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Posts posted by jaffacakes1

  1. I called Triumph in Bangkok who were amazing. Who puts a non English speaking person in charge of sales enquiries for bikes that start at almost half a million Bhat. Astounding .

    You would be surprised at how many Thais can actually afford this.

    As I mentioned I had a Thai call on my behalf. That's when she put the phone down because she was unable to answer any questions. Useless in both languages.

  2. I wonder if any of you good folks may have the correct sales contact for Triumph in Phuket.

    Sent email was ignored

    Called the number listed, Thai lady answering the phone doesn't speak a word of English, my Thai friend called back and the lady could not answer any questions and hung up!

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm just trying to buy a bike but can't get past the sales prevention team.

  3. If you cant do the time dont do the crime.

    Anybody dealing drugs is dealing DEATH. scum of the earth.

    So let's lock up the tobacconists, the pharmacies, the doctors. Oh and that beer you're going for this evening? The drug which is more harmful than heroin? Yeah, you can't have that.

    Not all drugs are created equal, if alcohol was a newly discovered it would be criminalised immediately - globally but you espouse your uninformed opinions about 'drugs' whilst pouring another Chang and lighting another cigarette.


    Footnote - The US Centers for Disease Control reports over 100,000 alcohol related deaths per year, with close to 200 million Americans using alcohol. CDC also reports over 400,000 smoking related deaths per year out of about 100 million smokers. The 'ecstasy related' drug deaths number is based on an assumption of about 60 deaths (in all probability there were only a handfull of purely 'ecstasy' deaths) out of a user population of about 3 million (based on the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse Statistics, conducted by SAMHSA.)

    Your position on legality is not in question, one must obey the laws of the land and if not, appreciate the risk of a high penalty no matter how unjust it may appear. This guy was selling a few party tablets to willing thrill seekers to fund his stay on holiday, not destroying families. Hardly scum of the earth.

  4. Good spot, Jaffacakes1.

    The photo isn't high enough res to be able to confirm that it's Xanax in the strips on the bed. But it is good enough to see that it is not Nytol.

    Xanax likely to cause more problems than Nytol for sure, especially with alcohol.

    Was the empty Nytol box left as a 'red herring' I wonder?

    10 Xanax supersized with booze would put a Buffalo to sleep.

    • Like 1
  5. Maybe they don't like digital nomads who don't even have the budget to fly out of the country for a border run ? Maybe they think that all you digital nomads who claim to make so much should look at the PE or Elite option ?

    Never done an honest days work in their life these so called 'digital nomads', who do they think they are coming to our country and sleeping with our prostitutes. Take your ideas, entrepreneurship and healthy disposable income elsewhere. I've been here for 65 years, etc, etc.

    • Like 2
  6. Anyone else on 3BB having mail problems? I have been unable to send or receive email since the outage on Monday evening - the VPN has solved the web access problems yet my email issue is baffling. Error message reads

    'Outlook cannot connect to incoming POP3 or outgoing SMTP server. Contact ISP' This error across two machines which previously worked fine. No issues on the iPhone using 3G to poll for messages so mail server is not the culprit.

    I am using ports 995(incoming) and 587 (outgoing) for mail. I hoped the VPN may fix the issue but this was not the case. Does anyone have knowledge around mail routing or is experiencing a similar problem?

    Thanks in advance!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

  7. Just been through this process with my final extension (4 months).

    Arrived at immigration and was told to return some days later once the school had been inspected (it is a legitimate school). Attendance records were checked, the school had to supply a photo of me in the classroom and as part of the application process I had to bring two photographs of my house and a hand drawn map. I was asked no questions in Thai and apparently this is now mandatory and happening at all language schools.

    I will be returning on a business visa. The ED visa is really not suitable for me any longer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

    A hand-drawn map??!! Of WHAT??

    Sorry but I think this is borrocks.

    Next we'll have people saying immigration insisted they recited the Thai national anthem

    Obviously a map of where the photographed house is located. They wouldn't accept a printout from Google maps. Strange indeed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

  8. Just been through this process with my final extension (4 months).

    Arrived at immigration and was told to return some days later once the school had been inspected (it is a legitimate school). Attendance records were checked, the school had to supply a photo of me in the classroom and as part of the application process I had to bring two photographs of my house and a hand drawn map. I was asked no questions in Thai and apparently this is now mandatory and happening at all language schools.

    I will be returning on a business visa. The ED visa is really not suitable for me any longer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

  9. I have been offered a 1000cc sports bike which I understand was assembled in parts and is currently on a red plate.

    Having read previous posts on this subject I understand that there is a very real possibility that the bike could be confiscated so I was curious what the options are (if any).

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

  10. I wouldn't feel compelled to have children. I'm 39, married to a 33 year old English girl and we are enjoying out childless lives together.

    Everyone I've spoken to tell me that having a child 'completely changes your life'. The last thing I want is my life changed.

    There is absolutely a social pressure to get married and have children and that is very much a herd mentality. Besides, the couples we do know with children seem to now live rather dull, predictable lives centred almost entirely around their offspring.

    Be an individual, do what feels right to you and don't conform to societies norms.

    There are enough children in the world.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

    Did your daddy not pay you any attention ? or was uncle ronny just a bit to touchy?

    What part of my comment offended you enough to attempt a joke about child molestation? I fail to see any connection...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

  11. If you normally do pretty well with the opposite sex then perhaps she actually may enjoy your company and attention. It may seem unfathomable to the undateables that this sort of rendezvous might be transaction free but they only see reality through their own eyes.

    I say good work and just keep your wits about you!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

    • Like 1
  12. DO people read before posting??facepalm.gif

    as of yesterday afternoon

    none of the big clubs from the parking lot all the way to the north end have even begun to do anything other than stay open as normal

    There were a lot of conflicting reports from different sources.. Most do not identify the specific venues. The pictures I saw online were not of Zazada..

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile appjxnhl

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