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Jean Pierre Jacquot

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Posts posted by Jean Pierre Jacquot

  1. Hopefully they have some reason to say they are confident, but time is rapidly slipping by. The Bangkok Post had a CCTV photo of what they called "the mystery man" yesterday so maybe they are making some findings on that front.

    Yes, but these idiots froze the bodies so can't establish anymore their exact time of death. Which has to match the mystery man on CCTV. Maybe he just discovered the bodies and run away in horror. If he is a migrant worker it is very understandable that he did not report his find. As a migrant worker your survival strategy is not to get involved in anything here in Thailand.

  2. As a matter of fact he is right. However he might as well add that Thai girls in hot pants are not safe neither especially as they are much more slender than the farang... Or maybe he wanted to say that having public sex on the beach is not safe but he is too shy to say it......5555....

    However he's got a point in saying that farang visitors do hardly show any respect to local customs. I personally would be much in favour for the way Bhutan is handling tourists. Every tourtist has to have a trained and certified guide wherever they go. But Thailand has made their choice long time ago and went for the easy money. Now we have to endure it, there is no way back.

  3. The things we here so far point to two possible scenarios:

    1. Murder out of jealousy. The killer sees (or hears, god sake the farangs are not quiet during sexual intercourse) the couple having sex on the beach and wants to take revenge on the girl. So picks up one of these hoes hanging around the bungalows and kills them. Prime suspects for this are clearly some farang.

    2. Murder because of rape attempt. The killer sees the couple having sex on the beach and wants to join in the action. He or she or they is picking up a hoe in order to knock down the male. The victims fight and the knocking is so violent that they are getting killed. Prime suspects for this are more likely asian.

    Normally we would tend to think that the second scenario is more likely. Asians do not respect any girl having sex in public and in any case for them farang practice free sex. So having witnessed the girl flirting with many boys and having public sex, they certainly want to join in.

  4. Thai workers don't generally leave hoes laying about. At the end of the work day the hoe goes home with the worker. I am guessing the hoe was bought to the beach with intent to do harm.

    Agree, workers are particularly careful with keeping all their work tools safe, it can mean the difference between working and not.

    Upcountry certainly but not in Koh Tao which is a rich island. Sure no hired worker has to be bring his hoe to work. The hoes are beign provided.

  5. For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

    Really, so this is your take on the holocaust? is that all you got out of it? leave him alone

    it happened 60 years ago? have you learned nothing?

    so he's 93 eh? how many 93 old people did he helped to kill? no one than told him to leave

    them alone and forgot about them..

    being an ignorant is not a crime, showing it, is....

    I don't want to talk more about this. For me forgiveness is the most imported thing in the world.

    He was not in command, he just followed order, and that time for 70 years ago. Do you think he cut say no

    He has being living with this all his live. Properly lived in he's dream, people he sees on the street remind him on the days where he was command to do what he was doing.

    For me he's forgiven for he's sins, even my father in laws has forgiven people from this time, even he has lost 3 brother.

    This is forgiveness.

    This is not about forgiveness, or putting on trial a decrepit old Nazi, and it's not about being too long

    ago or he was just following orders, It's about remembering and learning and making sure that no

    one ever, EVER, will repeat such atrocities, not to the Jews and not to any body in this world,

    This is what it is all about....

    Wondering how putting a 93 old man to prison for being a simple guard at some holocaust camp is ensuring that no one ever is doing such atrocities again. It is more about revenge and nothing else.

  6. For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

    There is no time limit for the atrocities that were committed during WW2 by the Nazi party. It's a shame they didn't find out sooner, but at the same time, he had to live with his actions all these years.

    Either you have no concept of history and or you were never touched by what happened then.

    Keep teaching, never forget, every child should know, or history has a way of repeating itself.

    Forgetting and forgiving is two different things.

    Yes, we will and shall never forget but yes, we should forgive. And if you need an 'egoistic' reason for forgiving hear you go: As long as we don't forgive we are the ones who suffer.

    • Like 1
  7. The sheeple wont listen to reason, CBR250.

    A quick look at CBR250's posting history will make it obvious that he is anything but "reasonable" when it comes to justifying and excusing radical Islamic groups and he is not the only one. Fanatical would be a lot closer to the truth.

    I don't know if Britain has a jihadi problem as I am not a Brit. But what I know is that Thai Visa Forum has a right wing, racist, anti-Islam problem very well illustrated by UG.

    Welcome aboard Mr.Muslim, perhaps you may see here the error of your ways...thumbsup.gif ...I hope so, so that kids can live a life without fear, and women can be women without male folk thinking they are something better than the females that brought them into the world.

    That is the hope of most of us Mr.Anti-Muslim. Hope that the world soon defeats the US, the super-vilain of modern time, so that our children and women are free of fear!

  8. Well my dear general if you want to show a good example so first of all declare your assets and the one of your cabinet members. If not, we do not believe one word of the eradicating corruption blablabla you tell us. As a matter of fact, the army itself is extremely corrupt, so why should it be betterr now under his dictatorship? Any data showing that corruption decreased? I do not believe so though we were certainly at a peak under the Thaksin red shirts.

  9. The solution, or at least the start of the solution, for the conflict with the Palestinians is very simple. Israel has to stop the present genocide, the relentless shelling of Gaza and give back all territory which they occupy and of course accept Palestina. Once this is done the anger about Israel will diminish and with it the support for Hamas.

    If Israel does not do that we are looking at another hundred or so years of conflict.

    I may want to add up to this that I do not have much hope that there is any change in Israel's stand towards their neighbours. Right wing racist zionismism is too wide-spread and has too much influence, may it be within Jews but as well internationally. Israel still can profit from the overwhelming sympathy because of that happened to the Jews during the Holocaust. But that generation is dying of and Israel has done just everything right during the last few years to undermine that sympathy. They show that at least 50% of the population are from the blood-thirsty, racist, terrorist kind.

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  10. The solution, or at least the start of the solution, for the conflict with the Palestinians is very simple. Israel has to stop the present genocide, the relentless shelling of Gaza and give back all territory which they occupy and of course accept Palestina. Once this is done the anger about Israel will diminish and with it the support for Hamas.

    If Israel does not do that we are looking at another hundred or so years of conflict.

  11. Except no one was shooting thousands of rockets at those places, which any country on earth would have to stop. Your argument is dishonest as well as morally bankrupt.

    Sure any country would respond to rockets being shot at them.

    Congratulations. The only part of your post that is not complete nonsense. smile.png

    Anybody can say nonsense. Come forward with facts but as you know very well you can't rebuke the fact of the bombing of schools and murdering of children. So you hide behind things like nonsense, anti-semitism etc. But people like you never would aknowledge a mistake, aren't they?

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