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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

    Amazing! He actually said that?
    He said it. But the Dems actually did it Posted Image

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app



    Sorry Gerry but again you have lost the plot ... The "Dems" did not say that anyone that blows a whistle at another person was unethical and then proceed to say he was going to be unethical.


    Then again since when is blowing a whistle assault?


    I am still amazed at what crybabies and cowards some of the reds and PTP are.


    Shall we also blow a whistle at you every time you pass your door?

    You seem to not have a problem with that, so you would probably even enjoy it Posted Image

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Gerry,  if you can get Thai people to blow a whistle at me for any perceived wrong that I have done to Thai people then YES! Please do so! Trust me, I won't be crying about it, or calling it assault, or blowing one back at them after stating that blowing whistles at people is unethical!


    You still have lost the plot.


    Alas since I am neither a moron nor a public figure in Thailand I will likely only have whistles blown at me 4-5 times a day :(

    Amazing that you approve such childish ways of doing from the Dems.

    If the reds come up with a similar idea you would be among the first to call them names.

    This whistle thing is so absurd. I really enjoy reading the posts supporting it. :D

    At the same time I am surprised to see some of the "TV farang elite" approve such low level political behaviour... Amazing... Amazing... :blink:

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    First came the yellow shirts

    Then came the red shirts

    First came the yellow hand clappers

    Then came the red foot clappers

    First came the whistles

    What will the red response be?

    Personally I believe the anti government protest have been both successful and peaceful so the only thing you have to moan about is a few whistles

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. Amazing! He actually said that?

    He said it. But the Dems actually did it :P

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    One can always rely on you to whistle up something vacuous

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. You guys did good getting the amnesty bill off the table, now it's time to grow up & go home.

    Even if they pushed the city into chaos & pulled off some kind of coup; what would change? Only the faces. There would still be the same old self serving corruption. Until there's a decent educational system here (without the nationalistic brainwashing) it will always be the same old thing.

    Sure would like to see a little peace & equality in this world!

    Not off the table. In 180 days it goes back to the house, where it will be voted in. I know that ,

    because when the house first voted on it, the vote was 315 to 0.......

    So really the only solution is change the government.

    There is now way in hell they would vote it in. they are stupid but doing that would be akin to political suicide.

    I guess the bill is now a bit of a zombie. It's neither dead nor alive and everybody is scared of it.

    The government itself is not much healthier

  4. It's called exercising your right to protest yingluck. Clear enough for you?

    Don't the army assassinate you for doing that now? Imagine the delays when snipers start taking out Thai Airways baggage handlers and check-in staff??

    I think I'll put a request in to the moderators of the board to see if they can create a new section where cretinous posts can be archived for posterity

    • Like 2
  5. Why is everyone in such a hurry to rush the Senate's decision? They have 60 days, by law, to decide. There are pro amnesty Thaksin lackeys in the Senate who must be convinced by the sane Senators that to continue to blindly follow instructions from Dubai will lead to chaos. Even if the majority do not want the bill to pass, there are some who want to send it back to the Lower House unchanged, where, in 180 days, it can be passed on a 50% +1 vote without the Senate's involvement. There are some Senators who realize the bill must be changed to be truly killed; either changed to the original amnesty, that excludes politicians, rally leaders, Thaksin, Abhisit, and Suthep, or be changed to a 'financial' bill that will force the PM to have to sign off on it (she has vowed to drop it). If he bill is changed, it will put the Lower House in a position of 'put up or shut up' as they will have to choose to drop it, as promised to the public. or resubmit a Thaksin favorable version, as promised to Thaksin. If the bill is passed it will go to the Constitutional Court and be decided there. I really don't believe the Army is even close to stepping in. It is early days yet with many opportunities to stop this 'blanket' amnesty. Be patient, make some more popcorn and enjoy to show.

    No question the best bet is to water it down and pass it but there is also the issue of 10's of thousands of people on the streets of Bangkok. You want to get these people of the streets before lives are lost.

    i'm confused! I thought I read a couple of days ago that this Amnesty Bill was WITHDRAWN by the lower house of representatives.
    so how can it still be debated if its withdrawn and finished.
    wasnt there some sort of 300+ vote to 1 (to withdraw it) ???
    so how can it continue after this? i'm confused about all the senate thing.
    surely, if its finished, then its finished, right? isn't that what "withdrawn" means ????
    any chance you can give a laymans brief version of why its in senate now (when its already withdrawn) ?
    appreciate an answer so I can understand it more wink.png
    thanks so much.

    I'm sure this question has been answered a couple of dozen times already.

    The house of representatives withdrew 6 very similar bills

    However they had already passed this malicious one to the senate

    The senate rejected it

    The bill now rests with the HoR

  6. “This amnesty bill is still not dead, even though the Senate is voting to block the bill,” Suthep Thaugsuban, a former deputy prime minister with the opposition Democrat party, told supporters in Bangkok late yesterday. “The lower house can still bring back the law for approval again.”

    Bloomberg - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-11/thai-senate-rejects-amnesty-bill-that-sparked-bangkok-protests.html

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