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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. UPDATE:

    Furious DSI chief warns whistle blowers

    By English News


    BANGKOK, Nov 19 – The top Department of Special Investigation (DSI) official has threatened to take legal action against people blowing whistles to protest or chasing senior government officials.

    DSI Director General Tarit Pengdith said whistle blowers are liable to charges of creating annoyance and causing shame to other people.

    His statement was retaliation to former Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban who told anti-government protesters to blow whistles at senior government officials as a display of civil disobedience.

    Mr Tarit was among senior officials at whom people blew whistles. Two others were Education Minister Chaturon Chaisaeng and Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi.

    The DSI chief said blowing whistles is a violation of the Criminal Code for causing disturbance and shame – an act liable to a maximum one-month jail term or a fine at not over Bt1,000, or both.

    He said Mr Suthep’s action stemmed from his anger against the DSI which is taking legal action against him in several cases.

    DSI officials were instructed to take photos of whistleblowers so as to take action against them, he said. (MCOT online news)


    -- TNA 2013-11-19

    Has this been in the foreign press yet?

  2. GDP is an interesting animal......

    Spending governmemnt money on large infrastructure puts money into the economy by purchasing goods and purchasing services/manpower.

    A lot of the loan is intended to be spent on a high speed rail system - and a lot on road improvements.

    The caveats that I have are these:

    Purchasing some goods will be good for Thailand - cement for example as it is domestically produced. Purchasing high speed rail components will only add to the already high import bill.

    Purchasing manpower will depend on where it comes from and the majoprity of large and small construction projects are staffed by large numbers of foreIgn (Cambodian) workers that will send their money home as well as spend it in Thailand - another deficit to the balance of payments. Does Thailand even have a large enough skilled workforce to compete?

    The loan will surely come from foreign banks - and the interest payments will therefore also impact the balance of payments. The loan is not a staged transaction, for some bizarrre reason it is to be sought up front - Abhisit and Korn have questioned this approach.

    I have seen articles on how quickly the infrastructure work can be ramped up. There's lots to be done before the shovels hit the dirt

    Even years down the line when the roads and rail are in use, the income from them will be either low or negligible

    So anybody seeing this as the silver bullet for the Thai economy should spend some time considering the full metrics

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  3. Tarit and the DSI have rules that they need to follow and legal processes and procedures that also need to be adhered to.

    If this case is kicked out as it seems engineered to do so, it will be to the detriment of the of the deceased and their families and very clearly the fault of Tarit who should equally have been held accountable

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. "submitted 23,000 signatures to Senate Speaker Nikom Wairatpanich as part of its petition to impeach the 310 MPs."


    "the club's mission is not to bring down the government."


    Sorry, but what else would the impeachment of 310 MPs do but to bring down the government?

    In the real world it might rid the country of yes men and sycophants to be replaced by those who act for their constituencies.


    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    "Let us come up with a million or more than a million (people) to fight with our bare hands until we win,” he said."

    Read: you may fight, while I head off to some safe place, protected by my bodyguards!

    I am not sure about that. Suthep has shown some strength in not running away from charges laid against him PPP/PTP/the reds) 


    If we were talking about Chamlong I would say 100% that you are wrong. With Suthep I would say there is an 80% chance you are incorrect.



    Strength? He knows he is covered by the Emergency Decree which gives him and abhisit amnesty as long, and here's the deciding factor, as long as the court regards their actions as not being a disproportionate response to the force they were resisting. The Human Rights Organisations have already made their views known on the use of snipers / marksmen and live fire zones. It remains to be seen (hopefully) whether the Court agrees with them.


    I notice that all the talk about the charges only being made against them as a way to apply leverage to their agreeing to the Amnesty Bill has gone very quiet - a bit embarassing to claim that so loudly and then not see it happen I suppose.

    The funniest thing here is that the old has-been with a supposedly questionable past has fought amnesty, fought corruption, is fighting the Shinawatra regime and has got them so rattled that they are pulling all the stops to save their carcasses.

    Who cares about treason charges when you have to face a murder rap next month?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  6. Abhisit should step down and give the people in the north and north east an alternative. I don't believe he is guilty of murder, he is guilty of not taking a firm stance at the beginning of the mess in 2010. He could have put a stop to it before the reds began building fortresses and burning tires. He sat down with red leaders, offered them an election in 4 months, but an election wasn't what they were after. They wanted to bring back the man who could make them all rich within 6 months of his return. Thaksin has been compared to a leech, he is more like a cancer.

    I agree. But my guess would be that he would wait until just before an election to do so

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. November 24. I am waiting for that day to get rig of Thaksin once and forever. You can find in on the street celebrating along with the 60 millions Thai people.

    Not sure I understand this

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    If you allow for a few spelling mistakes and some missing words it's quite understandable, but completely nonsensical.

    Basically he is saying the day that Thaksin is gone, once and forever, presumably dead, you will be able to find him, Spare, celebrating in the streets with apparently 92% of the Thai population (using 2010 figures) who according to Spare, would like to see this event happen.

    What can you say? Why bother? (No, whybother that's not an invitation for you to bore the ass off us with a definition of majority rolleyes.gif )


    I'd have to say that I've never seen the reds turn down a free party


    All very well,  apart from the fact that a majority of the Thai population voted for the Taxin family.........Posted Image



    Wrong! Try researching the facts. They are often very different from what the Shins often claim.



    Of course you are correct. The PTP received approx 44% of the Constituency electorates vote, the dems 32% - it still means that more of the electorate cast their vote for PTP than they did for the dems. They got to form the government.


    What do the Shinawatra family often claim according to you?


    ps It's Shinawatra not "Shins" and Thaksin not "Taxin" I believe there are rules about this?

    They did indeed get to form the government.

    Then proceeded to hoist the jolly roger, plunder as much as they could whilst defaecating over vast swathes of the electorate.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. All of this fuss is about the old days. No one outside of the PTP wants to go forward into peaceful democracy which is the way of the civilised.

    These days we have a Democratically elected government with a massive mandate. The PTP have a working relationship with all of the Thai institutions based on mutual respect and the rule of law.

    Even the Thai Military are onside with mutual respect for the Thai government. Every rational human being in Thailand wants a two party democracy with a sound government and a robust opposition.

    Thailand's current opposition has the other view and will not comply with the customs and Laws of a legitimate government opposition.

    Now the democrat opposition are playing their self annihilation cards in the hope of removing the government illegally. Driven by their own failure, the democrats are determined to go down fighting, even if they have to take all of the colleagues down with them.

    I appeal to Khunn Abhisit and Khun Suthep to stop the madness before it is too late.

    Does 19 coups not form the basis of a custom?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. The reds are there to threat and intimidate

    They haven't got the organisational skills to create their own party

    They hung their shirts on the PTP clan

    Some of them now realise their mistake

    If nothing changes then this is pretty much the Marcos repeat

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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