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Posts posted by copa8

  1. Somebody was shot and wounded with a gun in US! I am shocked and speechless (nearly) how something like this could possibly happen.

    These ignorant anti-gun morons only ever come out of the woodwork when someone gets shot in America.

    30 people gunned down on a beach in Tunisia - not one peep out of the anti-gun fascists about Tunisia's gun laws. Certainly, lots of "Let's not get carried away with Islamaphobia" is mentioned. But no one even realized a single person lawfully carrying a gun on the beach at that time could have stopped this shooter early and saved dozens of lives.

    The fact is, the anti-gun nutters are clearly racist.

    Only when the shooter is white do we hear this guns are evil propoganda BS.

    Muslim shooter, silence

    Black shooter, silence.

    Shooting occuring outside of the US, silence.

    The only people opposed to Americans lawfully owning guns, are anti-American racists.

    You're a racist for leaving out Asians on your list tongue.png

  2. In my personal experience, and there are many instances of such, the blacks in the United States exercise just as much extreme racism and any other ethnic group, and it is just as disgusting and distasteful, regardless of which group practices it.

    I believe it...especially racism towards Asian-Americans. You won't see the media labeling it as racism, though.

  3. RIP.

    Along with the average 12 others that died that day on Thailand's appalling roads.

    If Thailand is all about the money, when will the government, both national and local, start to seriously enforce road safety by imposing hefty and enforced fines?

    A relatively small investment of a nation-wide computer system (Could be web-based, that keeps track of fines and offenders all the way to licence renewal etc), several hundred extra road cops, and the revenue will pour in. Strict enforcement....vehicle confiscation if caught driving with an unpaid fine, arrest for repeat offenders, and so on.

    This kind of tragedy happens every day and it has to stop.

    But TH is still a developing country. Compare to most developing ones, it's not that bad.

  4. Let's not talk about black on white crime. Another farcical article design for sensationalism only..

    Or black on Asian crime. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/asian-women-hit-face-separate-incidents-nypd-article-1.2257689

    "Police aren’t currently investigating the alleged senseless street attacks as hate crimes..."

    I bet had the victims been all black and the perp white (or Asian or Hispanic) it would be a hate crime.

  5. India, a place that worships Cows and treats women like animals, they are sending rockets to the moon children dont have clean water to drink , now they pay people to try to be Civilised. Even Rabbits crap in the same place, and to think this Nation will be the dominant race on the planet in 20 years.

    Remember, they are supposed to surpass China as #1 in Asia. Plus, they are the world's biggest democracy.

  6. I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

    Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

    Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

    Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

    The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

    But then Washington also have millions of "expats" placed around the globe, "innocently" acting as overweight & bald retirees, sexpats, backpackers and internet forum posters spewing BS.

  7. Why would there be protests similar to Ferguson?

    A person was convicted for murder.

    This had nothing to do with police actions.

    True enough - no police involved.

    However, if the victim was black or moslem and the killer white non moslem then there would probably have been allegations of racist or religious motivation.

    It does seem that in some Western countries the words racists and religious bigots are only applied to white non moslem people - regardless of whether they are Atheist, Christian, Jew or whatever.

    Actually, a lot of times, if the victim was Asian, authorities don't label the crime racially motivated either.

  8. Too bad prices in BKK are at least double what I paid here in US for Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey (5 lb for $58).

    How is it double? https://www.phukethealthshop.com/#!/5lb-2-35kilo-Optimum-Nutrition-Gold-Standard-Whey-Protein/p/1461113/category=664924

    $78 and you must consider the ridiculous shipping and import duties you would pay if ordering from USA.

    Thanks for the info, but I said "prices in BKK", not prices in TL. Phuket is not BKK.

  9. ......The word hate crime is never used when blacks go on a rampage of looting and killing white shopkeepers! It's always one sided.

    True dat.

    I remember awhile back here there where a few killings/murders of Asian deliveryman by blacks. They would make an order from a takeout place, then ambush the deliveryman. No mention of hate crimes by the media and prosecutors, since the perps were black.

  10. When he took over, Singapore had a per capita income of less than the poorest African countries. In one generation, it has the 3rd highest in the world. RIP LKY.

    The median salary is very low, the median quality of life is below first world, similar to that of Malaysia. Singapore looks first world on outside, but that is as far as it goes. Anyone who believes the hype is just naive and ignorant.

    Anyone who doesn't believe he made a tremendous difference in the lives of Singaporeans is even more naive and ignorant.

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