations first hand Siampolee otherwise how could my life outside Thailand make any difference to information available, a rather silly comment from you there I feel.

    My post is just too near the truth for you, are you telling me Thailand would not reap financial reward if oil exploration was successful, provided of course some person was smart enough to negotiate participation for the kingdom in the said exploration. Now take your mind away from Thaksin for a moment. Let us say Abhisit is PM, well Siampolee, Thailand would still need the frontier agrreement to be favourable, would it not? so you see once again you have clouded your own understanding by your intent to tarnish Thaksin.

    If you think that Thaksin will come out of this any better than a horrible smell in the room that everybody wants to go away, you're deluding yourself!!!

  5. BP reported 4,000 redshirts & the Nation is reporting 45,000! I wonder if there are any vaguely accurate figures out there? Also, how many of the Redshirts are protesting against the Amnesty bill and how many are protesting for it?

    BP today puts it at 50.000, with 13.000 more at other sites. The Red Shirts puts it at 100.000, The Nation puts it at 45.000 (did not read The Nation, but I believe what I read here)...

    Whatever the number is... Since many of you guys supported the street protests of the Dems and the associated colors/movements, please, in all fairness, do welcome the reds who join the party smile.png

    The Dems opened the ball, now everybody wants to dance clap2.gif

    Not sure it was such a smart more of the Dems though. Ideal to destroy the country even more. But ok, it will all be fixed after a few more years of chaos.

    I wonder when will the people start to be wiser?

    Maybe you can enlighten us as to what the various groups of reds are protesting

    • Like 1
  6. In most democracies, elected officials selling their vote is a serious crime. In Thailand, a whole party takes orders from a fugitive criminal billionaire, and its only "politics."


    Election funding, lobbying, of course no person in most democracies is committing a serious crime by selling their vote, perhaps significantly influenced in their thinking and deliberations by those that financially support them, brokering deals to support fellow members that will support their goals.....but not selling their vote...no no never! Ever wondered why there are so few 'independant' representatives that have not already sold their soul to one party or another?


    People who stand for election are in it for one thing, to win, and subsequently to win again, if this process requires a great deal of external funding you think they are likely to support decisions that could have adverse effect on their major sponsors?


    By that logic murder is but premature euthanasia.

    How apologist

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. So you did not read the posted links .......


    You were answered. You just did not like the answers you got,


    Should Thailand lose the frontier judgements on both counts, then Thaksin will look like a shrewd guy, that was prepared to pass off a small piece of mined shrubland to bring millions of oil revenue in the Thailand bank account. Of course you may not have read this explanation into the links provided by oracle WAZA, this was perhaps not the impression he was looking to provide.

    No. He will still look like a manipulative jerk. His followers will look like brown nosed lackeys

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. Now according to then S.M.S. from ''The Nation'' received some 15 minutes since,  the D.S.I. is threatening  action if the protest carries on today as according to Tharit,  that paragon  truth, honesty, loyalty and decency (at the right price) the controversial bill has been withdrawn and all that needs to be done is for all those anti Amnesty bill/ anti government protesters is for them to go home.


    Strangely enough though there was nor is any mention of the pro Amnesty / government protesters and the suggestion that they should return home as all is well and settled


    One wonders why that is?


    Indeed an unveiled threat to the anti bill anti government demonstrators along with democracy in general.




    Because the man is a monitor lizard

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Seems quite easy to understand


    The International court will rule based on history, fact and documented historical evidence,


    Why arrange protest when the verdict is unknown?


    The damage this issue can attract for various goverments has long been a more important feature for the reactionaries/nationalists than the land ownership


    To the extent that the most recent 'visit' to protest was halted by the Thai locals who appear just to wish to live in peace

    Why arrange a protest when the verdict is unknown?

    Why hand out the judges' personal details when the verdict has not been arrived at?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Two quotes from "the other" newspaper today:

    Red shirt "idol" (?) took to stage on called on supporters to "protect democracy: "If you do not stop, my group will stop you"


    Pheu Thai list-MP and red shirt leader Cherdichai said: " If the antigovernment protests grew, a million  red-shirts would storm into Bangkok to support the government"

    Makes the PM's words about, she is worried about the security of the protesters sound a little hollow, when she at the same time is organising "a mob for rent", which almost certainly is going to escalate the situation.

    Judging by reports the ongoing antigovernment demonstration has be peaceful and within the law.

    Sadly it seems like the red mob is going to change that.

    I would like to see the PT-supporters here on Thaivisa, explain the above two statements by their idols!Posted Image


    They would deny those words were spoken and it's all " politically motivated."



    You neglected to say that the paper also reports that a red shirt rally will be held at Muang Thong Thani on Sunday and the UDD said they will not move from there to avoid confrontation. Of course the very same paper ignores that and says that the rally could result in a confrontation. Typical <deleted> stirring rag.


    Strange how they never quote what suthep and abhisit have been saying in full in the english language newspapers isn't it? It's like there's a self imposed censorship when it suits the cause.

    It also fails to mention that the venue is way too large for the people who can't quite decide what to protest against.

    My guess is that a netball court will prove to be adequate

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    And none of the above criticise the senate members for not turning up, facilitating continued protest and unrest.......tunnel vision at its best
    I think that in a case such as this, absolutely all the senators should be there to cast a vote.

    Given that by the very nature of their jobs they live in all provinces of the country, giving them a day's notice to be there was unprofessional as well as undemocratic.

    Your post, therefore, is balderdash!

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app




    "absolutely all senators there to cast a vote"


    Right......and when you wake up how do you think in the bright light of the Thai day


    You may also take into account it is reported that a group of 40 senators are said to have boycotted the debate, mentioning  "outside person" was lobbying senators to bring forward the amnesty bill debate in a bid to put a quick end to the political protests


    Rather suggests your post is embarrassing and my initial post rather more linked to reality



    How bright is the light in Lala land?

    You seem to be short of a few lumens

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    Replies containing only Insults show you in a very poor light.....


    Not as poor as 310 flip flopping buffoons

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    And none of the above criticise the senate members for not turning up, facilitating continued protest and unrest.......tunnel vision at its best

    I think that in a case such as this, absolutely all the senators should be there to cast a vote.

    Given that by the very nature of their jobs they live in all provinces of the country, giving them a day's notice to be there was unprofessional as well as undemocratic.

    Your post, therefore, is balderdash!

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    "absolutely all senators there to cast a vote"


    Right......and when you wake up how do you think in the bright light of the Thai day


    You may also take into account it is reported that a group of 40 senators are said to have boycotted the debate, mentioning  "outside person" was lobbying senators to bring forward the amnesty bill debate in a bid to put a quick end to the political protests


    Rather suggests your post is embarrassing and my initial post rather more linked to reality


    How bright is the light in Lala land?

    You seem to be short of a few lumens

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  13. And none of the above criticise the senate members for not turning up, facilitating continued protest and unrest.......tunnel vision at its best

    I think that in a case such as this, absolutely all the senators should be there to cast a vote.

    Given that by the very nature of their jobs they live in all provinces of the country, giving them a day's notice to be there was unprofessional as well as undemocratic.

    Your post, therefore, is balderdash!

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  14. Wait and see what will happen on Monday, after the Senate has rejected the bill, and the protests don't stop. Which I think they won't.


    Read the other thread about the reds turning against the protesters, and you will know there is something simmering which will explode early next week.



    They could also not reject the bill but revise it to a financial bill which will make things even more intense.


    I think it will be better for Thailand and worse for Thaksin if they amend it to its original form and accept it

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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