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Everything posted by seajae

  1. Have to wonder if thaksin will be part of the ownership along with others of his cronies
  2. On a road near our other house there is a white line painted on the road that intersects with the main road but the idiot workers have placed the stop sign facing the main road that has right of way instead of the side road that has to stop. I have seen this on a few roads around the area showing that the workers or the ones controlling them lack the ability to understand what they are doing and placing the signs wrongly or where they think they should be and not where they should be. so placing a sign that far up a pole would be normal thinking for some of the workers
  3. When I flew to the US several years ago as a guest speaker at a convention I had my tickets etc, had asked if anything else was needed and told no, Upon arriving at check in I was asled for my esta, I told them I was not told about it but they said without I could not fly and directed me to an internet lounge where I could apply for one online. Up until that stage I was not informed it was necessary by anyone and I had asked the US consulate and they didnt tell me it was needed. I can see a lot of problems with this knowing how bad Thailand is at online services and lack of response when asking questions, they will certainly need to improve on their current abilities to make it work properly and to not have so many system breakdowns as they do currently
  4. just had ours done this week, we usually do them every 6 months unless we start to get dripping water from them(caused by lots of dust in the air) then we get them cleaned straight away. We have found good cleaners and they do a really top job, they also fit air conditioners as well so are up on what needs to be done, they actually removed an air con from our other house and fitted it into our daughters new bangalow we have had built next to out house and patched the holes etc where it came from in the other house. We have had a couple of dud cleaners over the years so when you find a good one you stick with them
  5. we buy khao shong super rich in bags of 100 sticks, have tried most of the others and find this one has a great taste and is creamy, I use 2 sticks in a mug and add some milk
  6. I get the one that produces it to leave it a bit "wet" so has more moisture and is easier to eat/chew, still tastes great and is kept in the fridge in a paper bag, grab a piece or 2 every so often, did the same in Australia
  7. thanks guys, will folow through with your advice, thanks Charlie
  8. we had similar a month or so ago, a girl rocked up on a motor bike with several packages on it and told me she had a cod for some thai snacks(dried squid, chips etc), as my wife usually does get this sort of thing I paid the 400 or so baht and took it inside, When my wife got home from work she said she had not ordered it at all, she worked out the actual price to buy and it was around 200 baht less so it was a definite rip off.
  9. If not the right forum can mods change it, We are building a bungalow/cabin next to out house for our daughter, it is one large room with a seperate bathroom/toilet, our house is not that big either(1 bedroom, kitchen area, lounge area and bathroom) but we need to get the water pressure right, We currently have a 150 hitachi auto pump that is enough to do 1 shower, 1 toilet, hand basin, kitchen sink, the washing machine outdoor sink plus water the garden. The new cabin has a shower, toilet & hand basin that are already hooked up and we have noticed the water pressure has dropped a bit so we take it we need a bigger pump. I thought a 250 would do but sales staff are telling us to go even bigger, the current pump is directly behind the new cabin and around 10 metres from our house, would like some opinions on the correct size we need, Also we have started getting very small black spots in our water, water has been very good for over two years since we had the well done(40 metres) , water has always been extremely clean and drinkable but the black spots(soft and not in big amounts) need to be filtered out so we need a filter between the well pump and the tanks then one between the tanks and the house pump , because there is only a small amount of black spots I thought a smaller with a clear removable cover filter would suffice especially as we would be installing one either side of the tanks, one that can be cleaned once a week or so costing a few thousand baht but again the sales people are saying we need a very large filter(standing 1.5 metres) costing 15,000 baht which I think is definite over kill. I am hoping some of the people in the know regarding water pumps/filters etc can advise as this is definitely not something I am up on and I am aware sales staff like to sell more than is needed. Thanks guys
  10. I have nerve damage caused by a spinal injury, I usually have to sit to pee now as I have no sensation when it starts or stops and I have to sit for a while to ensure my bladder is empty. I can pee standing up but risk walking away before I finish, not having the usual sensation means a lot of it is guess work but sitting to pee is far safer for me. While I do have a prostate problem so far it has not caused more problems for me apart from making me get up a couple of times during the night, urologist has me on ulchocine 10 & prostasin 2 for the protate but I think it is time to get it changed as it doesnt work as well as it used to.
  11. just checked, to transfer $1000 US to Thailand costs $6.83, sometimes it does take longer for them to transfer but I think it is a problem with the banks, I do not trust western union as thay have always ripped you off in the exchange same as paypal, Wise is a hell of a lot more trustworthy as far as I am concerned.
