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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

    Not sure what really happened but in my opinion, it was either to do the 180 degree turn or face a coup.

    Noting the way in which Mr T and the Army Chief had engaged in discussions over recent months, and the very clear signal that the General recently gave that he would have to direct his troops to step in if violence erupted, I think Mr T had to accept the inevitable, to withdraw that piece of sh1t bill or face the downfall of his government ... which, by the way, would still seem to be inevitable...!



    There is no way the army can intervene in this process and be seen helping to remove this government.... and they know it. Removing another democratically elected government will have repercussions (ask Abhisit..no government did any business with him) and bloodshed on a scale we could not comprehend.


    It's been 20+ years since the army has removed a democratically elected government, isn't it?

    Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    No, seven years.


    What is perhaps still surprising is that there are some who are still in denial of this fact.Don't bother to reply:the details of the caretaker government at the time are a matter of record and we have had the half baked "explanations" several times already.But the purpose of the coup was to remove Thaksin.Even the coupmakers don't deny that.Nor do the Democrats.Nor does the media commentariat.In fact it's probably only the Thai Visa usual suspects who so frequently come out with this tired old lie.I have no respect for this kind of dishonesty.I have much more respect, though disagreeing, with those who argue the coup was a necessary evil.At least they have some kind of intellectual and moral integrity.

    You just refuse to accept the facts.

    I know of a good optician who only charges half price for the one eyed.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Not sure what really happened but in my opinion, it was either to do the 180 degree turn or face a coup.


    Noting the way in which Mr T and the Army Chief had engaged in discussions over recent months, and the very clear signal that the General recently gave that he would have to direct his troops to step in if violence erupted, I think Mr T had to accept the inevitable, to withdraw that piece of sh1t bill or face the downfall of his government ... which, by the way, would still seem to be inevitable...!


    There is no way the army can intervene in this process and be seen helping to remove this government.... and they know it. Removing another democratically elected government will have repercussions (ask Abhisit..no government did any business with him) and bloodshed on a scale we could not comprehend.

    It's been 20+ years since the army has removed a democratically elected government, isn't it?

    Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That's correct

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    The answer to the second question goes back to the PTP election slogan, "Thaksin thinks PTP acts"



    So why did the opposition abstain from voting rather than vote against it?




    Because coward Abhisit is against all what is democratic and will always be against anything that he did not think about. 


    I didn't see him run away from anything unlike the square faced one

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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     Did he ever get punished for his links to the Bangkok bomber that blew himself up? If I remember correctly wasn't Wisut's secretary found to have transferred huge amounts of money to the bomber from a bank inside parliament?


    You forget that all DSI investigations into red and black shirts' crimes were stopped the day after the general election results were announced.




    Proof of that statement or just lies? Hardly any, if any at all red shirt crimes to investigate at that point. 300 odd convicted and in jail for up to a year or so already. You're confusing them with the yellow shirts none of which have seen the inside of a jail despite having been convicted.

    An exaggeration by a factor of 10

    Sounds a bit on the low side for you

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. My understanding was that all the proposed legislation was withdrawn yesterday by the people who had put it up and the vote was 310 to 1 to accept the withdrawal so why is it now in the senate?

    This bill had already been sent to the senate.

    The remaining 6 bills were canned

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. I see some red shirt leaders are so worried at losing the Thaksin dollar for abstaining during the vote for the bill that they are back in the Party ranks

    Only seems 5 minutes ago that they were also protesting the bill.

    It hasn't been rejected by the senate at all

    It will be interesting to see how many they can muster. Is see there are sizable anti government protests around the globe

    Will the orders from afar be to create mayhem?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. Great article telling it as is. thumbsup.gif

    Actually it's a pathetic article with numerous errors.Its centrepiece is a Forbes article predicting a 1977 style crash.Since there was no such crash in 1977 one's confidence in its integrity is not exactly enhanced.I follow for business reasons several reputable political and economic forecasters.The political outlook is indeed very uncertain but Thailand's economic position, while facing some challenges, is very soild.If the US and Europe had Thailand's economic strength and resilience, its leaders would be delighted.

    So, it's a pathetic article because of a typo?

    Forbes is not alone among the financial press in showing an amber light for Thailand's economy

    Moody's themselves see enough issues to do so

    • Like 2
  8. The amnesty bills have been redrawn, except the one to be debated in the Senate today!!

    Thank you, Thai people, for not believing in the Shinawattras lies this time around!!clap2.gif

    Keep protesting, and you can bring this bunch of criminals down.

    Power to the real people of Thailand!!

    I think the amnesty bills have been withdrawn. They have not redrawn them (yet).

    No - the one submitted to the Senate has not been withdrawn.

    The statement is misleading in the extreme.

    • Like 2
  9. Leifhead told us he saw a man waving a handgun which was so surprising as hardly any thais own hand guns now do they?

