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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. 300 baht per day law is also a convieniant excuse for companies to close factories. Its got to be pretty tough to try and live on less than 300 baht per day. Many of the Western based companies here are already are paying above this rate.

    Regionally it's quite high comparatively.

    Foreign firms pay higher wages for higher qualified staff.

    Most of the staff I see at retail and food outlets wouldn't merit the cash and will suffer accordingly

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  2. A speech that is both valiant and to the point.

    However the reds also need to accept their part of the responsibility in these events and they aren't mature enough to do that and the government is too scared to bite the hand that got them to shore.

    the can of worms is now fully open and they are starting to spread - I admire this woman for standing up and demanding justice from "all" those concerned, although I cannot understand why the army would have shot her daughter - that really puzzles me, if true, a full investigation into the army would be the correct course

    It will be interesting to see how the flip-flopping Thida reacts. She was all for action against the CRES at one stage but now has sold that set of morals. My guess is that she will stay quiet under her stone along with the rest of the red two legged Orwelian pigs.

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    She will probably do a "Weng"cheesy.gif

    The mind boggles

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  3. The only thing you injected was fiction and hypocritically so given your other statements

    Yes I am certainly not above hypocrisy, I am human and it does seem to be part and parcel of our quirky ways... don't worry I'll take your word for it, no need to cite specifics just make a few wild allegations!!! Was that irony? If so please tell me it was deliberate!

    You have really never heard of landlords in Thailand grossly overcharging the unit prices of electricity onto tenants? Fiction? No, it's common practice but I recall as a boy I thought closing my eyes made me invisible, clearly you are suffering from similar lapses of logic as an adult... understandable. I once met a man who believed when he closed his eyes the rest of the world ceased to exist, nothing surprise me any more!

    I've lived here 10 years and never experienced it.

    Close your eyes and get back to your mangled imagination.

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  4. well in defense of Moruya

    I would like to point out the red villages where you dare not speak out for the Democrats for fear of retribution from red shirt bullies.

    In all fairness it would be nice to see some proof that they are in fact red shirts and not just some regular run of the mill criminals who bought some red shirts and are just playing off of the red shirt reputation.

    Whenever a Thai has tried to intimidate me they claim to be from a "connected" family... at least that's how it works down here in the South, the reds here toil for a pittance while the real crooks rely on family ties and remain firmly above the law. They're the sort of families that bankroll media outlets to write deliberately biased propaganda pieces and work tirelessly in maintaining the Thai status quo of minority wealth and power manipulation vs mass poverty & ignorance... you know the sort that used the Tsunami as an opportunity to make land grabs and get into bed with developers to earn a fortune of the misery of others...

    In your defence of Moruya are you actually going to defend the statement made that the blatant politicisation of this incident isn't ridiculous? Clearly there are bad apples in all groups, as there are good (in most) but as you point out we haven't been presented any evidence to actually confirm that these men were actually red shirts and if we had what bearing does this have on an isolated incident of bullying and intimidation?

    It's very rare to hear a case in Thailand where the Landlord is the victim and the tenant the aggressor, the vast majority of these incidents are landlord intimidation against poor tenants. These incidents are rarely considered news worthy but I've heard countless cases of Landlord's bullying tenants here, evicting people unlawfully and violently, using electricity supplies and water as tools to intimidate tenants and raise rents etc. I wonder how many of the these rich and powerful landlords are sympathetic towards the red shirts and just why these stories don't even make the press whilst this is headline news? Hmmm... time for a bit of critical thinking thumbsup.gif

    It seems to me that you just read the bits of the article that you want to read and agree with and ignore the rest of it blaming the culprits who identified themselves very clearly as red shirt guards. More than a bit one-eyed

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  5. So, a policy designed to help lower-wage Thais will instead only help them to become unemployed.

    Socialism in action.

    You don't get it do you?

    There is a labour shortage in Thailand.

    Whenever there are labour shortages, wages increase. The government has been keeping the wages down to benefit business.

    Unemployment is only 0.6%

    I don't think you get it GK

    If you have a Thai family outside of Bangkok and are able to look at what the extended members do, you will see that many don't have a tied down job but work when there is work to do such as farming labour and spend a lit of time at home doing nothing.