  12. we rely on ground water for our trees, during the dry season we have to use our dam as well as truck in water, in wet season as long as it is not heavy rain constantly it is fine, when we get constant heavy rain the land becomes water logged, ground water levels move up & down depending rain and use by farmers etc , here it can vary around 3 plus metres, looking at the charts it appears to be not correct in our area
  13. my trade was a painter & decorator after an apprenticeship, then several years in the armed forces but after that a workplace injury meant I could no longer do my trade so studied/got a diploma in writing & photography as something I could do without physical work. I was also was heavily involved in growing and creating new varieties of plumeria/frangipani and recognized around the worldas an expert in the field, I have been flown to the US & Australia to do talks etc but basically I am retired from all physical work and considered disabled but keep up with helping people with their trees etc online to keep my mind active
  14. a soft green will go with the cupboards and darker timber, it is also a cool colour which helps, I am currently painting our daughters new cabin on our land all white(she wants it), it is basically one larger roon with a bathroom, We will use curtains & furniture to off set it as all white can be too in your face, colour was my trade for many years so I am able to picture what areas will look like when finished but personal preferences need to be taken into consideration, maybe do a feature wall or two to break the pure white up, can make a big difference and easier than repainting the whole room. .
  15. vehicles being roadworthy is not even considered in Thailand, if they can move they are ok. I have seen pick ups that have totally rusted out and the tray sides are tied together so they dont just swing free but sway out from the tray whenever they turn or move, the police just dont give a sh*t nor do the drivers. If vehicles were made to be roadwothy many vehicles would be removed from thai roads especially trucks, turn signals/brake lights covered with so much muck you cannot see them at night is very common, over loading appears to be a thai pass time and the law does nothing plus with the pathetic driving/riding in Thailand its no wonder so many die on the roads
  16. young kids doing switch overs etc at speed thinking they are indestructible, they found out the hard way they were idiots that should not have been clowning around on the road at speed
  17. when I moved here many years ago now I brought most of my stuff apart from furniture, all my work equipment, several bottles of wine, computer and several discs plus clothes, towels etc and all my fishing gear(reels, lures, hooks etc, I had brought the rods with me in rod cases)). The only thing that went missing were all the discs, computer face was broken off but wine etc all came through with nothing extra payable. It arrived at my wifes house and we didnt have to contact anyone before hand.
  18. a few years ago now a younger neighbour in his 20's attacked me with a meat cleaver, his large dog had been coming at me when I was out the front of our house working on the garden so I grabbed a stick to chase it off and stop it biting me, Neighbour then came running out of his house with a meat cleaver waving it at me so I had no choice but to do something, luckily I did retain some training from my service days and grabbed his arm and managed to put him on the ground then took the cleaver from him, he settled down and went back in his house with his older brother, He went to the police when his parents came home but another neighbour across the street(retired police) had it all caught on his security camera so we took that to the police station with us. Police did not charge him because they said the stick I had to keep the dog away was also a weapon even though I never threatened him with it and made us shake hands and told him not to do it again and to make sure his dog was kept off the street, police definitely favour their own but self defence was allowed in this case
  19. thais running a scam in Australia, as usual a thai wanting to make as much money as possible out of it so is open to being ripped off just like the idiots in Thailand that just give their money away thinking they will make more money,. Once money is involved many thais stop thinking and just try to make a profit from it, they lack the common sense that would require them to make sure it is all above board before giving their money away but unlike Thaland the aussie police became involved straight away so as yet she hant lost her money and it will be sorted in a court again unlike Thailand
  20. taking them a long time to use AI/edit it to change what was happening, cant have the truth getting out showing he was fine and getting treated like a king
  21. my wife manages a large business and the pay she gets is well below what she should be paid, it is a good wage for Thailand but below what males are paid for the same work, unfortunately Thailand does not regard female workers in the same light as male workers.
  22. looking at the damage she was on the wrong side and hit the oncoming bike that was on the correct side of the road, speed was definitely a factor as well, looking at the position of the bike under the car it was more than likely the car that was going faster.
  23. hard to believe this is about fairness when the dems are p*ssed that the current justices are not backing everything the dems demand. Watching the supreme courts recent decisions it would appear that they have been fairly consistent in being neutral and following the requirements of the constitution, cases have gone both ways and not all left or all right. The main concern is stacking of the court, it has changed from dem to republican over the years but if the justices use their interpretation of the laws/constitution and not pre conceived ideals they are doing what they were appointed for, being left or right leaning should not be any part of their thinking or the appointments. Changing the way it works to suit either party is wrong on all levels, it needs to remain seperate to them and their voting needs to remain the same, it may not make everyone happy but that is what their positions require, as long as it is based on the constitution they are doing what they were appointed for.
  24. hahahahahahaha and cows fly, everything out of his mouth is total BS, all he cares about ios how much he can make out of ripping off Thailand
  25. thank him for the 20 million, have to wonder how much he made out of dissolving the mfp, once again we see how pathetic thai justice really is.
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