A place called Annapurna on Soi 4 Pattaya Nua often had 6 coaches outside. It was an Indian buffet restaurant and it has closed recently.
Star Dice used to be a Thai discotheque doubling up as a venue for Issan singing acts pre-Covid. Maybe it will be used similarly by the Indians. Big traffic jams will ensue on Naklua Rd if this place takes off.
Not to mention Chinese, Indian, Russian and Arabic couples? There is a huge market to cater for, be it for tourists or for couples who would like to settle and live their lives without having to constantly look over their shoulder.
This is similar to the BP article I read (which I cannot link).
They plan to allow 5 casinos, 1 in each of the 5 regions with Pattaya picked for the Eastern region. Locations are still to be determined for the other 4 regions. I doubt any operater would invest in a hiso only enterprise.
In Pattaya the Thais who committed the same serious transgressions all left the premises without being drug tested or charged with any crime.
Different nationalities, different outcomes.
I have just been in Best supermarket at Dolphin Circus. I didn't look to see if Crunchips were in but they normally are. They certainly had plenty of Lorenz potato sticks.
I think the business model I quoted is tried and tested on a global scale over decades. The one you made up (after a few beers?) isn't in play anywhere as far as I know, not even in James Bond fims. Hi Roller facilities are always part of a much larger operation.
The Sport Authority of Thailand announced a couple of weeks ago that they will ensure all games will be broadcast on Thai TV channels.
Apparently, no commercial enterprise is coughing up the required broadcast fees so it is now on the Government to pay.