    The unemployment benefit is only for those who have been laid off and many don't bother to claim it as the application is so long winded, the amounts so paltry and the fact that there is always a roof and a plate of food back with the family that it hasn't the take up.

    I would suggest you look at actual employment figures as they tell the real story.

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  6. It is absolute madness to accuse Thaksin of being the cause of this dispute. Abhisit and his crew misjudged the boldness of the PAD nationalists that sought to provoke Cambodia. I suggest that what he thought would be nice rallying point for the nation to get behind his unpopular government, quickly got away from him. Nothing like a violent confrontation wth a defined enemy to unite the nation. The problem is that the local Thais had no ethnic hatred to their Cambodian brothers and sisters. The Bangkok elite brain trust miscalculated.

    I see the red underpants brigade has conveniently forgotten how relations between the Thaksin government and Cambodia were so good the Thai embassy was incinerated

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  7. "The country's economy may need to change in some parts. Previously, about 70 per cent (of gross domestic product) depended on Thai exports and the remaining 30 per cent on domestic consumption. Given the external uncertainties, export revenue has declined and the next task is to increase domestic spending," she said.

    A rich country like Thailand doesn't need to earn money through exports rolleyes.gif

    Indeed. Thailand can stop exporting anything, buy all the farm produce at prices way above the markets, increase salaries another 100% and have massive growth driven domestically. Job done. Master class in economics Miss Crab and Mister Cat

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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  8. So in short :

    If we don't get approval from the Thai people, we will ignore and do it anyway. How they dare it still call a people's charter.

    Well just announced on bbc world 64% voted in Egypt for charter change.

    Expect similar here IMO.

    No wonder suthep's jumping up and down

    If the PTP changes the Constitution in the manner that everybody expects it to be changed, Suthep will be freed of the thousands of ridiculous convictions hanging over his head

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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  9. One can only speculate about Yingluck's assertion to overhaul the constitution, as being of personal conviction, or forced upon her by her constituancy, which also just happens to be the electoral majority......She made a very astute observation about this referendum being 'birthed' by the Constitution Court. This Court claiming legitimacy of the existing Constitution, disregarding its "Coup source", is what leads to such comments....All this does, is simply characterize the CC for its' judicial orientation.......which have in the past led to Double-standards and judicial coup complaints...........Opposition types and their accolytes continue to beat the "Thaksin return motive" as a way of hiding their own...that being retention of the coup initiatives of which they were a part (198)

    Yingluck's personal conviction? Is that the lying in court one that awaits her?

    I was more of the opinion that it was her brother's convictions that were driving this but obviously she, too, will benefit.

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  10. One can only speculate about Yingluck's assertion to overhaul the constitution, as being of personal conviction, or forced upon her by her constituancy, which also just happens to be the electoral majority......She made a very astute observation about this referendum being 'birthed' by the Constitution Court. This Court claiming legitimacy of the existing Constitution, disregarding its "Coup source", is what leads to such comments....All this does, is simply characterize the CC for its' judicial orientation.......which have in the past led to Double-standards and judicial coup complaints...........Opposition types and their accolytes continue to beat the "Thaksin return motive" as a way of hiding their own...that being retention of the coup initiatives of which they were a part (198)

    So there's mud in your eye for suthep and his friends.

    A vote no,boycott campaign succeeds and her government will amend, strengthen the charter line by line.

    Suthep,that man of the people, darkly threatens her with exile should she follow her brothers perceived council.

    I guess for suthep he has no fear of a similar fate as he believes he is "untouchable."

    I think events here mirror and follow to a degree what's happening in Egypt.

    The robber Barrons here only fear is real change.

    You are obviously not familiar with the meaning of the terms you use.

    Please consult The Gospel of John 9:6-7

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  11. I noticed a strong contingent of Red Shirts on the Bonanza stage on Saturday, suggesting the UDD is working hard in the South drumming up support. Democrat Party blanket political ownership of that area may be weakening a tad.

