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Everything posted by champers

  1. Sorry, I don't know Jomtien so well. I guess there are plenty on here who can help.
  2. Plenty good drinking bars around, not necessarily on SB though.
  3. Mr B should be held behind bars, not outside conducting business.
  4. Your account was "compromised". Please clarify. Did you give your password to someone?
  5. How about a fundraiser for the victims of the Mountain B fire?
  6. Sponsored by Thailand's biggest supplier of flip-flops, no doubt.
  7. He'll miss the big match ... if it goes ahead.
  8. If only they had a couple of decent strikers. Danny Welbeck gets a new contract till 2024 but is hardly prolific.
  9. Here is my reasoning for their lack of activity in the current transfer market. It mostly stems from their owner's (King Power) inability to raise revenue from their airport duty free operations. For 2 years and counting their revenue has been greatly reduced to the point where the club has to sell players before it can buy. Fofana, Tielemans, Ndidi, Maddison and Barnes have all been linked with a move but none have left. Schmeichel surprisingly left for Nice and hasn't been replaced by a new signing. Still, they seem to have a decent squad and should pick up enough points to stay out of trouble, but you never know.
  10. Highly doubtful than any insurance policy is in play. Any medical costs should be recovered from local authority funds, including the police's budget.
  11. On 2nd Rd there are 2 left, both on the Beach Rd side of 2nd Rd. Only one is open and is doing very brisk business with the many Indians now here. There is slso one open on Soi Honey and P&P (not certain about the name) is open off 3rd Rd. I saw a YT vid recently that explained why so many Indian guys go for a soapy. Apparently, many are here at their company's expense as a reward for outstanding work performance. They have flights, meals and accommodation ( 3 or 4 nights) paid for by the company and also included in this reward package is a free soapy. Nice job perk!
  12. A fair bit of demolition work this week: Sabai soapy massage accross 2nd Rd from Atlantic Bar has been razed to the ground. Also on 2nd Rd, by the big airliner, between Sois 5 and 4 leading to Beach Rd, an hotel and some shops are being demolished. The old Tops on the J of 2nd Rd and Klang is gradually being taken apart, working from the top down. New build news: There is a structure that is shooting up on the site of the demolished Deutsche Haus bar/resto on Beach Rd & Soi 4 corner. I don't know what it is yet. The new building on the runway site on 2nd Rd looks near to completion. Looks like it could be a big nightclub, but that is just my guess.
  13. The Warehouse? No idea but I noticed traders had set up again in front. Headware I think. Some places might be revising their plans following the fire at Mountain B.
  14. I see the place on the old Witherspoons site, at the corner of Sois Buakhao and Pothole, is nearing completion. It has been named Bling, so 55 Baht happy hours may not be on the cards.
  15. I think a fair number of Chinese and Koreans are married to Thais and have children. The ladies in their homelands are averse to having children right now for a variety of reasons.
  16. That's where I have seen it. I am sure it must happen elsewhere.
  17. Water companies have been selling off reservoirs ever since privatisation; it is by no means a recent phenomenem. All water companies have a monopoly; unlike gas and electricity; in their operating areas. You have no choice as a customer. As such a vital resource, water should be owned and managed by one national body. There should be a co-ordinated national grid for water. In theory, it should be a straightforward job to manage supplies through canals and rivers along with pipelines and pumping systems. In times of droughts in Europe it is not unheard of for water to be sold and shipped from Scotland to Mediterranean countries.
  18. Buffalo racing is a good day out - if you have it up there.
  19. Do you want some gravy with your humble pie?
  20. Me same same. See you at the top of this week's table.
  21. North Pattaya Rd is completely done. City Hall is on the road but that is just co-incidental.
  22. HBO are showing the film Elizabeth (about Elizabeth 1) a few times over the next week or so. It stars Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush with EC in the role of French ambasdador. Good movie, well worth a watch. Ryan Giggs court case looks like another one to follow. Shame it's not on telly.
  23. I should think much depends on whether Utd want him to play in the Championship or not. We are one of the better League 1 teams and should be pushing for promotion.
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