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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. Yes nothing worse than a rocky beach while stuck in traffic
  2. I thought that when i was shi7 at playing them
  3. For a stoner this guy has some very useful thoughts Well done and don't forget to pass it on.
  4. If you are showing you get 65k a month net profit then you need to pay tax unless you have a huge amount of children/ dependents She is probably showing she is getting 10k a month but not declaring 65k a month. My wife's sister works in the tax office and it is common for people to say they get much lower net income than they actually do. ***Misleading/incorrect para on when to pay Thai tax removed by moderation.***
  5. Had another play with Dex today You really do need to update your laptop if you think Dex is so good. You hyped up Dex so much and it was sh7te Another 5 years but for now no thanks Start a topic and see how many companies use Dex plenty of youtube vids showing it cant be done So many comments like below and this was one of the better ones I enjoyed using DeX but it’s not quite enough to make me ditch a laptop, yet. Using Dex as a computer for work made me realize what a polished experience desktop computing has become. That’s not to say Dex is bad, it's just there are still a few niggles that prevent me from resorting to switching over permanently.
  6. You said that nobody uses Desktops You keep with your Samsung s24 I understand it cost you a lot of money and you need to say its quicker than most pc"s You still think you can run a business with a phone? What a tw3t!
  7. A samsung s24 may be a great phone but it is nowhere near as powerful as the pc's that we use and it would not work for the programs we use that need 3d rendering I expect you just use emails/netflix/Lazada which is fine for a samsung s24 but you might as well save some money and have an s20 Using the phone as a keyboard and then using an 82" screen as a monitor is ok sat at home and great to watch football (which you could do without the phone) Mustadmit if i was you i would not even use a laptop as the samsungs24 would probably be faster /quieter/cooler. As for the vcr/cd argument well its not there yet but i agree maybe in 5 years or so it could be but you are not going to get the performance needed from a small phone which you can from a desktop just yet
  8. Not now his boyfriend has just been arrested
  9. Do you know how stupid you sound. I suggest you put the chang down charge your laptop battery/phone up and have a sleep. You went from saying nobody uses desktops to changing to saying only companies. And good on you and well done with ordering your pad thai with the iPhone grab app.
  10. You say laptops or phones are more capable so you need to ask yourself why companies are not all just using iPhone or Samsung phones. Laptops are great while out the office or doing basic tasks but you still can't bear a powerful high end pc for work. Maybe ask a friend if you have any to show you a high end pc.
  11. Had plenty of laptops still have 1 and they are good but prefer a desktop for work and so easy to upgrade. For the work I do I could never use a Samsung phone or a laptop but good on you if your happy with a Samsung plugged into a TV. What works for you at the end of the day.
  12. Lots of people still use desktops Mobile phones are great for basic tasks . If you are retired and just buy Marmite on Shopee or watch youtube then yes i agree a mobile would be perfect.
  13. Still going strong after I switched the hoses back how they were meant to be Panasonic are excellent showers
  14. Your right it doesn't but if it's not broke how can that be tight? Seems you are familiar with the phrase Is this what people say to you?
  15. Should not have happened but your correct if it was anything more complex than 2 shower hoses that is what i do also
  16. Yes problem is the hoses were taken off as I checked the lengths then went and bought new ones as these were very old and bought stainless ones. Came back and how the shower is fitted with the inlet the hoses had to cross over. I thought it looked a bit neat for the last few months.
  17. You got it ! If it was being used for a warm shower I would have noticed Been using it for a couple of months as a normal cold shower. Luckily somchai didn't come to check it. Saying that he probably would have wanted me to fit a new one and say he will throw this one in the bin.
  18. Your post helped me work it out many thanks Something stupid i had done but checking your suggestions made me see my error Can you guess?
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