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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. I don't believe they swapped drivers but they just swapped shirts . That's what I would have said anyway.
  2. Not always Named driver insurance is going to be cheaper especially in a Lambo.
  3. Reminds me of when a group of you only have 2 phone chargers between 5 of you as they forgot their cables.
  4. Same here I understand some people don't mind waiting hours to charge the car and I do enjoy having a break and a walk around new areas of interest but not sure eating a sandwich waiting an hour to charge would be ideal. I have never wanted to spend much time at the Pt filling station that's for sure. Much prefer to get where I am going and enjoying the beach/scenery than sat waiting to charge my car up . Phev seems good but will wait for a few years as still enjoying normal fuel while I can.
  5. Now thats something i am not familiar with ! I will look into this. Thanks
  6. I do at least 1 trip a month and probably have short stops of maybe 20 minutes max so the PHEV could work in the future Not really wanting to wait for maybe an hour to charge fully but i understand what your saying and we will all be changing to electric one day although still not yet convinced its a good thing.
  7. That's better but that's another hour back home if this can be charged in that time. Still 2 hours of messing about. I am sure in about 5 years I expect it will be much quicker Still don't want to wait that long when I go on holiday I like to get there quickly . At the moment these cars remind me of when I used to stop in different countries to save money rather than pay extra to get the direct flight.
  8. Yes just looking at those to see how much price difference than add on
  9. Ah yes I thought that. Must be another way though.
  10. I watched a part that said almost an hour too charge. Is that still the best you can get if so that's not impressively fast by any means and I am guessing on a 700km trip that would add at least 4-5 hours of charging stops. Is this correct?
  11. How long would a charge take on a trip as I usually make a few 6-700 km trips So how many charges and how much time would this add to my journey of say a 700km trip?
  12. 160 km is still a long way off what most people would be wanting. It would be fine for driving around the city but still no good for a decent trip !
  13. OK so I have a Ais sim card and have been paying 450 baht a month for unlimited 2gb It's absolute dog <deleted> I have a lazada special dtac 20gb unlimited sim cost about 1700 baht for the year and is so much better which I use in an old phone as a hotspot in the house. My question is how can I get a cheap package like a Lazada special without having to change my phone number each time.?
  14. That's what I am thinking I would be very tempted with the wildtrak v6. Also if Toyota release a V6 then I would be even happier.
  15. My friend's parents a few years ago received a letter from the Queen on their 60th wedding anniversary. They were so happy with the letter . She will be truly missed Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II
  16. They did say they wanted Indian tourists here. Wealthy ones as well .
  17. On a positive note my Mum is arriving in October . As Tesco would say "Every little helps"
  18. Quick bikes like blades and gixers are great fun but not for me in Thailand I have seen far too many deaths here mainly due to the locals who pass their test by driving around a car park and watching a video. I have known a few people who have died on thai rides sadly all on fast bikes and none were their fault. Love bikes in the UK and dirt bikes here are great fun when you can keep away from all the nutters on the roads but good luck to you if you are a fast rider over here . The amount of near misses i had here before on a Gixer from cars changing lanes for the fun of it i keep to dirt bikes now. Only my fault when i fall off(which is often) A v6 raptor here would be ideal .
  19. That's your opinion but i would love a V6 . Plenty of places in Thailand that would be great on and off road. Not sure the inline five would be something i would be looking at.
  20. It seems like he is saying that he didn't eat any of the food. Maybe he ordered it and then thought oh no i do not like the look of that and walked off without paying.
  21. Might have been the Wildtrak/Xlt with a raptor grill put on it.
  22. Thats great thanks and hopefully its a much easier process than all the hoops i usually have to jump through with the marriage visa.
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