    Bonanza in the South? Have you actually ever been to Thailand? Bonanza Resort is north of Bangkok.

    And there was me thinking that Righteous was there. He probably gate-crashed a rubber-grower's convention.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Yeah, I wasn't clear on that.

    Late Saturday night, I observed a large group of Red Shirts being featured on the stage at Bonanza, hailing from the South.

    Must have been very cold

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  12. the yellow brigade is at it again.

    one claims that having a sister as PM makes calling someone a political exile as idiotic. another wants a child's description of the differences between the two terms, and a third spouts more sibling nonsense, while another just whips out the dictionary as if that proves something.

    thaksin is a political exile. he is a fugitive only if you buy into the legitimacy of a non-elected coup-based government and the court system created by it.

    which apparently many in this forum do buy into. oh, and the oft, almost sole, news source does too

    What court system are you referring to?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  13. I noticed a strong contingent of Red Shirts on the Bonanza stage on Saturday, suggesting the UDD is working hard in the South drumming up support. Democrat Party blanket political ownership of that area may be weakening a tad.

    Bonanza in the South? Have you actually ever been to Thailand? Bonanza Resort is north of Bangkok.

    And there was me thinking that Righteous was there. He probably gate-crashed a rubber-grower's convention.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

  14. but what is "personalized" about recognizing that Abhisit was responsible for his own situation in 2009 and 2010?

    It's a long stretch to assert that "Abhisit was responsible for his own situation in 2009 and 2010." Maybe you can blame it on Smokey the Bear or Madonna, but how can you blame Abhisit for the problems caused by the Reds (with Thaksin funding and encouragement) in 2009 and 2010? Biased is too benign a word to describe your outlook on that.

    Abhisit reacted. Granted, it could be argued that it's more effective to take pre-emptive and dynamic action, rather than react to dire situations. Everything is clearer in hindsight. Abhisit was/is dealing with an extremely crafty, rich and manipulative man on the other side of the fence. Each of us can ask ourselves how we would have dealt with similar scenarios - had any one of us been in his shoes.

    Yet, slapping murder charges on a PM who is endeavoring to protect BKK citizens and property, is outlandish, cruel, wrong-headed and totally political posturing. "Thaksin Thinks, Puea Thai Acts" ....remember that? All this baiting and witch hunting by PT is orchestrated by Thaksin. Anyone who thinks differently isn't paying attention.

    Fact is the PM at the time is responsible for, and accountable for, the events that happened during his period of tenure.

    The use of snipers and excessive, disproportionate military force requires an inquiry.

    it's very simple.

    Does your first paragraph equally apply to Thaksin, Samak, Somchai and Yingluck?

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  15. of course my opinion is "tainted"

    so is yours

    so is everyones

    but what is "personalized" about recognizing that Abhisit was responsible for his own situation in 2009 and 2010? what is personalized about recognizing that he did not do a good job? Why is it not personalized when another poster simply claims that abhisit did do "a good job?

    is it not personalized when you agree and personalized when you disagree?

    (ps you dont need to take anyone on this forum seriously, god knows there are very few whom i do)

    You made a personal attack about Abhisit's abilities and appearance. I'm quite sure that you would have taken umbrage had a comment been made about Yingluck.

    Your posting above is just flannel. Please spare the BS.

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  16. This discussion is getting very frayed at the edges. I hope the judges throw out the spurious charges against Abhisit, and the Thai people see the charges for what they are: pure political posturing by Thaksin worshiping PT and the Reds - trying to tar a man who did a decent job in a tough situation. When a PM makes tough decisions, such as declaring a 'state of emergency' - he/she is not personally legally responsible for every mishap that ensues. That's a perverted interpretation of the situation.

    When there's a riot at a soccer match, is the authority who called in security guards - personally responsible for every injury that ensues?

    trying to tar a man who did a decent job in a tough situation.

    but don't you see it - he did not do a decent job.

    And the situation was in a VERY large part, of his own making.

    They say that Thai women find him attractive. That may be his only redeeming quality.

    It's very difficult to take anyone seriously when they personalise things in the manner you do. Your opinion is clearly tainted.

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