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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Is this the man who was suspended from politics for 5 years for attempting to hand over part of Thailand to Cambodia illegally?

    The same man who seems to serve as Thaksin's personal butler?

    I'm sure his lawyering skills perfectly up to the job.

    PTP is saying that the opposition is not permited to oppose the bill? That's a strange type of democracy for sure!!

    • Like 1
  2. Mister Thaksin,

    Please explain how, exactly, you were PM when the tanks rollled?

    Thanks in anticipation

    Please explain how you think the status of the caretaker PM affects the fact that the Army stopped the entire Thai electorate from voting in a royally endorsed election due to be held on October 15th 2006? As head of his political party and in between elections he was caretaker PM. There was no political "vacuum".

    Thaksin resigned as PM and went on holiday.

    He subsequently complains that he was hard done by by the coup

    I ask how he thinks he was PM at the time

    You go off an a complete tangent

    Keep on track!!!

  3. What an amazingly slanted non-interview. In only four plus minutes CNN reduced their position on Thai politics to a single issue; that the PM should be judged according to gender-friendly criteria as opposed to performance.


    And not once did they mention that 'Big Brother' was convicted criminal and a fugitive from the the law. They merely said he was 'in exile' as if he was a noble victim of some terribly unfair political persecution.


    Puts CNN's sense of journalistic objectivity deeply in question....again.


    They also failded to mention that T was unlawfully overthrown by an illegal coup and that the general that led that coup,

    Sonthi Boonyaratglin,

     is in favor of amnesty. But nooo, TV expert pundit posters who are foreigners know better than the general that led the coup. This is truly Amazing.

    How can you be overthrown if you're not PM?

    Sonthi is seeking to give himself amnesty - again. Busted flush.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. "Minister of Commerce Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan asserted on Monday the Chinese government remained interested in exchanging Chinese high-speed trains for Thai rice."

    Actually, I remain interested in having a night with Ronaldo's girlfriend.

    Indeed. I'm encouraged.....

    I think I shall pop down to the Maserati showroom on Vipavhadi and ask if I can exchnage a few bags of rice for one of their nice shiny cars

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