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  1. Expats that have worked here and/or filed before cannot escape, expats staying here on income are running the risk that Thai revenue department gets 'smart' and links-up with immigration ( i know stretching it a little bit, hehe) But as usual they invoke an existing (old) law but do not have the manpower to follow up as with all laws here so physical checks are something for the not so near future..
  2. Bangkok, need to bring the form and a picture as well? Just for a weekend
  3. My son has an ED visa single entry and we are planning a weekend trip to Singapore. Can he apply for re-entry at airport upon leaving Thailand similar to some other VISA extensions?
  4. Two of my colleagues, with kids, left in a hurry right before Covid blocked all kind of things. Both never cancelled their extension, nor work permit. Company did that for them while they were abroad. One of them returned in 2022 I think it was, no issues nothing
  5. I found that to be correct as well
  6. So what is the advise on the OP question on changing from Non B to DTV inside Thailand???
  7. One of the qualifications for a DTV visa is 500,000 thb in bank account. Is that for a limited time, like retirement, or for the period of 5 years And is there a multi entry option??
  8. I think it is a matter or interpretation between us, I read more or less what I stated. He will be taxed according the source country (receives credit for difference between (looking a locations) lower dividend and the Thai dividend of 10%.
  9. I am pretty sure that in most of these countries you pay (limited) dividend tax only. So a DTA has no impact here... When you transfer that money to Thailand (or any other country for that matter) than you will be subject to Income tax as per said country's rules and regulations...
  10. A piece from the Bangkok Post Expats in Thailand, meanwhile, have raised questions about tax treatment of pension income from past employment when that money is brought into Thailand. If this money is taxed in their home country and that country is one of the 61 that have agreements with Thailand to prevent double taxation, in theory there should be no problem. But debates about interpretation of the law are ongoing. Ms Kulya said that in practice, collection of tax on foreign income will depend on international cooperation and information exchange. Thailand is already a member of the tax information exchange group spearheaded by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Please credit and share this article with others using this link: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/ge … the-works.
  11. Hands-on Business Development Manager for AI Start-up in Thailand, with communication and motivation skills We're in the final stages of developing our ground-breaking AI application for the retail sector. We're on the lookout for a seasoned BDM with hands-on experience to steer us through the Proof of Concept phase, secure funding and onwards. Thai language skills are a definite benefit! We prioritize experience over formal education! During the Proof of Concept phase however, compensation will not be provided. But we have an attractive package in mind for the right candidate once the POC is successful, funding is secured, and we launch the app. This includes ownership shares based on the resources you bring in (such as user retailers, funding, advertisers, memberships, etc.) Our initial launch is planned for Thailand, with a goal to expand to a new country every 6 months. Expect frequent travel as part of the role. We are challenging you to transform our app into a globally recognized brand! Please contact me for more details
  12. Great. Thought the rules were the same. That's cool because I took the funds out lfor 4 weeks after final stamp. Thanks for this valuable information!!!
  13. I have the marriage extension go 400.000 thb. Sorry if I was not clear So are the problems similar to retirement extension or different??
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