    He now reports from Hollywood. Maybe he's gay because he doesn't seem to have any purpose at the BBC.

    He was parachuted in by the BBC to Bangkok and appeared clueless unlike the lady BBC reporter( I forget her name) who is here and is excellent .

    What a piece of work you are

    First you try to diminish the fact that a reporter showed that the red shirts were armed

    Then you attempt to diminish his stature by calling him "gay" and "clueless"

    Then you attempt to give credibility to a complete numpty who sat there while the red shirts called for burning Bangkok Sirirach Hospital, alll the moslem mosques and reported it as a giant tea party?


    Clearly your views are your own

    but if you read the thread there's

    1; a reference as a form of judgement of the red shirt leader whose speeches or any selections of you have NEVER ever read nor as a right wing whatever you could never read

    2; Sirirach Hospital,. As usual this a reference to the red shirts "storming" or entering after being fired upon hospital overlooking the red shirts encampment where hospital wing had been evacuated. lights were all off but military personel were observed hence the "storming."

    She does a great job not least for showing fund raising banquets being held in the north to support the protestors in Bangkok and exposing one of the lies about it only being Thaksin paying for the protests.

    ergo and then again why did Abhisit then freeze the accounts of 150 senior Thaksin supporters?

    What accounts did Thaksin or Yingluk ever freeze calling them terrorists?

    Exactly you just don't get it and you are just brainwashed.

    You believe that the voters are all bought.

    We're all too stupid right?

    Yes there is a power struggle impossible to discuss here so there's no need to troll or it's a de-BAIT/

    What is all this meaningless bilge? And what does it have to do with my post?

    You seem to be stuck in 2010 and we're at the end of 2013

  10. What the hell is going on?

    Hello Thai at Heart; what we see he is the consequence of a government liberally accepting proposed clauses to a bill that are all coming from parties with vested interests, crafted in to a bill these disparate articles are blowing the proposed legislation apart. The Amnesty Bill was never about Thaksin or Abhisit, it was simply led there in its drafting by mischievous lobbyists.

    What we have here is a conniving administration that thought, once again, that it could pull the wool over the electorrate's eyes as well as those of it's extremist group and got found out.

  11. I am not red/pink/blue shirt but there is something i really dont understand about the yellow shirt.

    These people spend a lot time and energy fighting against TRT, Thaksin, red shirt.

    But why they didnt spend more time, trying to tackle the everdyday corruption, the local corruption, the corruption that happen in your corner street ???


    The country do have a huge problem with corruption and it doesnt come from only one guy, but from any officials in this country.

    Every guy with power in this country is crooked, so why dont start with them!

    Why just focuse on Thaksin, its just a waste of time, and self destruction.

    You obviously can't see the wood for the trees

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Thank goodness for that.


    The storm was petered out before it turned into a full scale hurricane.


    I think Yingluck has done her reputation irreplicable damage and lost a lot of her credibility as Prime Minister.


    Really, well she does not yet have the blood of her own people on her hands in order to remain in government, in fact it would appear the government is making attempt to avoid such a dismal scenario.

    What a marvellous set of values.

    Nobody died so she's doing a great job!

    I don't think that works for me

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    I never cease to be amazed by all the red shirt hugging numpties on this forum.

    The Shinawatras could go out devouring all new born babies and they'd still be heroes to them.

    Still, it keeps me chuckling away

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    You have 2 groups:

    Communists who think they can get Thaksin as vehicle to change the political order in Thailand

    people who get their profit from it in some way...for example all parties in all countries higher some PR agencies


    And you have a third group, all the poor people from the villages in Isaan etc. who have been completely ignored by all Thai political parties throughout the  history of Thailand as a Country, & whatever his faults, as we all know there are many, he has actually done a few things for the rural poor of this Country, AND THEY LOVE HIM FOR IT...

     Sad but true, had some of the Bangkok-centric parties & power bases taken, after all what are the majority of this country into consideration, instead of trying to keep them as ignorant & stupid as they possibly could for their own ends, this country would possibly not be in the mess it is in today...

     So maybe some of you rabidly anti Thaksinite Falangs who have no actual say in what happens in this Country should stop & think a little before you spout your BS.....

    Just back from a week in Loei.

    Thaksin has well and truly lost his shine.

    They need a champion for sure. But not him in a million years

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Nice to see Thaksin face in combination with the amnesty bills. The reason that the people are not on Sanam Luang but on the public roads preventing school children from going to school and working people from going to work is of course that Suthep and Abhisit were also main beneficiaries of the amnesty and they need to get the government out because otherwise they will go to jail.

    If there is so much resentment against amnesties why no cancelling all those amnesty bills that have been passed under the Democrat governments either, preventing democracy rapists in the army of facing the full force of the law.


    To use a football saying - you're not watching the same game as me!

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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